Training and Development
Training and developing our administrators and staff are among the most important things the University can do for its employees. In this rapidly changing environment, employees are constantly being called on to learn new skills, to work in new and different ways and to change direction at a moment's notice. These qualities are necessary so that our employees can keep up with the new demands that will enable the University to continue to be successful.
The Training and Development Department is committed to helping the University's leaders better manage the performance of their employees and improve leadership effectiveness. The department also helps employees gain the skills they need to stay current in their jobs and, if appropriate, to move on to other opportunities within the University. Since employees interact with students each day in every aspect of University life, we aim to enrich the student experience by developing our employees and leaders. The department further supports employees by administering the University's Employee Assistance Program, which offers a comprehensive catalog of free resources, services and programming designed for your overall wellness and work-life balance.
Performance Evaluation - Recognize Excellence and Development (RED)
For more information regarding the performance evaluation process, please refer to the Performance Management Training accordion below.
Lisa J. Goldrick
Training and Development Specialist
Yarlini Thiruvilangam
Employee Experience Assistant
phone: 718-990-1865, press 5
email us
Hybrid Work Training
This training is mandatory for staff and non-supervisory administrators who have been approved for hybrid work, and who plan to complete or did complete a hybrid work agreement. The training covers St. John's Hybrid Work Policy, the importance of hybrid work agreements, and the University requirements of hybrid workers. Additional topics include tips for successful hybrid work, core skills for effective hybrid workers and challenges of hybrid work.
PowerPoint for Hybrid Work Training for Employees
St. John's Policy #130, Hybrid Work Policy
St. John’s Policy #910 on Remote Access
Previously Recorded: Hybrid Work Training for Employees, August 1, 2023
This training is for administrator who supervise staff or other administrators. The training covers St. John's Hybrid Work Policy which includes identifying positions eligible for hybrid work, the importance of preparing hybrid work agreements for each eligible staff member, and the University requirements of hybrid workers. Additional topics include the benefits and challenges of hybrid work, the effective work processes to manage hybrid workers and some best practices to manage hybrid workers (conducting virtual meetings, delegating, and coaching hybrid workers, and conducting performance reviews).
PowerPoint for Hybrid Work Training for Managers
St. John's Policy #130, Hybrid Work Policy
St. John’s Policy #910 on Remote Access
Previously Recorded: Hybrid Work Training for Managers, August 2, 2023
Performance Management Training 2023
- Access the RED Form (a Formstack document)
- RED process for all employees
- Formstack troubleshooting tips from the St. John's IT Service Desk
- Beginning of cycle instructions and setting objectives (PDF)
- S.M.A.R.T. goals template (Word)
- Employee Competencies (PDF)
- Supervisor Competencies (PDF)
- End of cycle instructions and self-assessment (PDF)
- Professional Development Plan (PDF)
Training Materials
Power Point for Performance Management Process for Employees Using Formstack
RED Formstack #1 Instructions to Access the RED Form
RED Formstack #3 Instructions for Employee to Countersign the RED Form
- RED process for supervisors
- RED Web Entry Supervisor Training (PowerPoint)
- Final assessment instructions (PDF)
- Rating scale definitions and examples (PDF)
- Professional development planning (PDF)
Training Materials
Power Point Presentation for Performance Management for Supervisors
RED Formstack #1 Instructions to Access the RED Form
RED Formstack #3 Instructions for Employee to Countersign the RED Form
RED Formstack #4 Instructions for Supervisors to Access Employee RED Form in Formstack
RED Formstack #7 Instructions for Supervisors to Complete Supervisor Summary for Direct Reports
RED Formstack #8 Instructions for Signing the Direct Reports' RED Form
Training and Development Webinars
HR Training Webinars
Register for Employee Assistance Program: Dealing with Challenging People, November 20, 2024
Register for Employee Assistance Program: Embracing Happiness, December 4, 2024
To register for additional workshops, refer to the listing of workshops on UIS>Employee Resources Card>Register for HR Training.
Also, consider completing a LinkedIn Learning course.
How do I access LinkedIn Learning?
Using Google Chrome, Sign In to LinkedIn Learning; enter your username (your complete St. John’s email address) and your password. If you have forgotten your password, click on the Forgot Password option on the screen where you enter your password. Follow the instructions to request a new password. If you have not activated your LinkedIn Learning account yet, please contact Training & Development to request an activation email from LinkedIn Learning.
