Accepted Visiting Students

Welcome, Global Travelers!

We are so excited to have you join us for your semester abroad! Preparing to travel and study abroad is a great time to begin developing key skills and competencies that will carry with you not only during your time abroad, but throughout your career. While St. John's OIE will be here to help guide you through the process, we encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity and take ownership of each required pre-departure step.

This page outlines the steps you will need to take in order to prepare to study abroad. Read the information carefully – some of the steps will require more time and preparation than others.

It may seem like a lot, but follow our advice and you'll be ready to go in no time! If you have any questions or concerns throughout the process, we’re here to help. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

Follow these steps

We’re delighted that you’ve been accepted to study abroad, but please note the following: your acceptance for all study abroad programs is based on your continued good academic and student conduct standing. St. John’s University reserves the right to rescind admission to any study abroad program based on incomplete pre-departure requirements, and/or a change in student conduct or academic status. If you have been found responsible for a code of conduct violation since your acceptance to the program, it may affect your participation—we will only learn of the violation toward the end of the semester from your home school, and may not be able to inform you of a revoked acceptance until shortly before departure. 

Confirmation Documents

Programs can fill quickly and your spot is not confirmed until we receive these items:

Confirmation Instructions
Follow the instructions below that correspond to each of the required Confirmation Documents.

1-4. Confirmation Form for non-SJU Students, Assumption of Risk and Release, Authorization for Medical Treatment, Student Code of Conduct
Please closely read through each form, sign and submit them. You may need to complete a Signature Verification Form in order to sign these electronically - please send that information to directly for the quickest response.

5.  Health Disclosure Form
The Health Disclosure Form should be completed to the best of your ability and willingness to disclose. Although you’re not required to tell us anything, we encourage you to be as forthcoming as possible so that OIE is aware of any health conditions in order to best assist you.

6. Emergency Contact Form
Let us know whom to contact in case of an emergency.

7. Passport Information Form
All passports must be valid for at least 3 months after your program end date. Please verify the expiration date of your passport and register your current passport or your anticipated renewal with OIE. If your passport needs to be renewed, you can complete this form with your current passport information, and update it once you receive the new passport.

8. Roommate Questionnaire
This survey will help us place you with a suitable roommate or roommates. If there is someone that you already know you would like to room with, please indicate that on the form as well. You will learn your roommate assignment upon arrival in your study abroad location.

9. Closely read the Data Privacy Notice for Students under the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (All Programs in the EU)
The European Union issued new privacy regulations, the EU General Data Protection Regulation, that went into effect on May 25, 2018.  This Notice provides you with information on how your data will be processed under this new regulation. You may contact the University’s Office of General Counsel with any questions about this notice, the University’s data collection practices, or your rights: St. John’s University, Attn: Joshua Hurwit, Associate General Counsel, 8000 Utopia Parkway, Queens, New York 11439

*Students from non-partner schools will also need to pay a $250 deposit and submit the deposit receipt with all of the forms list above. To pay the deposit please call 718-990-2000 (ext. 3) and use a credit card to pay over the phone. Please be sure to get a receipt as you will need that to confirm payment. You will also need your X Number which will be sent to you once you submit your paperwork.

Western European Semester Students: Please note that we're unable to assign a "rotation" (that's the order in which you'll travel abroad) until you complete the confirmation process. 

Refund Policy

The Refund Policy is slightly different depending on whether you are from a partner school or a non-partner school. If you are unsure if you what policy applies to you, please don't hesitate to contact our office to confirm.


Be sure to visit either the U.S. Department of State's Passport Operations in Response to COVID-19 or Passports & International Travel web pages for the most up-to-date passport application and renewal information.

  • A passport is required for all St. John’s University Office of International Education programs taking place outside of the United States.
  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after the program end date.
  • It can take 4 to 6 weeks to get your passport so you will want to start this process now (if you haven’t already).
  • If you are participating in a semester program and are submitting your U.S. passport application within 3 months of your departure date, you should pay the $60 expedited processing fee to have your passport issued within 2 to 3 weeks.
    • **Important note for students who need a French visa: You need to have your passport in hand in order to book a French visa appointment with Campus France, therefore you must have your passport in hand by the visa deadline in your portal.
  • If you are within 4 weeks of the date of your visa appointment, or within 2 weeks of your departure date for a program that does not require a visa, you must apply in person at the nearest U.S. Department of State Passport Agency.
  • Visit the U.S. Department of State Travel page for information on how to get a U.S. passport.

