dark yellow graphic of globe

St. John’s Global Initiatives Newsletter

Vol 5 | Issue 2

One of the things that I look forward to most every fall is the opportunity to meet new international students as they first arrive on our campus in Queens, NY. Even after 13 fall semesters at St. John’s, I am still impressed with their tenacity, bravery, curiosity, and openness to new experiences.

So, I am particularly gratified that you, too, will have a glimpse at what makes some of these students so interesting by reading snapshots of several of our new international students in this edition of the Global Initiatives Newsletter

This semester’s newsletter is filled with many other engaging highlights of the significant achievements of students, faculty, and the Office of Global Programs. I hope these articles encourage you to participate in global learning activities in ways you may not have considered before, including by attending International Education Week activities this coming November 18–22. The full schedule of events will be available soon.

It is more important than ever that we seek connections to the broader world—by sincerely welcoming international students and scholars to our campuses; by sending students abroad to experience new environments and ways of thinking; and by promoting virtual connections to our counterparts across the globe, all of which you will read about in this edition.

Amidst shifting policies on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and inflammatory political rhetoric that seeks to divide us, the University’s commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse educational environment stands strong. This commitment is grounded in Vincentian principles, and specifically in the acknowledgement of the dignity of each person as a unique and sacred being. Through our global learning activities, we not only enrich our own University community, but also contribute to a more accepting, interconnected, and just world.

We hope you enjoy this edition of the Global Initiatives Newsletter and are inspired by the many ways our University engages with the world. We welcome idea submissions for future editions, and look forward to seeing you all during International Education Week.


Christina Quartararo signature



Christina Quartararo headshot

Christina Quartararo
Assistant Provost for Global Initiatives

In This Issue

Composite of Fall 2024 New International Students

Snapshots: New International Students

Camryn Sutton headshot

Journals to Journeys: Joy Scholarship, Inc. Winner Camryn Sutton

Heidi Upton headshot

St. John’s Professor Heidi Upton Spotlighted in Sustainable Development Goals Virtual Exchange Showcase

Screenshot of faces on Zoom call with eyes covered

Global Online Learning Exchange: Critically Engaging Multimodal Texts to Understand Political and Cultural Interpretations

Students and Max Freeman seated at long dining table in Spain

Short-Term Study Abroad on the Rise

Students sitting down inside dining area

Ice Cream Social Sweetens Study Abroad

In case you missed it...

Johnnies Blog: “Global Adventures and Personal Growth: My Unforgettable Journey Studying Abroad

“Studying abroad was a real game-changer for me. It made me see my passion for Speech-Language Pathology in a whole new light—one that’s global. While I once envisioned myself staying rooted in New York, my time abroad opened my eyes to how big the world is and how much potential there is to make a difference anywhere.”—Maxie Hom, Senior

Doctoral Students Enjoy Study Abroad Experience at Rome Location

 This summer, six doctoral students in The School of Education at St. John’s University spent 10 days studying abroad at the University’s Rome, Italy, location.