Register for LinkedIn Learning Employee Information Session, May 6, 2024
Recorded Webinar on LinkedIn Learning Information Session, December 10, 2020
Office 365 Training:
Office 365 - Webinar recorded on April 6, 2020
OneDrive (Overview) – Webinar Recorded on May 4, 2020
Planner (Overview) – Webinar Recorded on April 29, 2020
TEAMS - Webinar recorded on May 6, 2020
WebEx Training:
WebEx (Basics) - Webinar Recorded on May 1, 2020
Working with WebEX - Webinar recorded on April 2, 2020
Performance Management Training (RED):
Performance Management Training for Employees - Webinar Recorded August 24, 2022
Performance Management Training for Supervisors - Webinar Recorded August 23, 2022
LinkedIn Learning:
LinkedIn Learning Information Session, Recorded on December 10, 2020
Certificate Programs
The Office of Human Resources at St. John’s University is pleased to provide employees with the opportunity to significantly enhance their professional development through several, Training and Development Certificate Programs. The programs offer a curriculum of Core and Elective workshops through which employees work toward receipt of a Certificate of Completion.
The program tracks include one for staff and administrators and one for managers. The Certificate Programs support the University’s strategic goal to build an organization of strong leaders where faculty, administrators and staff are enabled, motivated and engaged. The programs also directly support the Development Plan component of the University’s performance management system by creating a clear path for professional growth for each employee.
How a Certificate Program Can Benefit You
- Build skills and knowledge to use in your current and future jobs
- Enhance your credentials and your resume
- Have a ready-made Development Plan
- Network with colleagues in other departments and campuses
- Attend free courses during regular business hours
- Receive a Certificate of Completion to proudly display
- Enjoy the excitement and rewards of life-long learning
Everyone needs time to reflect, recoup and reenergize and that is what our training will help you do. Learning faster, smarter, easier ways to do your work, developing new skills and gaining insights from your peers from around the University will make you more satisfied, motivated and productive.
Each of the Certificate Programs is detailed here, along with University Cores, Development Cores, and Elective course requirements. The Program Key provides footnote explanations and requirements.
We certainly hope you will take advantage of the Certificate Program that’s right for you as we welcome you on this life-long learning journey!
This certificate is for administrators whose primary responsibility is managing a St. John’s University function and supervising staff and/or administrators. Managers must complete the University and Management Core requirements and at least six (6) elective programs to earn this certificate. For more information, refer to the section Required Training Target Audience (PDF) and the Program Key (PDF). To track your progress for the certificate, download the Management Development Certificate Checklist (PDF).
This certificate is for full-time and part-time non-supervisory administrators and staff. Eligible employees must complete the Core requirements and at least eight (8) elective programs to earn this certificate. For more information, refer to the section Required Training Target Audience (PDF) and the Program Key (PDF). To track your progress for the certificate, download the Professional Development Certificate Checklist (PDF).
This certificate is available to any manager, administrator, or staff member who has already completed a professional or management development certificate. Eligible employees and managers must complete the 8 core workshops and 6 electives. Refer to the Continuing Education Certificate listed on the Training and Development web page for a list of the required workshops. To track your progress for the certificate, download the Continuing Education Certificate Checklist (PDF).
May I receive a certificate even if I plan to leave the University?
As long as all the certificate requirements are met prior to your termination date, you may request to receive a certificate.
Equity and Inclusion Education Cohort and Certificate Program
St. John’s is excited to offer a professional development opportunity focused on empowering members of the University community to serve as well-informed champions of equity and inclusion. The Office of Human Resources, working closely with the St. John’s Task Force for Equity and Inclusion, designed a new offering: the St. John’s Equity and Inclusion Certificate Program.
As part of this 12-month program, participants attend workshops and meetings and engage in ongoing discussions and activities designed to (i) support the University’s commitment to welcome and celebrate the intrinsic worth of all members of the community, (ii) foster a climate that supports and encourages self-exploration that is essential to our growth as individuals, our relationships with others, and our ability to promote equity, and (iii) gain a deeper understanding of the core concepts related to equity and inclusion.
Enrollment - For In-person, Instructor-Led Workshops and Webinars
To register for an in-person, instructor-led training program and webinars:
- Access UIS via signon.stjohns.edu
- Click on the "New UIS Experience" tile
- Find the "Employee Resources" card
- Click on "Register for HR Training"
To register for a program: Please follow the registration instructions. An instructional video is available.
"Restricted" indicates that participation is limited to Faculty, Administrators, and Staff.
Note: Webinars: Training & Development webinars are hosted in Teams. An Outlook invitation with a Teams link will be sent to all registrants when registration closes, the eve before the event (Example: The event is scheduled for 10/9/24, the Outlook/Teams email will be sent on 10/8/24 in the afternoon when registration closes.).
Cancellations: Once you Enroll, We Rely on Your Attendance!
A tremendous amount of planning and cost goes into each program and class size is often limited. Canceling last minute or failing to attend without notice has costly consequences and impedes the learning experience for others. An empty seat may also be a missed opportunity for someone who was turned away from a full class. Therefore, we ask that you make every effort to get approval from your supervisor, clear your calendar and arrange for coverage in your absence, in advance.