Expediting your Passport – Last Resort Option:

Note: Although this service is provided by the U.S. Department of State, the Office of International Education does not recommend depending upon it as your primary plan for securing or renewing your passport. When gathering required documents to travel abroad, it is always best to do so as early as possible.

Expedited U.S. passport service is available for an additional fee. If you are traveling within 2 weeks, or submitting your visa application within 4 weeks, you can visit an official Passport Agency, which can process your passport in 8 business days. Please note that this is a service of the U.S. Department of State, not a private company, and there should be no additional cost beyond the regular application and expediting fee.

If you need to use this option, please let us know so that we can prepare the required letter you will need to present at the agency.

What happens if I lose my U.S. passport while I am studying abroad?

If your U.S. passport is lost or stolen while you are studying abroad you will need to:

  1. File a police report on the day that your passport is lost or stolen
  2. Inform the local staff or program leader
  3. Apply for an emergency passport at the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.  Instructions from the U.S. Department of State are available here.

If you lose your U.S. passport while studying abroad, you will no longer be able to travel outside the country where you are studying abroad, and depending on your current location or visa status you may need to return to the U.S.

According to the U.S. Department of State, many countries will not allow U.S. citizens to use a U.S. emergency passport to enter their country.  Here are a few examples of how this could affect your study abroad program:

  • If you are participating in the Western Europe Semester program starting in Paris and lose your U.S. passport in Paris, you will need to secure an emergency passport from the U.S. Embassy in Paris and remain in France until the end of the first module.  You will likely need to return home to the U.S. at the end of the first module.  This is because immigration and airline authorities likely will not permit you to fly from Paris to Rome with an emergency passport.
  • If you are participating in a Paris semester program and lose your U.S. passport in Paris, you will need to secure an emergency passport from the U.S. Embassy in Paris and remain in France until the end of the semester.  You cannot travel outside of France, because immigration authorities in France can refuse to allow you to re-enter France with an emergency passport. 

These are general examples.  Any student who loses a U.S. passport must inform the local staff or program leader right away to discuss your individual situation.

Paris and Rome Semester Programs

All students will be responsible for submitting their visa applications directly to the appropriate consulate in NYC.

Visa application checklists and guides for Paris and Rome Semester programs are posted on the Apply for an Entry Visa page. Instructions on how to book a mandatory appointment for OIE to review your visa application and other pre-departure requirements will also be posted on the Apply for an Entry Visa page. Note that you do not need to come to Queens for this review session; it can be done remotely.

Important Note About International Travel Prior to Studying Abroad: 

When you submit a visa application to a Consulate you will be submitting your Passport to the Consulate and not have access to your Passport during the processing time, which typically takes between 2 and 8 weeks.

Closely review the Apply for an Entry Visa page for location-specific visa applications, required documents checklists, and instructions.

Western Europe Semester, Business, and Pharmacy Programs

Although a visa is not required for U.S. citizens to participate in the Western Europe Semester program, there are important travel regulations we would like to bring to your attention.  U.S. citizens may only spend 89 or fewer days in the Schengen territory within a 180 day period.  Your rotation assignment email will include the dates of your specific rotation, and the number of additional days you may be in the Schengen territory.  Please note that Italy and France are in the Schengen territory and Ireland is not in the Schengen territory.  It is your responsibility to closely monitor the days that you spend in the Schengen territory – a useful tool to help with this is the European Commission’s Schengen calculator.  Please keep in mind that it is often challenging to secure a visa stamp when traveling within Europe, therefore you should retain proof of all plane tickets and hotel reservations as proof of the days that you are outside of the Schengen territory.  Any partial day that you spend in the Schengen territory, even on a layover in an airport, is counted as a full day towards your 89 day limit. You should also review the United States and Schengen Borders Agreement available from the U.S. Department of State.

