Faculty Research Initiatives
Faculty scholarship is the intellectual core of our institution. Our mission statement opens by emphasizing a commitment to scholarly research, imaginative methodology, rigorous standards and the innovative application of knowledge.
Faculty Authors
These pages highlight books published by University faculty and are listed alphabetically according to the author’s last name. As new books are published, full-time faculty are invited to submit publication information for inclusion by filling out the Faculty Authors Book Submission Form.
Howard Abadinsky, Ph.D.College of Professional Studies, Criminal Justice and Legal Studies | |
Probation and Parole: Theory and Practice, 9th Edition | |
Organized Crime, 9th Edition 2010 Explores the problem of defining organized crime, offers explanations for its existence, details the development of organized crime in America, explores the globalization of organized crime, covers the wide array of activities that are part of the business of criminal organizations, and discusses and analyzes the laws and techniques used to combat organized crime. | |
Coauthor: L. Thomas Winfree Understanding Crime: Essentials of Criminological Theory, 3rd Edition 2010 An examination of the often complex and bewildering explanations for crime; relationships between human nature, government, and public policy; the nature of crime and laws; and the origins of crime theories. | |
Probation and Parole, Theory and Practice, 11th Edition | |
Drug Use and Abuse, 7th Edition An interdisciplinary survey of all aspects of drug and alcohol use that draws from the disciplines of history, law, pharmacology, political science, social work, psychology, sociology, and criminal justice.
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Dohra Ahmad, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English The first-ever anthology of fiction and poetry in non-standard English. Based on a course first taught at St. John’s in 2004, Rotten English features creole, patois, pidgin and slang literature from around the English-speaking world.
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Landscapes of Hope: Anti-Colonial Utopianism in America
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George Ansalone, Ed.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sociology/Anthropology Exploring Unequal Achievement in the Schools: The Social Construction of Failure | |
Dolores L. Augustine, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History Red Prometheus: Engineering and Dictatorship in East Germany, 1945-1990 |
Joan Ball, Ph.D.The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Marketing | |
Frank A. Barile, Ph.D.College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Principles of Toxicology Testing 2008 Principles of Toxicology Testing juxtaposes the principles of animal toxicology testing with In vitro alternative methods to highlight the importance of each for determining the significance and relevance of the other. Divided into three sections, the book begins with the fundamentals of toxicology, toxicokinetics and human risk assessment and emphasizes universal applications of the field as a science. Focusing on study design, the second section details toxicology testing in animals and describes acute, subchronic and chronic studies. Section 3 presents the advantages and disadvantages of In vitro alternative testing such as cellular methods for acute systemic toxicity, target organ toxicity and local toxicity. | |
Clinical Toxicology: Principles and Mechanisms, 2nd Edition
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John Barrett, J.D.School of Law That Man: An Insider’s Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt by Robert H. Jackson | |
Nancy J. Becker, Ed.D. and Elizabeth B. Pollicino | |
Edward Beckenstein, Ph.D. (Ed.)St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer Science Proceedings: Dr. George Bachman Memorial Conference2009 Dr. Bachman had 92 Ph.D. students at Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (now NYUPOLY due to merger). His students and colleagues will hold a conference each year at St. John’s honoring his memory. Papers will consist largely of mathematical research but also will have some papers on scientific work of value that is not mathematical by those who went into nonmathematical areas. This is an entire issue of a mathematical journal that will be published each year. | |
Second Annual conference proceedings dedicated to George Bachman | |
Coauthor: Lawrence Narici | |
Coeditor: Charles Traina Proceedings Second Dr. George Bachman Memorial Conference Indian Journal of Mathematics Allahabad | |
Judith L. Beizer, Pharm.D.College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Clinical Health Professions | |
| Ninah Beliavsky, Ph.D., Clyde Coreil, Robert Lake, Claudia Ferradas Moi, Monker Yadar, (Eds.)St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literatures Imagination, Cognition and Language Acquisition: A Unified Approach to Theory and Practice |
Angela Belli, Ph.D., (Ed.)St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English Ancient Greek Myths and Modern Drama: A Study in Continuity | |
Coeditor: Jack Coulehan Blood and Bone: Poems by Physicians | |
Primary Care: More Poems By Physicians 2007 Primary Care: More Poems by Physicians is a second anthology of physician poems, international in scope, which proves that the poetry movement in medicine continues to flourish. One hundred poems in the collection explore medical practice, interpersonal relationships and the modern world. With immense and kind-hearted sympathy for and empathy with those who are suffering, the poets recognize that everyone’s life is diminished by the trauma of illness and death. | |
Bodies & Barriers: Dramas of Dis-Ease | |
| Richard F. Bernato, Ed.D.School of Education, Administrative and Instructional Leadership Futures Based Change Leadership :a Formula for Sustained Change Capacity (1st Ed.) While it may be true that these times do try educators' souls who are beset with conflicting reform agendas and an impatience about school change success, The Futures Based Change Leadership: A Formula for Sustained Change Capacity, empowers leaders to use effective combinations of futuring, presencing, collaborative leadership skills, and systems' disciplines practices so that their schools will effectively leverage opportunities to realize the needs of their preferable futures. Book Reviewers’ Comments: Dr. Bernato's Futures Based Change Leadership book provides a uniquely integrated solution to empower and inform educational leaders who seek to create and sustain educational excellence in an ever changing world. The powerful algebraic model offered by FBCL = FP/ [(SD) + (U) + (CLP)] not only combines the insights of leading researchers in the fields of systems thinking, change theory, collaborative leadership, stakeholder engagement, and futuring, but also provides a conceptual framework for implementation supported by anecdotal case studies to dramatize the many issues of change leadership. (Edward Zero, former Superintendent of Eastern Suffolk BOCES and Director of the Long Island, New York’s State Education Department of Regional School Support Services) |
