cup of cappuccino and 2 pastries

Students Currently Abroad

Updated Phone Number Abroad

Please complete the "Updated Phone Number Abroad" questionnaire in your study abroad portal once you arrive abroad. 

All students are required to have a cell phone that will work in their host country. It must remain charged and on at all times in case of an emergency. You must be able to make make or receive a phone call in case of emergency via a regular voice call. Being able to place a call through WhatsApp or other app that works on WiFi or data is not sufficient. Students are not required to have a data roaming plan. Study abroad students are required to submit the cell phone number you intend to use abroad prior to departure, just to ensure we have a way to reach you (and vice versa) in the event of urgent issues or emergencies. You can re-submit the form again later to update your number if you make a change while you're studying abroad. In addition, having a cell phone that works internationally is a great way to communicate with all of your friends in the program and a necessity in emergency situations. Review the Student Guide for more information about using your U.S. cell phone abroad or making international cell phone arrangements.

Semester Courses Abroad

View course listings and descriptions for our European campuses by visiting the individual program pages online and scrolling down to the Academics section. If you would like to add or drop any of your courses, see below.  If you have any questions regarding the courses that have been approved for your time abroad, please feel free to contact our office via email or at 718-990-6105.

Academic Calendars

The academic calendars for our European campus programs are different from the calendar for the New York campuses. Please make sure that you are using the appropriate academic calendar for your program before making any travel plans for you or your family. The academic calendars for our European campuses are located here. For short-term and summer programs, academic calendars are available on the individual program brochures online.  


Students are responsible for their own course materials, except where course readers are provided.  Book Lists for our European semester programs are posted to students OIE portals. 

Making changes to your current registration

If you would like to make changes to your registration once you are abroad, you may process course changes directly through UIS during the New York Add/Drop period at the beginning of each semester. After the initial Add/Drop period at the beginning of the semester, if you wish to make any changes to your Module 2 or 3 courses, or apply for pass/fail or late withdrawals, you must complete an OIE Registration Change Request Form. Please be sure to reference your program's academic calendar for all the important deadlines. To find your academic advisor, refer to this list of Advising Deans.  

Visiting students will also need to complete an OIE Registration Change Request Form and forward the completed form to their home institution's Study Abroad Office and/or Academic Advisor and copy

International Health Insurance

Click here for the 2024 CHUBB international health insurance coverage brochure to learn more about how you are covered while studying abroad. Additionally, you can find here the AXA Travel Eye Portal App Download instructions provided by CHUBB.