  • Most students who are not U.S. citizens will need to secure both a French and an Irish visa to study abroad on the Western Europe programs. Please contact to discuss your next steps.
    • Note: non-U.S. citizens will also need Proof of Legal Residence in the United States to re-enter the U.S. at the end of the program: for permanent residents, a Green Card (valid until at least 6 months after the program end date); for international students, a U.S. visa (valid until at least 6 months after the program end date) and a Form I-20 signed by ISSO prior to departure (valid through date of St. John's graduation). 
    • Travel for non-U.S. citizens in the Schengen territory and Ireland is dependent upon your country of citizenship. All non-U.S. citizen students should contact our office to discuss their individual situations. 

Short-Term Programs

For most Short-Term programs, a visa is not required for U.S. citizens – however, it is your responsibility to find out if you need a visa based on the country you’re traveling to and your country of citizenship.

Visas are almost always required for non-U.S. citizens. Visa appointments are hard to secure, and visa processing can take several weeks.  You must request and secure a visa appointment at the appropriate Consulate at least 90 days prior to your departure date. Start by checking out the Apply for an Entry Visa page.

Note: non-U.S. citizens will also need Proof of Legal Residence in the United States to re-enter the U.S. at the end of the program: for permanent residents, a Green Card (valid until at least 6 months after the program end date); for international students, a U.S. visa (valid until at least 6 months after the program end date) and a Form I-20 signed by ISSO prior to departure (valid through date of college graduation).  

Deadlines for each online form for each program are posted within your online study abroad student portal.

After completing the confirmation process, all students must complete the designated forms below in order to participate in a study abroad program.

Required Pre-Departure Forms are available through your online study abroad student portal.

  1. Arrival Flight Itinerary Form (All Programs) Provide us with your flight information so that we know when to expect your arrival on your program arrival date. Be sure to cross-check your itinerary with your program’s required arrival and departure dates and times before booking!
  2. International Phone Number Form (All Programs) All students are required to have a cell phone that will work in their host country and remain charged and on at all times in case of an emergency.  You must be able to make make or receive a phone call in case of emergency via a regular voice call. Being able to place a call through WhatsApp or other app that works on WiFi or data is not sufficient. Students are not required to have a data roaming plan. Study abroad students are required to submit the cell phone number you intend to use abroad prior to departure, just to ensure we have a way to reach you (and vice versa) in the event of urgent issues or emergencies. You can re-submit the form again later to update your number if you make a change while you're studying abroad.  In addition, having a cell phone that works internationally is a great way to communicate with all of your friends in the program and a necessity in emergency situations. Review the "Make International Cell Phone Arrangements & Submit Your Study Abroad Phone Number" tab for more information about using your U.S. cell phone abroad or making international cell phone arrangements. 
  3. Transcript Request Form This form will allow us to send your grades from St. John's back to your home school. The blank form can be found in your Learning Content section of your portal.
  4. Meningitis Form You do not need to have the meningitis vaccine to study abroad but you do need to let us know whether or not you've had it. This should be completed through Medicat and login instructions will be provided close to registration for classes.
  5. Immunization Form and Record Since you are already matriculated at a U.S. college or university, you have all of the immunizations required. We just need the dates you had the shots. This should be completed through Medicat and login instructions will be provided close to registration for classes.
  6. Digital Photo Visiting students must also submit a digital photo so that we can create a St. John's ID card for you. Please take a passport style photo (white background, no sunglasses, etc.) and upload it to your online portal. No selfies, please!

Summer visiting students will be registered for their courses by the Office of International Education.

Semester students need to register for their own courses. Further instructions will be provided after you confirm your participation in the program. Be sure to keep an eye out for emails from so you don't miss the opportunity to register for your classes!

Students should register for the courses they were approved for on the course option sheet they submitted with their application. Any changes required due to schedule conflicts or capacity in classes should be discussed with your home school academic advisor. 