Brett Elizabeth Blake, Ph.D., (Ed.)The School of Education, Administrative and Instructional Leadership with Rita Dunn | |
A Culture of Refusal: The Lives and Literacies of Out-of-School Adolescents A Culture of Refusal is a unique attempt at representing a set of what William Ayers calls “multiplymarginalized” adolescents, situating the voices of migrant and incarcerated youth within out-of-school contexts—in the fields and the streets, ultimately, in the jails—where these youth live and develop their own cultures of refusal. By exploring and analyzing these environments, this book searches for the ways in which a pragmatic, pro-active response to societal and institutional racism and violence may be nurtured through the adolescents’ own lives and literacies. | |
Coauthor: Robert W. Blake, Jr. Ph.D., Towson University | |
Coauthor, Robert W. Blake, Jr. Ph.D., Towson University | |
Patrick Blessinger, Ed.D.School of Education, Administrative and Instructional Leadership Coeditor: Barbara Cozza | |
| Coeditor: Lorraine Stefani Inclusive Leadership in Higher Education: International Perspectives and Approaches This volume discusses how leadership is developed and implemented at all levels within higher education institutions to create more inclusive organizational cultures. This volume addresses forces and factors associated with organizational change while examining leadership theory, policy, practices, and challenges encountered in building more inclusive organizations. This important volume will provide a comparative perspective, highlighting common themes across a range of institutional and cultural contexts to help leaders promote an organizational mind-set and culture of inclusion and inclusiveness. |
University Partnerships for International Development This volume examines the diverse ways universities and colleges around the world are partnering and collaborating with other institutions to fulfill their missions and visions. This edited volume will specifically explore university partnerships for international development. | |
| University Partnerships for Academic Programs and Professional Development This volume examines the diverse ways in which universities and colleges around the world are partnering and collaborating with other institutions to fulfill their missions and visions through academic program and professional development. |
Creative Learning in Higher Education: International Perspectives and Approaches This book provides higher education faculty and administrators a scholarly resource on the most salient aspects and emerging trends in creative learning in higher education today. International contributors explore ways to foster creativity in any student, regardless of academic discipline or demographic characteristics and demonstrate that creativity is a skill all students can and should learn. Chapters analyzes how different countries and cultures implement creative learning, exploring issues of instruction, assessment, and ultimately how these practices are transforming learning. This important book helps higher education professionals understand and cultivate creative learning across disciplines in any college and university setting. Book Reviewer's Comments: "Shouldn’t higher education focus on helping students to become complex thinkers armed with the skills necessary for success in a world defined by change? In the innovation era, perhaps the most valuable contribution the university experience can make is to promote student creativity." -Gerald J. Pucchi, Chair and Professor, International Center for Studies in Creativity, Buffalo State―The State University of New York "This isn't a ‘light’ book on creativity in education it interrogates the status quo of education and offers reflective, practical, and theoretical approaches to subverting this with transformative creative teaching and learning. " "This book provides a holistic picture and in depth analysis on how to nurture creativity in higher education. At a moment when the advancement of technology makes individual’s creativity the most important ingredient for a successful career, this book is an exceptional resource on creative learning for higher education professionals and policy makers." | |
Emerging Directions in Doctoral Education This volume examines how universities and colleges around the world are developing innovative ways to provide doctoral education, including new theories and models of doctoral education and the impact of changes in government and/or accreditation policy on practices in doctoral education. Specifically, this volume looks at the emerging trends in student selection practices, research topic selection, supervision practices, and dissertation review and approval process across a range of disciplines across different institutional types across different countries. |
| Coeditor: TJ Bliss This insightful collection of essays explores the ways in which open education can Book Reviewers’ Comments: Sustainable Development Goal 4 (United Nations) enjoins us to ensure inclusive and |
Coauthor: Barbara Cozza University Partnerships for Community and School System Development This volume examines how universities and colleges around the world are developing innovative ways to provide doctoral education, including new theories and models of doctoral education and the impact of changes in government and/or accreditation policy on practices in doctoral education. Specifically, this volume looks at the emerging trends in student selection practices, research topic selection, supervision practices, and dissertation review and approval process across a range of disciplines across different institutional types across different countries. |
| Coauthor: Karen Head |
Coauthor: John M. Carfora Inquiry-Based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Programs Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a learner-centered active learning environment where deep learning is cultivated by a process of inquiry owned by the learner. IBL begins with an authentic and contextualized problem scenario where learners identify their own issues and questions and the teacher serves as guide in the learning process. It encourages self-regulated learning because the responsibility is on learners to determine issues and research questions and the resources they need to address them. This way learning occurs across all learning domains. This volume covers many issues and concepts of how IBL can be applied to STEM programs. It serves as a conceptual and practical resource and guide for educators, offering practical examples of IBL in action and diverse strategies on how to implement IBL in different contexts.
