Policy 510 – Paid Prenatal Personal Leave

Section: Leave
Policy Number: 510
Responsible Office: HR/Employee Benefits
Effective Date: 1/1/25


This policy applies to all University employees.


The University will provide up to 20 hours of paid personal leave in any 52-week calendar period for an employee to receive prenatal health care services. This paid leave is for health care services received by an employee during pregnancy or related to such pregnancy, including physical examinations, medical procedures, monitoring and testing, and discussions with a health care provider related to the pregnancy.  This paid leave does not apply to post-natal or postpartum appointments.

Paid prenatal personal leave may be taken in hourly increments and paid in hourly installments at employees’ regular rate of pay or minimum wage, whichever is greater. Paid prenatal leave is in addition to existing leave entitlements such as paid sick and safe leave, paid family leave and leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. 


Supervisors are responsible for tracking leave time accurately on employees’ timesheets by indicating Sick/Personal Leave and including comments in the online timesheet or department timekeeping system to identify the time as “Paid Prenatal Personal Leave.”

Compliance and Non-Retaliation

Retaliating against employees who take prenatal leave is prohibited. Further, the University shall not require the disclosure of confidential information as a condition of providing paid prenatal personal leave. Upon separation from employment, unused prenatal personal leave shall have no monetary value and will not be paid out.

For more information, including FAQs, visit the New York State Paid Prenatal Leave website.

Related Policies

St. John’s University, New York
Human Resources Policy Manual