Semester Course Descriptions:
View course descriptions for all of the courses offered abroad by visiting the program webpages, under the Academics tab. If you would like to add or drop courses, or if you have any questions about the courses you signed up for, please email Lucy Amon at 

Book Lists:

Book lists for OIE programs are different from book lists for courses on the New York campuses. Do not contact the book store in New York to verify your textbook requirements. Please make sure you check the book list for your program before departing for your semester abroad and arrive with all of the required textbooks at the start of your program.  Textbooks cannot be purchased in Europe, and due to customs regulations cannot be shipping to Europe. Book lists will be posted to your OIE Study Abroad Portal a couple of months before the semester start.

 Academic Calendars: 

The Academic Calendar for Office of International Education Semester programs is different from the calendar for the New York campuses.  Make sure you are using the Academic Calendar for your Office of International Education Semester Program before making any travel plans for you or your family.

When can I access the course?

Once you are approved to participate in an study abroad program.

What does the course entail?

This online OIE Orientation course is comprised of 8 learning modules. It will take 1-2 hours to complete, but you don’t have to finish it in one go. With that said, you must complete each learning module with a perfect score (100%!), but don’t worry: you can take each quiz as many times as you need in order to master the material and get everything right. Please note, if you get a 100% score on a quiz then re-take it and receive a different score (example 80%), it will override your first score of 100%.

How do I access the course?

The online OIE Orientation course is available in your OIE Study Abroad Portal under "Assessments."

What will be discussed during the Cultural Mentorship Workshop?

In the Cultural Mentorship Workshop, we’ll talk about preparing to study abroad not just in terms of logistics (packing, etc.), but also the mental and cultural aspects of preparation. What do you want to get out of your time studying abroad? How will your encounters with different cultures shape your experience? How will you promote your health and safety while studying abroad? 

What can I expect to get out of the workshop?

The pre-departure Cultural Mentorship Program Session encourages students to develop the tools needed to understand the concept of culture and to create goals and an action plan to facilitate your development of intercultural competence while abroad.  The Cultural Mentorship Program Session also encourages students to prepare for aspects of adjustment that can be challenging or scary.  Along the way, we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have about what to expect.

Who is required to attend one of the workshops?

Every student who studies abroad through St. John's will have to attend a Cultural Mentorship Workshop.

Semester Programs

This workshop will serve as the foundation for the Cultural Mentorship Program that will continue throughout your semester studying abroad. The Cultural Mentorship Program is designed to facilitate the process of cross-cultural awareness and adaptation of students as they live, study, and serve communities abroad. 

Depending on your home school, you may be able to attend a session on your home campus. If we are not offering a session on your campus, you will have the option of an on-line session or you can attend a session on our Queens campus if you live within driving distance. We'll communicate the dates of the sessions via email throughout the spring semester.

Short-Term Programs

For students participating in a Short-Term Program, your Cultural Mentorship Workshop will be in addition to your program’s Site-Specific Orientation if your faculty organizes such a session. We'll communicate the dates of the sessions via email throughout the spring semester.

Dates each term for a remote session will be provided via email.


When looking for flights on your own, St. John’s University strongly recommends that you do not book any flight that is operated on an airline that is in bankruptcy proceedings. For example, AirBerlin recently ceased operations. Airlines in the bankruptcy process may not honor plane tickets for future flights.

We strongly recommend that you do not purchase non-refundable tickets, and encourage you to purchase trip cancellation insurance in the event that you are unable to participate in your program due to last-minute changes in your situation, for example, family emergencies, a change in academic status or inability to secure an entry visa in time for the program.

Departure and Arrival Times

When to arrive at the airport in U.S.:

When selecting the time your flight will depart, remember that you need to arrive at the airport in the U.S. (e.g., JFK) at least three hours prior to the flight time!

Semester Programs:

  • Arrival Time - Students need to arrive on campus by 2:00pm on the date of arrival. Plan at least two hours to go through immigration, collect your bags and travel to campus.
  • Return to U.S. Departure Time - Students need to depart campus by 8:00am on the date of departure.

Western Europe Semester Participants – you need to be assigned your rotation prior to booking your flight. You only need to purchase a ticket to your first city and returning from your final city. Flights in between European cities are included in your program cost.