Coauthor: John M. Carfora Inquiry-Based Learning for Multidisciplinary Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators
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Coauthor, John P. Anchan
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Coauthor, John M. Carfora | |
Increasing Student Engagement and Retention Using Immersive Interfaces: Virtual Worlds, Gaming, and Simulation
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Coauthor, John M. Carfora Inquiry-Based Learning for Faculty and Institutional Development: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators | |
Coauthor, Olga Kovbasyuk
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Increasing Student Engagement and Retention using Classroom Technologies: Classroom Response Systems
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Increasing Student Engagement and Retention in e-Learning Environments: Web 2.0 and Blended Learning Technologies
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Increasing Student Engagement and Retention using Multimedia Technologies: Video Annotation, Multimedia Applications
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Increasing Student Engagement and Retention using Mobile Applications: Smartphones, Skype and Texting Technologies
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Increasing Student Engagement and Retention using Online Learning Activities: Wikis, Blogs and Webquests
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Increasing Student Engagement and Retention using Social Technologies: Facebook, e-portfolios and other Social Networking Service
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Mauricio Borrero, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History | |
Frank Brady, Ph.D.College of Professional Studies, Mass Communications ENDGAME | |
Barrett Brenton, Ph.D,St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sociology & Anthropology HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Solutions | |
| Elizabeth Brondolo, Ph.D. and Xavier Amador, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Psychology Break the Bipolar Cycle: A day-to-day guide to living with bipolar disorder |
Lee Ann Brown, M.F.A.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English Other Archer One way to think of Other Archer is as an expanded occasional poem. Besides gathering the elements of my own story, I hope to encourage readers to see their own life stories in poetry, to leave markers on the trail, ever hopeful to house the energies of our new habitations. The “To” series, under the direction of Christophe Lamiot Enos, is devoted to contemporary poetry in English from the United States. The selected works have not been previously published in any language. Each work is characterized by narrative-like length—100 pages or more—and breadth. Each work appears in two volumes: the English version and its French translation. Each volume includes a postface, the author’s biography and a bibliography. See http://purh.univ-rouen.fr/node/854 | |
Autre Archère This is a translation of Other Archer into French by Stéphane Bouquet.
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| Far From the Centers of Ambition: A Celebration of Black Mountain College (2 Volumes) Tribute volume to Black Mountain College where poets, philosophers, scientists and painters such as Robert Duncan, Buckminster Fuller, Merce Cunningham, John Cage and Josef Albers engaged in a vast experiment whose widespread results are still felt around the world today. http://lorimerpress.com/2013/06/coming-this-fall-far-from-the-centers-of-ambition/ |
| Polyverse Poetry. Polyverse is just that: a verse of many forms and possibilities. Taking its cue from a wide range of modern and postmodern poetics- Gertrude Stein's multiple formal innovations, Emily Dickinson's condensations, the improvisation of Whitman and the Beat poets, the New York School s intertwining poles of "the everyday," and the wild peripatetic leaps and innovations of "Language" writing - Brown's work enacts an exciting and suggestive poetry of possibility. Winner of the 1996 New American Poetry Competition, selected by Charles Bernstein. |
The Sleep That Changed Everything 2003 Playful, sexy poems illuminate a rich multiplicity of experiences. Offering both subtle and immediate pleasures, Lee Ann Brown’s generous new book extends her unmistakable, original voice, every bit as Southern as it is avant-garde, gracious without being naive. Abounding in a playfulness of style, including songs and ballads, the poems in The Sleep That Changed Everything are by turns funny, serious, insightful and moving. Botanical and scientific language are used here as collage elements to chart cycles of desire and emotional transformation. Brown is committed to Whitman’s idea that we all have many selves; thus her work embraces the immediacy of the New York School, the personal and literary wildness of the Beats, the word play and political astuteness of Language poetry and an eroticism all her own. In poems that are both highly literate and plain-spoken, Brown makes the life of the soul directly available in all its renegade garb. | |
with Laynie Brown Nascent Toolbox | |
| In the Laurels, Caught In the Laurels, Caught, is a collection of lighthearted, deep-rooted poems written around the Appalachian region of North Carolina in Madison County. An adventurous, intellectually restless native, Lee Ann Brown writes out of attachment but with the slant of a transplanted outsider. She investigates elements of local language, musicality, material culture, and landscape, using collage, found poetry, and oral history and anecdote.
