Policy 130 - Hybrid Work Policy

Section: Employment
Policy Number: 130
Responsible Office: Human Resources
Effective Date: 7/10/23


This policy applies to full-time and part-time administrator and staff positions at the University that are assigned to a New York campus location.


The University recognizes the ongoing need to enhance service delivery to its students, improve the efficiency of its operations, and retain valuable employees. Flexibility in the workplace can provide a way to manage people, time, space, and workload effectively, efficiently, and responsively.

This policy outlines the University’s hybrid work program, including work modality designations, procedure for implementing hybrid work arrangements and requirements for hybrid work. Hybrid work is a privilege and not an entitlement, and hybrid work arrangements are granted at the sole discretion of the University. Additional flexible work arrangements are addressed in policy #115.

Work Modality Designation

All full-time and part-time administrator and staff positions will have a work modality designation that is either “on-campus” or “hybrid eligible” (defined below). Such designation is determined by department management in consultation with the Office of Human Resources and approved by the appropriate Senior Management Group member. An employee who wishes to request a review of a position’s work modality designation may contact the Office of Human Resources.

The following considerations shall be used to determine a position’s work modality designation:

  • Are the duties, goals, and responsibilities of the position and those of the team or unit compatible with a hybrid work arrangement?
  • Does the position regularly perform work on campus or consist of job duties that require a consistent presence on campus, such as regular, face-to-face contact with students, employees, or the public?
  • Does the position require ongoing access to equipment or materials that can only be accessed in person and on campus?
  • Does the work involve confidential, secure, or restricted data that must be performed/accessed on campus?
  • Can the work be accomplished independently with limited supervision?
  • Is the position accountable for supervising or training others?
  • To what extent does the position involve collaborative efforts in the department or with other units/departments?
  • Does the position better serve the interests of the University as a “hybrid eligible” or “on-campus” position?
  • Would a hybrid work arrangement enhance, maintain or diminish operational efficiencies?
  • How will the University’s needs for recruitment and retention, business continuity, and other goals best be met with regard to the position?

On-Campus Designation

Employees in jobs with the “on-campus” designation must perform their work in person and on campus for their entire regular workweek. On-campus employees are not eligible for regular hybrid work arrangements. Employees who need accommodations in their work arrangements due to medical conditions should review Policy 103 –Disabilities in the Workplace.

Hybrid Eligible Designation

Employees in jobs with the “hybrid eligible” designation may perform some of their work at an approved off-campus location for scheduled hours or days of their regular workweek. Hybrid eligible employees may be required to report to campus – even during regularly-scheduled remote work hours or days – for work-related meetings, events, and other in-person work as necessitated by business needs or other circumstances.

In exceptional cases, an employee may obtain permission from the Office of Human Resources and the appropriate Senior Management Group member to have a fully remote work arrangement. Employees with such arrangements perform all of their work remotely at an approved off-campus location for their entire workweek on a regular basis.

Procedure for Implementing Hybrid Work Arrangement

Hybrid Work Agreement

Employees in “hybrid eligible” positions who are working remotely or seeking to work remotely on a regular basis must have approval from their immediate supervisor and department head, and a completed Hybrid Work Agreement in their personnel file.

New employees who are hired directly into “hybrid eligible” positions may be required to maintain an on-campus presence for training and other purposes.

The following considerations shall be used to determine whether or not an employee is approved for a regular hybrid work arrangement:

  • The length of time an employee has been employed by the University (a hybrid work arrangement during the Orientation Period is ordinarily not advisable because of the need to train the employee, clarify job responsibilities, and establish relationships).
  • The employee’s suitability for hybrid work as demonstrated by performance history, time management, organizational skills, communication skills, and productivity.
  • The extent to which the employee has demonstrated an understanding of the duties, goals, and responsibilities of the position and/or the department/University necessary for the job (managers are responsible for providing this clarity).
  • Performance of the position in a remote work setting can be adequately measured and evaluated.
  • The extent to which the employee understands their role and expectations and has demonstrated an ability to work independently and with limited supervision.
  • The University’s recruitment and retention, business continuity, and other needs and goals.

Trial Period and Periodic Reviews

All hybrid work arrangements are subject to an initial three-month trial period, during which the effectiveness of the arrangement will be evaluated. There is a Hybrid Review Form available to supervisors on the HR Forms webpage. Either the employee or the University can decide to discontinue the work arrangement upon completion of the three-month trial, or at any time prior to three months if it is determined to be against the best interests of the University.

Periodic reviews of ongoing hybrid work arrangements are conducted to evaluate whether the arrangement continues to meet the needs of the population being served (i.e.: students, parents, alumni, department, University employees, etc.). The schedule for periodic reviews is established by the supervisor, but should be conducted at least annually as part of the University’s performance management process – Recognize Excellence and Development (RED).

Requirements for Hybrid Work

Employees with Hybrid Work Agreements agree to comply with the requirements for hybrid work set forth below.

Work Hours

Work hours, benefits, and time-off accruals are not affected by hybrid work arrangements. Employees seeking flexible work hours (flextime) should refer to Policy 115 – Flexible Work Arrangements.

Employees with hybrid work arrangements are expected to perform work during their regular work hours and must comply with the University’s policies related to time off and leave; time recording and overtime; and meals and breaks. Supervisors must ensure that procedures are in place to accurately document employees’ work hours, vacation, and sick time, regardless of an employee’s work location. Hybrid work is not intended to be used in place of sick leave, family leave, medical leave, or any other type of leave of absence.

Work Location 

Hybrid Work Agreements require that employees identify and secure approval for the off-campus location where the remote work will be performed. Work performed in an off-campus location not specifically approved in the Agreement shall not be considered authorized by the University, unless it is specifically approved by an employee’s supervisor.

