Policy 714 - Names and Pronouns

Section: Employee Relations
Policy Number: 714
Responsible Office: HR/Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Effective Date: 9/10/20
Revised: 7/1/21


This Policy applies to University faculty, staff, administrators, visitors to the University, and all non-student participants in University programs.  A names and pronouns policy that applies to students is available here.   


St. John’s University is committed to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive campus community.  Under applicable law, a person has the right to be identified by the name, pronouns, and/or title (e.g., Ms./Mrs./Mx.) with which the person self-identifies, regardless of the person’s sex assigned at birth, anatomy, gender, medical history, appearance, or the sex indicated on the person’s identification. 

Employees may contact Equal Opportunity and Compliance to have the University update its systems (e.g., UIS, Banner, etc.) and publications (e.g., StormCard, University business card, University email display name) to reflect the name, pronouns, and/or title with which the employee self-identifies.  

All members of the University Community must comply with this Policy. Suspected violations of this policy should be reported to: 

Danielle Haynes
Director of Equal Opportunity and Compliance and Title IX Coordinator
St. John’s University
Office of Human Resources, University Center Suite C
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439
Phone: 718-990-2660

Frequently Asked Questions

Please click here for a list of frequently asked questions.