When thinking about independent travel before, after or during the Western Europe Semester program, there are important travel regulations we would like to bring to your attention. U.S. citizens may only spend 89 or fewer days in the Schengen territory within a 180-day period.  Your rotation assignment email will include the dates of your specific rotation, and the number of additional days you may be in the Schengen territory.  Please note that Italy and France are in the Schengen territory and Ireland is not in the Schengen territory.  It is your responsibility to closely monitor the days that you spend in the Schengen territory – a useful tool to help with this is the European Commission’s Schengen calculator.  Please keep in mind that it is often challenging to secure a visa stamp when traveling within Europe, therefore you should retain proof of all plane tickets and hotel reservations as proof of the days that you are outside of the Schengen territory.  Any partial day that you spend in the Schengen territory, even on a layover in an airport, is counted as a full day towards your 89- day limit. You should also review the United States and Schengen Borders Agreement available from the U.S. Department of State.

Travel for non-U.S. citizens in the Schengen territory and Ireland is dependent upon your country of citizenship.  Please contact as soon as you confirm for the program to discuss your next steps.

Short-Term Programs:

  • Arrival and Departure Times will be posted on your individual program webpage.

If a flight is required to submit your visa application, then you must purchase your flight before the date of your visa appointment. Please note: As of April 13, 2021, the Italian Consulate in New York is not requiring that a flight be purchased at the time of the visa appointment.

How to Book Your Flight with Student Universe

All students participating in a St. John’s semester-long program are encouraged to book their flight through Student Universe. 

Follow the steps below:

1. Use this link here for the St. John's University flight page with Student Universe

2. Complete the form by adding in all the requested information

3. For "Name of Program" add the name of your program (example: SJU-Discover Italy, SJU-UF in Paris etc.)

4. Once you've completed the form, click "Submit Request" at the bottom of the page

What's next? A Student Universe travel agent will contact you within 48 hours with suggested flights, and you'll work 1 on 1 with the agent to choose a flight that's right for you!  Note: If it has been more than 48 hours since you submitted the form to Student Universe and you haven't heard back yet, please email Student Universe at


Short-Term Programs

Don't book your flight until OIE informs you whether or not the program will run!

If your program is confirmed to run, you will receive a "green light" email from OIE approximately 6 weeks prior to the program departure date, which confirms that the program is running and what the next steps are - including detailed flight information and instructions. Do not book your flight until you receive this “green light” email. 

Having a cell phone that works internationally is a great way to communicate with all of your friends in the program and a necessity in emergency situations. 

You are required to submit the cell phone number you intend to use abroad prior to departure, just to ensure we have a way to reach you (and vice versa) in the event of urgent issues or emergencies. The short version: we’re strongly encouraging you to keep your phone turned on and charged at all times, just to ensure we’re fully able to support you. Here are the basics:

  • Submit a Cell Number Today - Use the phone form in your portal provide a number today (likely to be your current, U.S. number), then use it again later to update your number if you make a change while you’re studying abroad. You will find more details on phones abroad below.
  • Follow Us on Social Media Today - We may choose to reach out to the group by social media, so we strongly encourage you to follow us on Instagram today. And we don’t just communicate information on emergencies, of course — you’ll also get the latest on fun stories related to study abroad!

Steps for Using Your Cell Phone Abroad:

Many students choose to use their U.S. phones while abroad, largely because they only use the phone itself for emergencies, while using WiFi — rather than data — for all the phone’s smartphone functions to keep in touch with family and friends.