It is expected that an employee’s approved off-campus work location will be within reasonable commuting distance (approximately 90 miles) of their assigned campus.

Employees who desire to work remotely from locations that are not within reasonable commuting distance of their assigned campus must obtain approval from the Office of Human Resources and the appropriate Senior Management Group member due to administrative considerations and potential impact on insurance, payroll and tax requirements. The employee is responsible for understanding and complying with any state and local tax impacts that result from a new work location. The University reserves the right to make adjustments to compensation based on the location of remote work. An employee’s remote work location must be within the United States.


As with daily commuting, an employee with a hybrid work arrangement is responsible for the cost of traveling between their remote and campus locations, whether or not the employee’s remote work location is within reasonable commuting distance of their assigned campus.

Employees with approved fully remote work arrangements who are required to occasionally travel for University business outside of a reasonable commuting distance, may be reimbursed for travel arrangements that are approved by their supervisor in line with Policy 1019 Travel and Business Expense Reimbursement.


Employees with hybrid work arrangements that involve working remotely more than 50% of their regular workweek (e.g., three or more days remote per week for full-time employees) will not be guaranteed a dedicated individual office or workstation on campus. Except for certain positions requiring a higher level of security or confidentiality, most employees with a hybrid arrangement will have access to shared touchdown or hotel space when on campus.

Employees are responsible for maintaining a dedicated workspace at the approved off- campus location that has reliable high-speed internet and phone access, and is safe, secure, and hazard-free. Any work-related injuries that occur while performing work for the University at the remote location during regular working hours must be reported to the employee’s supervisor and the Department of Public Safety immediately.

Employees are also responsible for ensuring that the remote workspace is free of distractions. An employee may not be the primary care provider for dependents or family members while working remotely and must make regular dependent and family member care arrangements during work hours.

Employees in need of accommodations in their workspace due to a qualifying disability should review Policy 103 Disabilities in the Workplace. Otherwise, the University is not responsible for expenses associated with setting up and maintaining the remote workspace, including but not limited to: Internet, phone, lighting, electricity, heating, air conditioning, water, security, insurance, furniture, office equipment and supplies, including printers, print cartridges, monitors, keyboard/mouse, webcams, etc. No University-owned furniture may be removed from an employee’s campus workspace for use in a remote workspace.

Below are guidelines for maintaining an appropriate work setting:

  • The workspace should be restricted to work, and away from the main flow of traffic and distractions.
  • Adequate storage space should be conveniently located.
  • The workspace should be ergonomically appropriate and have a chair with an adjustable seat and back and a desk at a comfortable work height.
  • The workstation should be positioned in proximity to electrical outlets so as to avoid hazards such as cables and extension cords. Loose cords and wires should be secured.
  • To avoid overloading the power circuit, all equipment should not be plugged into a single outlet. Surge protectors and even a separate circuit breaker may be necessary.
  • To prevent injury, the workspace should remain free from tripping hazards and loose rugs should be secured.
  • The employee should have an evacuation plan and a safe exit pathway.
  • A fire extinguisher and a working smoke detector should be located in or near the work area.
  • The workspace should have good ventilation and adequate heat and cooling.

Work Equipment

The University provides one (1) computing device per full-time equivalent employee based on their role, on a 4-year refresh cycle. This device is to be used for all job functions, and the user must be in compliance with applicable Information Technology policies as found in the HR Policy Manual, Section 900. The standard equipment assignment for full-time administrators and staff is a University Standard laptop computer. The University laptop is the property of the University and must be returned to the University in good working condition upon termination of employment or at any other time upon notice from the University. The University services only University property in need of maintenance, repair, or replacement, and not any personal property used in connection with remote work.

Data Protection and Security

Employees in hybrid work arrangements must comply with all of the University’s applicable Information Technology policies (HR Policy Manual, section 900), with particular attention to Policy #910 Remote Access Policy.

Employees with hybrid work arrangements are responsible for the security of information, documents, and records in their possession or used while working remotely and may not remove highly sensitive data from the University workplace without the prior written consent of a supervisor. Employees are expected to ensure the protection of proprietary University information, including confidential student and employee information accessible from their remote work location. Recommended steps include the use of locked file cabinets and desks, regular password maintenance, only connecting to secured wireless networks, ensuring the latest updates are installed on their device and any other measures appropriate for the job and the work environment. Also, employees not using a St. John’s issued laptop should not download any documents containing University data onto their device.


If an employee is not able to perform work at their approved off-campus location due to an emergency or other unforeseen circumstance at the remote location (e.g., power or Internet outage), they are expected to perform work at their assigned campus or use vacation time.

In the event of a campus closure or disruption of campus operations due to an emergency or other unforeseen circumstance (e.g., power outage, inclement weather, etc.), employees with hybrid work arrangements are expected to perform work at their remote work locations. Additionally, supervisors are authorized in such circumstances to establish emergency hybrid work arrangements as needed for the duration of the emergency without strict regard for the guidelines and procedures contained in this policy.

Changes to Hybrid Work Arrangement

Should any substantive, non-temporary changes be made to the hybrid work arrangement, (e.g., change in remote work location, modification of schedule to work remotely more or less than 50% of regular workweek) the employee and supervisor must complete a new Hybrid Work Agreement. Hybrid work arrangements may be discontinued, suspended, or modified by the University at any time.

Employment at Will 

Nothing in this policy is intended to create, and does not create, an employment contract or a guarantee of continued employment for any employee. Therefore, the University is free to discharge at-will employees at any time for any reason, just as an employee may resign at any time for any reason. Furthermore, the University may amend or rescind any of the provisions of this policy from time to time in its sole discretion.

St. John's University, New York Human Resources Policy Manual