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- Policy 104 - HIV/AIDS
Section: Employment
Policy Number: 104
Responsible Office: Office of Human Resources
Effective Date: 1/1/94
Revised: 2/26/08; 1/13/16
Current medical information indicates that students or employees with any form of HIV/AIDS infection do not pose a health risk to other students or employees in an academic setting. Persons with HIV/AIDS are considered as having a disability and the legal rights of those individuals must be protected.
St. John’s University will not consider the existence of any form of HIV/AIDS infection in the initial decision for people applying for employment by the institution except as it may affect any individual’s ability to meet objective standards as applied to all others.
Employees with HIV/AIDS infection will not be denied or restricted access to recreational or dining facilities, or other common areas.
Further, the Human Resources Benefits Office and the Employee Assistance Program are available to provide support and referral services to persons with HIV infection or AIDS. If required services are beyond the scope of those provided on campus, individuals will be referred to other health care providers or facilities.
If an individual reveals HIV/AIDS status to any member of the University community, this information will be accepted as strictly confidential. No person, group, agency, insurer, employer, or institution will be provided with medical information of any kind, including information relative to HIV/AIDS infection, without the prior written consent of the individual, unless otherwise mandated by law.
Additional information and resources can be found in HR policy #102, Equal Employment Opportunity and HR policy #103, Disabilities in the Workplace, including the University’s non-discrimination statement and procedures to request workplace accommodations for qualifying disabilities.
St. John's University, New York
Human Resources Policy Manual