Policy 110 - Employment of Minors

Section: Employment
Policy Number: 110
Responsible Office: HR/Recruitment
Effective Date: 4/1/01
Revised: 5/27/15

The University adheres to Federal and New York State Child Labor Standards concerning the employment of minors. This policy outlines the legal requirements concerning the employment of persons under the age of 18. The law prohibits employment of minors under the age of 14.

The following chart identifies the maximum hours of work and days per week allowed under the law, as well as night work restrictions for minors:

Maximum daily and weekly hours and days per week for minors of age:Night work prohibited for minors of age:
Under 1616 and 17Under 1616 and 17
Non school days—
8 hrs/day, 40 hrs/wk
6 consecutive days
Non school days—
8 hrs/day, 48 hrs/wk
6 consecutive days
From 7 p.m. (9 p.m. June 21 through Labor Day) to 7 a.m.From 10 p.m. (midnight before schooldays with written permission from both parent and school, and before non school day with written parental consent) to 6 a.m., while school is in session.
Midnight to 6 a.m. while school is not in session.
School days/weeks—
3 hrs/day, 18 hrs/wk
School days/weeks—
4 hrs before school day
8 hrs Fri, Sat, Sun or holiday
28 hrs/week, if enrolled in school

State law mandates that minors under the age of 18 may be required to obtain an employment certificate issued by the school in order to work.

St. John's University, New York
Human Resources Policy Manual