  1. Check with Your Carrier - If this option sounds good to you, be sure to find out how much it would cost if you received or made a call or SMS text from abroad (simply having the phone turned on, with data roaming off, costs nothing). Top carriers’ info can be found at these links: VerizonAT&TSprint, and TMobile. Be sure to call your carrier, however, to make sure you’ve got accurate details for your individual phone, SMS text, calling, and data plans.
  2. Keep Cell Coverage On, Data Off - Most students will find that it’s essential to keep data roaming off to control costs. But that’s fine. The key is to have your cell network on so that you can make and receive short calls, wherever you are, in the event of an issue or emergency.
  3. Use WiFi, Rather than Data - Though your carrier may have a great plan, most tend to charge a lot for international data. But you’ll find that most cafes, restaurants, and other locations have free WiFi that you can use for messaging. And of course, you’ll have internet access at our abroad campuses and most hotels where you’ll stay with St. John's programs.
  4. Embrace Messaging Apps — And Tell Your Friends to Avoid “Regular” Texts While You’re Away - Use apps like Facebook MessengerWhatsApp, and Viber to communicate with family and friends while you’re abroad through WiFi. Just make sure your family and friends download whatever app(s) you’ll be using before your departure date; that way, you’ll ensure that all the messages you receive are free! In that same vein, tell your friends and family not to send you standard SMS texts, which could cost money while you’re away (see above!)

Here are some additional cell phone options:

Local Pre-Paid Cell Phones:

It's generally cheap and easy to find a pre-paid/pay as you go phone in each location that you'll be studying in, and you'll have the comfort of knowing that you won't be shocked by a large phone bill at the end of the semester. Buy as much phone credit as you think you'll need at the beginning and re-fill as necessary. Keep in mind, though, that you will not be able to get your money back for pre-paid minutes that you do not use. Note: most countries call “cell” phones “mobile” phones.

If your U.S. cell phone is “unlocked” and has the capability to run off a SIM card, you can also purchase a local pre-paid SIM card to use in your U.S. cell phone.

Review these fliers for more information about local cell phone options in Rome, Paris, and Seville.

Traveler Cell Phone Providers:

Some companies specialize in providing cell phones to international travelers. Many of these companies will offer you a cell phone and/or SIM card for use abroad, a local phone number in the countries you'll be traveling in.  Rates can be competitive with local providers.

Important Reminders:

  • If you decide to get a local pre-paid cell phone or traveler cell phone/SIM card, remember to provide us with your local number on the International Phone Number Form in your student portal.
  • Whatever cell phone option you chose, you need to keep it charged and on at all times! The St. John’s staff abroad and in Queens will not be able to help you in the event of an emergency if we do not have your local working phone number, and/or your phone is not charged and turned on!


What will it cover?

A newsletter will be published each week with important information on upcoming deadlines, advice on visa applications, program announcements, travel tips, and fun activities/events. It is vital that you read the newsletter each week in order to stay up-to-date on important deadlines and announcements.

How will I receive it?

The Worldwide Wednesday Newsletters will be sent to your home school email address - so make sure you check it regularly! If you're not receiving this newsletter (and you've checked your junk mail), please let us know as soon as possible to ensure we have accurate contact information for you.

What else can I do to prepare for my time studying abroad?

You’re about to take advantage of a wonderful opportunity, but in addition to all the fantastic academic, cultural, and personal experiences you’ll have, study abroad comes with challenges. In addition to learning about your program, our campuses, and all the places you plan to visit, be sure to research culture shock and anything else that may be of help to you. This can include race, gender, religion, politics, diet, or dating abroad. You’ll be better prepared when you arrive and more able to enjoy the high points while meeting difficulties as they arise. Now is the perfect time to start striving towards the goals you identified during the Cultural Mentorship Workshop!

Where can I go to learn more about my program location?

For excellent safety and health information, we encourage you to visit the U.S. Department of State’s general travel and “Students Abroad” websites, among others.

Unauthorized Areas:

Emergency Exits

Roof Structures


General Conduct

Residents and guests are expected to treat the facilities and each other with the utmost respect. Residents are expected to act maturely and responsibly at all times.



Quiet Hours are from 11:00 PM to 8:00 AM

Excessive noise will not be tolerated.

Please avoid shouting, screaming, running, loud music, and other disruptive behavior.


Alcohol and Drugs

Under no circumstance are drugs or alcohol allowed anywhere on St. John’s University Rome campus property. This includes empty alcohol containers, drug paraphernalia or evidence of drug or alcohol use, including any kind of marijuana product. Sanctions for violating this policy may include fines ($100-$300+), expulsion from the residence, expulsion from St. John's University, and/or legal sanctions. St. John’s University program students under the age of 21 are expected to not consume alcohol in any capacity for the entire duration of their program.