St. John’s Training and Development programs are open to all eligible employees and enrollment is determined on a first-come first-served basis. Completion of a Certificate Program is for development purposes only and does not in any way entitle an employee to a salary increase or promotion. Advanced degree bonuses do not apply. St. John’s reserves the right to modify or discontinue these certificate programs at its sole discretion at any time.
Equity and Inclusion Cohort
St. John's is excited to offer a professional development opportunity focused on empowering members of the University community to serve as well-informed champions of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Office of Human Resources, working closely with the St. John's Task Force for Diversity and Inclusion, designed a new offering: the St. John’s Equity and Inclusion Certificate Program.
As part of the program, participants engage in ongoing activities and meetings designed to (i) provide a greater understanding of why we should work together to build a stronger and more inclusive University community, (ii) deepen their knowledge, education, and understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices, and (iii) provide ideas for how such practices can be applied to St. John’s.
For more information on the Equity and Inclusion Certificate Program, contact Training & Development.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is an online library of training programs that supplements the University's current menu of management, professional and technology-related development programs. LinkedIn Learning provides the University community with unlimited access to over 7,000 courses.
March 2025 - Celebrating Women Learner Challenge
Benefits to using LinkedIn Learning include:
- Unlimited access to courses on a wide variety of technologies and disciplines
- Tutorials taught by recognized industry experts
- Access to instructors’ exercise files to follow along as you learn
- Beginner to advanced-level courses
- Up-to-date content to keep skills current
- Closed captioning and searchable, time-coded transcripts
- The option to watch complete courses or shorter modules as needed
How do I access LinkedIn Learning?
To access the LinkedIn Learning app, you need to login to signon.stjohns.edu. For instructions to log in to the Okta portal click on the signon.stjohns.edu instructions.
Note: Please use Google Chrome to login.
1) Login to signon.stjohns.edu.
2) Select LinkedIn Learning from the University applications.
- For those who did not link their learning profiles with their LinkedIn Account, you will be brought to the LinkedIn Learning platform.
For those who linked their learning profile to their LinkedIn Account, after you select LinkedIn Learning from the dashboard, you will be asked to enter your LinkedIn password (not your LinkedIn Learning password), and then you will be brought to the LinkedIn Learning platform.
Please contact Training & Development if you have any questions.
If you have forgotten your password, click on the Forgot Password option on the screen where you enter your password. Follow the instructions to request a new password.
If you have not activated your LinkedIn Learning account yet, please contact Training & Development to request an activation email from LinkedIn Learning.
Things to know about LinkedIn Learning:
- LinkedIn Learning works best when used with Google Chrome as your browser. LinkedIn Learning may not function properly when used with an older version of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.
- Work-related programs completed in their entirety will be added to your St. John's training profile and credited as elective courses under the HR professional development certificate. If you have already completed the certificate program, the LinkedIn Learning courses will be added to your training profile. Note: Uploads will occur periodically and will not be immediately visible in your profile.
- Training conducted as a requirement of the job must be completed during regular business hours. No overtime will be paid for training completed outside of normal working hours. Since LinkedIn Learning will be available to you 24/7 from anywhere that an internet connection is available, you may spend as much time as you wish on the site during your own time for professional development purposes; however, this is purely voluntary as it is ineligible for overtime pay.
- To learn more about LinkedIn Learning, watch How to Use LinkedIn Learning and watch Getting Started with LinkedIn Learning.
Recorded Webinar on LinkedIn Learning, December 10, 2020
Please contact the Training & Development office with any questions.
The Office of Human Resources introduces PROGRESS (PROfessional Growth and Enrichment Series), a systematic process where you will follow a self-exploratory path that focuses on your career development at St. John's.
In support of the strategic priority to recruit, recognize and retain the best staff and administrators, PROGRESS aims to foster a climate that supports and encourages professional development.
Through a series of modules participants will:
- Identify what they value as career professionals;
- Learn their preferred style when interacting with others;
- Complete the Strong Interest Inventory, which will help participants to categorize areas of work and life interest and identify careers linked to those interests; and
- Prepare a personalized Development Plan
Interested in learning more about PROGRESS? Click on the program description for more details and the Career Development Toolkit.
Here is what your colleagues had to say about the training programs offered at St. John's.
Diversity Awareness
"Listening to others in my group who are from different cultural backgrounds was very insightful in evaluating the possible scenarios."
"The program has made me more self aware of my actions and comments."
"The training was very educational and informative. It helps with increasing awareness on diversity. It also helps provide more information to support diversity discussions."
Quality Service Series
"Absolutely wonderful, informative, positive. I left with a better perception of my role within the University."
"Very thought provoking, gives participants an understanding of mechanics of communication."
"All components were outstanding, useful and presented with great sensitivity and vigor."
Coaching for Exceptional Performance
"The training forced me to revisit my views on the importance of coaching and its impact on the department. The role-playing was the best part. It allowed me to experiment and practice my skills. All managers should attend."