Birds Eye View Queens Campus

For Departments, Faculty & Staff

Campus Room Requests for Departments, Faculty & Staff

The Office of Conference Services coordinates the use of University facilities and resources for campus departments. If your Department is planning a meeting, seminar, conference, or special event, our four campuses offer a variety of well-equipped meeting facilities, classrooms, lecture halls, event spaces, athletic facilities, and outdoor spaces.  Our staff takes pride in working closely with you to ensure your events are tailored to your needs, and we offer a full range of resources to assist you with logistics planning, diagram creation, audio & visual support, and catering services. To request space at any of our campuses you must complete the Internal Departments Reservation Form below.

Request Forms for Services

Space requests are accommodated within two business days. To request space at any of our campuses, please complete the Internal Departments Reservation Form here.


The Audiovisual Equipment Request Form is available at:

IT Support Requests should be submitted at least 10 business days prior to your event. For questions call Classroom Support at x5845. If you require classroom support of audio and visual services: 1. Login to

2. Click on "IT Support" icon 

IT Support

3. Click on "Request Event Support" icon 

Request New Service

4. Click on "Event Support" icon 

Event Support

For Facilities Work Order, please complete the request form here.

Please see the Chartwells catering menu with pricing via the link below:

Chartwells Catering Brochure (PDF)

* Chartwells is the exclusive caterer for the Queens & Staten Island campuses. 

Visit Departments Catertrax link to place your order:

Queens Catering Office

Staten Island Catering Office

All catering requests should include the Campus and Event Location (building and room), the order, your contact information, and budget number.  Orders should be submitted at least three business days in advance.  If you have any questions, please contact the respective Chartwells catering office.

The Director of Catering for all campuses is Robert Freglette who may be reached at 718-990-2975 or via email.

Click here for the list of authorized caterers that may be engaged at the Manhattan campus

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request a revision to a Banner Pass?
Email us at within 3 business days of event date at and include your submission ID# or Banner Pass # along with the specific changes needed

How do I request cancellation to a Banner Pass?  
Email us within 3 business days of event date at, and include your submission ID# or Banner Pass # along with the specific instructions for cancellation

What is considered a last-minute request for a room reservation, a revision, or cancellation to a Banner Pass? 
Notification inside of 3 business days is considered the last-minute. Please contact us as soon as you are aware that a revision or cancellation is needed.  We may not be able to accommodate space requests or revisions made inside of 3 business days. 

Will my department be charged for failure to notify Conference Services about a cancellation?  
The Department will be responsible for direct expenses such as labor, as a result of a last-minute request or cancellation in which the task has been already completed.

Why did I receive a notification that my room request is pending release of classrooms by the Registrar?
The Registrar’s Office releases classrooms for open reservations approximately two (2) weeks after the start of the semester, and summer classrooms are released approximately the first week in April.

Why did I receive a notification that my room request is pending approval by a campus space approver?
Some rooms and event spaces require approval before Conference Services may reserve.

Can classrooms be reserved on study days, during final exams, and on university commencement days?
Classrooms cannot be reserved on study days, during final exam days (including Saturdays) and commencement days.

Can furniture in classrooms be rearranged or removed? 
Furniture may not be rearranged or removed.

How do I request the creation of a diagram for my event?
We offer the service for events with complex setup requirements. When completing the internal space request form you should indicate this request in the section named: Please include any additional notes regarding your request, and you will email your diagram to us at along with your submission ID# or Banner Pass #.

What is the largest indoor event space at the Queens campus?
Carnesecca Arena.

Is possible to book D'Angelo 412 (Pre-function space) for an event? 
The Pre-function space may not be reserved as a separate event space but may be booked for use for catering or registration in conjunction with an event booked in two or more D'Angelo 416 rooms.  

What’s the earliest time that Marillac Terrace (A) may be booked on school days?  
Marillac Terrace (A) may be reserved for set-up at 3 pm for an event starting at 5 pm.

What’s the earliest time that Mailliac Terrace (B) may be booked on school days?  
Marillac Terrace (B) may be reserved for set-up at 5 pm for an event starting at 7 pm.

Is it possible for two separate events to be held in Marillac Terrace (A) & Marillac Terrace (B) simultaneously?  
Only one event may be booked at a time in either space.

Can furniture in seminar rooms be rearranged or removed? 
Furniture in seminar rooms may not be rearranged or removed.

Can furniture in lounge areas or spaces with fixed furniture be removed? 
Fixed and lounge furniture is intended to remain in place. Furniture may be moved to the perimeter of the space. Requests to remove furniture must be approved by Facilities Design & Construction.

May I request changes to a set-up on the day of the event?
Only minor adjustments may be accommodated by the Events Setup Team on the day of the event as long as the furniture is available. The Event Setup Team is available for assistance usually from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily and can be reached at 516-965-2708.

Who do I contact to hang a banner for an event? 
When completing the internal space request form you should indicate this request in the section named: Please include any additional notes regarding your request. Or, you can add the request to an existing Banner Pass by emailing us at along with your submission ID# or Banner Pass #.

Who do I call to report a temperature concern during an event?
For events taking place Monday through Friday between 7 am and 7 pm, contact the Facilities Call Center at 718-990-6254. Outside of these hours contact Public Safety at 718-990-6281 to report the concern.

Can I use external catering services? 
Chartwells is the exclusive campus caterer at the Queens and Staten Island campuses. You can visit Departments Catertrax link to place your order. There is a list of approved caterers that may be engaged at the Manhattan campus.

Does Conference Services provide tablecloths? 
Tablecloths are not provided.  You may contact Chartwells to rent tablecloths.

Can I provide decorations at my event?  
Decorations may not be taped, glued, puttied, stapled or attached in any way to painted surfaces, walls, floor, glass, furniture, stage, or trees.  The use of non-stick blue putty or tape is not permitted. The department may be responsible for damages related to the removal of decorations. Balloons are not permitted inside Carnesecca Arena or Marillac Auditorium.

Can I use confetti at my event?
The cleanup of confetti is difficult and requires additional staff and time to properly clean up. The use of confetti is permitted as long as the intended use is included in the Banner Pass Comments area. This will allow our cleaning vendor to staff appropriately. If confetti is used without an indication on the Pass, a "cleanup fee" will be assessed to the event organizer.

Can I use glitter at my event?
The use of glitter is not permitted.



View our space capacities here.

Coming soon

View the current and upcoming Academic Calendar for St. John's University's Queens, Staten Island, Long Island Graduate Center, and Manhattan campuses.

Contact Us

Queens Campus

The Office of Conference Services is located in the ROTC Building, Room 206B. Our staff is available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to assist you or address your concerns. We can be reached at 718-990-7300 or, additionally, the Event Setup Team is available for assistance during scheduled events, usually from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily, and can be reached at 516-965-2708. 

8000 Utopia Parkway
ROTC Building, Room 206B
Queens, N.Y. 11439
Phone: 718-990-7300


101 Astor Place 
New York, N.Y. 10003 
Rianna Dyal 
Phone: 718-277-5177

Staten Island

300 Howard Avenue
Flynn Hall, Room 200
Staten Island, N.Y. 10301
Phone: 718-390-4406