Smoking is prohibited on all St. John’s University Rome campus property, including rooms, hallways, bathrooms, classrooms, courtyard, and the entranceway.



Furniture provided by the University may not be removed, dismantled, or otherwise altered. Residents will be billed for any missing and/or damaged furniture. Furniture may not be moved between rooms. Lounge furniture may not be removed from the lounge areas. Clothing lines may not be hung inside rooms and/or strung across furniture.



Please do not hang anything from you window sill or window safety bar. Do not put anything on your exterior window sill as items could potentially fall off and seriously injury a passerby below on the street or in the internal courtyard, causing severe personal or property damage.



All students are provided with 1 top sheet, 1 bottom sheet, 1 wool blanket, 1 towel, and 1 pillowcase upon arrival. Linen exchanges are provided only to long-term semester and MA/MBA program students.


Prohibited Items

Residents are prohibited from utilizing / possessing the following items in their rooms: hot plates, grills, refrigerators, microwaves, and other similar items. The use of sporting equipment within the building is also prohibited. These items are prohibited for both health and safety reasons.



Residents must refrain from hanging any decorations on the walls or the doors. The use of tacks, nails, tape, glue, or tabs to hang items is strictly prohibited. Candles, incense, and other similar items are not allowed anywhere in the building. Clothing lines may not be hung inside rooms and/or strung across furniture.



Room Condition Report (issued to residents whose stay is at least 5 weeks)

  • The report notes any damage that existed prior to resident arrival.
  • Damage found at the end of the term will be charged to residents.


Remote Key and Identification Card

  • Rome Campus Remote Key: Allows Residents to access the building and enter their individual rooms. Residents must use the Remote Key to open the front doors of the building, operate the elevator to access the 3rd and 4th floors, and at the 3rd floor landing where there is a security door.
  • Identification Card: All students must present their SJU Identification Card to the guard at the front desk before entering campus space (this is provided at move-in).
  • A resident should report a lost or stolen Remote Key or I.D. card immediately to the front desk guard, the Residence Director, or the Resident Assistants. Cost of Remote Key replacement is $50 and I.D. card replacement is $25.
  • All Students are responsible for maintaining their own individual I.D. and Remote Key. All students must return their specific Remote Key that they were given upon their arrival in-person to the RD or Security Guard before their departure. Failure to do so will result in a $100 fine.


In-room Heating/Air Conditioning and lights

  • Heat and air conditioning for each room can be controlled by a panel on the radiator/AC unit in each room. When using heating or AC, students are asked to keep the window closed. When opening a window, please turn off heat or AC to save energy.
  • Students are asked to please turn off all lights when out of the room to save energy.


Rome Campus Visitation Policy

  • Residents are allowed up to two (2) visitors at any given time*. Visitors must sign in at the front desk by presenting a valid form of state-issued photo ID (passport, driver’s license, etc). Resident ID cards will not be accepted as a valid form of ID.
  • Guests may be signed in anytime between 7am and 11pm. All guests must leave by Midnight. No overnight guests are permitted.



Students and faculty, both residents and non-residents, and guests are prohibited from bringing animals, including pets, into the building.


Luggage Storage

Please know we do not permit storage of luggage or any other personal effects anywhere on campus outside of the resident’s assigned room. Non-residents are not permitted to store luggage or personal effects on campus at any time and residents cannot store luggage, after their program has ended, in their room or on campus.



Maintenance requests can be mailed to For emergency conditions, please report problems immediately to the security guard.

For a complete guide of all SJU Residence Hall policies and procedures, please see the current SJU Residence Life Handbook:


*Please note that adjusted visitation policies and other rules will be in place for the Fall 2021 semester and beyond as Italy manages Covid-19 cases. Closely review all policies outlined by Rome staff in pre-arrival emails and upon departure for the most up to date policies. Students are expected to follow the regulations as they are updated for the health & safety of themselves and others.