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Michael Henry has taught at St. John’s for more than 30 years. Dr. Henry is a member of the American Philosophical Association, the American Catholic Philosophical Association, the Long Island Philosophical Society, and the Eric Voegelin Society and has presented papers and given commentary at professional meetings. He was a participant in three NEA Summer Seminars and was awarded a research grant by the Earhart Foundation. Since 1998, Dr. Henry has been the Series Editor of the Library of Conservative Thought of Transaction Publishers and is currently editing an anthology of the writings of Gerhart Niemeyer.
“Eric Voegelin on the Incarnate Christ,” Modern Age, Fall 2008, 332–344.
“John Kekes and the Predicament of the Secularist” Modern Age, Winter 2007, 52–61.
“Civil Theology in the Gnostic Age,” Modern Age, Winter 2005, 37–47.
Introduction to the new Transaction Publishers edition of Dostoevsky’s Spiritual Art: The Burden of Vision, by George A. Panichas, 2004, 9–22.
“The Meaning of Demonic Nothingness,” Modern Age, Vol. 45, No. 3, Summer 2003, 208–217.
“The Wisdom of Humility: Gerhart Niemeyer’s Recovery of Political Theory,” The Political Science Reviewer, Vol. XXXI (2002), 70–116. (This essay was part of a symposium on the work of Niemeyer, of which Dr. Henry was the editor.)
“Voegelin and Heidegger as Critics of Modernity,” Modern Age, Vol. 43, No. 2, Spring 2001,118–127.
“The Dostoyevskian Psyche and the Total Critique,” in The Good Man in Society: Active Contemplation—Essays in Honor of Gerhart Niemeyer, edited by John Gueguen, Michael Henry, and James Rhodes (The University Press of America and the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc., 1989), 115–134.
“Mandelstam’s Vision of Order,” in The Hillside Review, Summer 1985, 27–37.
“Socratic Piety and the Power of Reason,” in New Essays on Socrates (the collected papers of the Long Island Philosophical Society’s 1983 conference on Socrates), edited by Eugene Kelly (The University Press of America, 1984), 95–105.