Policy 505 - Jury Duty

Section: Leave
Policy Number: 505
Responsible Office: HR/HR Services
Effective Date: 4/1/01
Revised: 9/1/08; 5/15/13


This policy applies to all full-time and part-time administrators, staff and faculty.


The University recognizes that employees have a civic responsibility to appear as jurors and witnesses in federal and state courts. Employees who are summoned or subpoenaed to appear in court will be granted a temporary leave of absence with pay for the term of their service. Employees should remit any payment made to them by the court to the Business Affairs office, but may retain any transportation allowance that is provided.

Part-time employees will receive their regular rate of pay for the hours they would normally work while they are in service to the court. Employees serving on juries are expected to return to work whenever court is not in session during their regularly scheduled workday. This policy does not apply to individuals who appear in court on their own behalf.


Employees must submit a copy of the summons or subpoena to their supervisor upon receipt of such notice from the court. In addition, proof of time served must be submitted to the supervisor when the period of jury duty or witness duty is completed; and employee time sheets should include a comment to identify the days of jury duty service.


St. John's University, New York
Human Resources Policy Manual