
LGBTQIA+ Resources for Employees

University Inclusivity Statement

A dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion is at the heart of our mission. As a Catholic and Vincentian university, St. John’s is committed to institutionalizing practices of inclusive excellence to ensure that we welcome and celebrate the intrinsic worth of all members of our community.

We will become an even stronger University as we enhance equity at every level of our institution. As noted in our Vision Statement, our graduates will excel in the competencies and values required for leadership and service in a rapidly evolving world.

University LGBTQ+ Resources LGBTQ+ Center

LGBTQIA+ Resources for Employees

Click here for Policy 714: Names and Pronouns

Click here for Names and Pronouns - Frequently asked Questions

Employees may request that a name other than their legal name be used by St. John's University where possible. To request a name change and/or use of personal pronouns, employees should complete the Name/Pronoun Change Request Form and submit it to the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office in Human Resources via mail or email.

What is a personal gender pronoun (PGP)?
Personal gender pronouns refer specifically to people that are being talked about (he/him/his; she/her/hers; they/them/their; xir/xie; etc.). We have moved away from the language of “preferred pronouns” because gender identity is not a preference but a reality. Using “preferred” can imply that using the correct pronouns for someone is optional.

What kind of pronouns can be used?
There are an infinite number of pronouns as new ones emerge in our language, so it’s best to ask people what pronouns they use. Some people prefer to not use pronouns, and would like their names to be used instead.

Why is it important to respect pronouns as faculty?
We can’t always tell someone’s gender identity or their pronouns by outward appearances. By respecting students’ and colleagues’ pronouns, we set an example in our university community. When someone is referred to by the wrong pronoun, it can make the person feel disrespected and alienated. Honoring people’s pronouns is a simple way to show that we want to cultivate an environment that respects all gender identities.

How should I ask what someone’s pronoun is?
It’s best not to put students, colleagues, or staff on the spot, but rather to give an opportunity for everyone to provide pronouns if they would like. Two ways to do this are to have students fill out index cards with their names, contact information, and pronouns; or to include pronouns as an optional part of group introductions (e.g. “tell us your name, where you’re from, and, if you would like, what pronouns you use”). You can also let students know that they can tell you individually, which some students may feel more comfortable doing. Outside of the classroom context, for staff, other faculty, or students, we could ask, “what pronouns do you use?” or “what should I call you?” or introduce yourself first and use your name and pronouns.

What if I make a mistake?
That’s okay! If you use the wrong pronoun, thank the person for reminding you, correct it, and then move on. Avoid continually talking about how bad you feel for making the mistake, which can put the person on the spot. If you forget someone’s pronoun, follow the same protocol: correct it and move on. If other students or faculty are using the wrong pronoun for a person, try to correct it by saying something like “Actually, Alex uses ‘she.’” If students or faculty continue to use the wrong pronoun, do not ignore it. It might help to ask the person who has been misidentified if they would like you to take the other person aside and remind them of the proper pronoun. Steps like this let the person know you are an ally.

How else can I be proactive around this topic?
You can include your pronouns in your email signature or add them to your class syllabus, and substitute inclusive language such as “everybody,” “folks,” or “this person” for gender binary language like “ladies and gentleman,” “boys and girls,” “he or she,” etc.

Adapted from diversity.caltech.edu/documents/2972/preferred_gender_pronoun_guide_4twaPpX.pdf

For information on all gender and ADA restrooms throughout campus, please visit the All Gender and ADA Restroom MapNote that you can find specific information on each restroom’s location by clicking on the map’s person icons.

Please note that it is a work in progress. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Jackie Lochrie at lochriej@stjohns.edu, Spectrum Advisor.

Message from Rev. Brian J. Shanley, O.P., President 
Earlier this semester, the Office of Equity and Inclusion engaged the Transgender Training Institute to conduct an LGBTQ+ climate assessment. View Fr. Shanley's communication to the University community regarding the survey results and the University's next steps.

Gender Dysphoria
The University's health plan provided by Aetna covers benefits related to gender dysphoria. Employees can call Aetna's Member Benefits to find out details about treatment options available. Employees can also download the Aetna Health app on Google Play, and the App Store for iPhone.

Employee Resource Groups
ERGs are voluntary, employee-led groups that foster a diverse and inclusive workplace aligned with the St. John’s mission, values, and inclusivity statement. ERGs are open to all St. John’s University faculty, staff and administrators. Learn more or join the St. John's LGBTQ+ ERG here.

As many of you know, June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, commemorating the first Pride protest which was led outside the Stonewall Inn in New York in 1969.

There are a variety of ways to celebrate Pride this year, with many events resuming in person. For anyone looking to get involved in a meaningful way—from parades to 5ks to social action—the University’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has compiled a Pride Month 2022 Resource Guide as a helpful starting point.

In addition, a prerecorded webinar is available on the EAP member website, www.myccaonline.com (company code: stjohns). Titled “#PrideIncluded: LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity and Equity,” the session encourages participants to explore their roles in promoting inclusion and acceptance in the community and the workplace.

As we celebrate Pride, we also acknowledge the challenges that the LGBTQIA+ community continues to face today. We encourage the LGBTQIA+ members of our St. John’s community to practice self-care and surround yourselves with people who love you, believe in you, cheer for you, and listen to you. However you choose to honor Pride Month, we hope your celebrations are safe and meaningful.

The ribbon at the top of the page incorporates the colors of the traditional pride rainbow, with the addition of the brown and black stripes to represent our racial diversity, and the blue (boy), pink (girl) and white stripes (intersex, transitioning, neutral or undefined gender) for our transgender community members.