Crowns of Charlotte Book-length investigative poem centered on the author's childhood home, Charlotte, NC and part of a multi-book project, "NC Ode." | |
Northrup Buechner, Ph.D.The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Economics and Finance | |
Natalie P. Byfield, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Sociology & Anthropology Savage Portrayals: Race, Media, and the Central Park Jogger Story In 1989, the rape and beating of a white female jogger in Central Park made international headlines. Many accounts reported the incident as an example of wilding episodes of poor, minority youths roaming the streets looking for trouble. Police intent on immediate justice for the victim, coerced five African-American and Latino boys to plead guilty. The teenage boys were quickly convicted and imprisoned. Natalie Byfield, who covered the case for the New York Daily News, now revisits the story of the Central Park Five from her perspective as a black female reporter in Savage Portrayals. Byfield illuminates the race, class, and gender bias in the massive media coverage of the crime and the prosecution of the now-exonerated defendants. Her sociological analysis and first-person account persuasively argue that the racialized reportage of the case buttressed efforts to try juveniles as adults across the nation. "Students and scholars of news media will find Byfield's analysis of the institutionalized relationship between the police and media nothing short of extraordinary." | |
| William Byrne, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Government and Politics Edmund Burke for Our Time: Moral Imagination, Meaning and Politics |
Alina Camacho-Gingerich, Ph.D. (Ed.)St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literatures | |
James Reed Campbell, Ed.with Kirsi Tirri, Pekka Ruohotie and Herbert Walberg, Eds. | |
Elaine Carey, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History | |
Smugglers, Brothels, and Twine: Historical Perspectives on Contraband and Vice in North America's Borderlands 2011 In this volume, the borders of North America serve as central locations for examining the consequences of globalization as it intersects with hegemonic spaces and ideas, national territorialism, and opportunities for-or restrictions on-mobility. The authors of the essays in this collection warn against falling victim to the myth of nation-states engaging in a valiant struggle against transnational flows of crime and vice. They take a long historical perspective, from Mesoamerican counterfeits of cacao beans used as currency to cattle rustling to human trafficking; from Canada's and Mexico's different approaches to the illegality of liquor in the United States during Prohibition to contemporary case studies of the transnational movement of people, crime, narcotics, vice, and even ideas. | |
Linda S. CarozzaSt John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders | |
José G. Centeno, Ph.D., Raquel T. Anderson and Loraine K. Obler, Eds.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Speech, Communication Sciences and Theatre Communication Disorders in Spanish Speakers: Theoretical, Research and Clinical Aspects | |
Chiang-nan ChaoThe Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Management | |
Supply Chain Management: Keys to Enterprise Success | |
Nyo Chung, M.A.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Asian Studies | |
Poems Wishing To Be Songs | |
What Is the Animal of My Birth? | |
Gaetano CipollaSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literatures Siciliana: Essays on the Sicilian Ethos | |
Sicily: Culinary Crossroads
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Tornu/The Return: Sicilian Poems 2009 An anthology of poems by Antonino Provenzano, translated into English by Gaetano Cipolla. | |
Sicilian Mimes: A Gallery of Sly and Rustic Tales 2010 This is a collection of sly and rustic tales written by Francesco Lanza in Italian, introduced and translated by Gaetano Cipolla. It is a classic of Sicilian humor originally published in 1928. It deals with stories from the Sicilian oral tradition written in Lanza’s unique style. | |
Malidittu la laigua/Damned Language 2010 This is a collection of poems translated into English verse about the poet’s life experience in Sicily and as an immigrant. It relates his encounters with American society and it talks about the difficulties of integrating into the social fabric of America. | |
Charles M. Clark, Ph.D.with Helen Alford O.P., S.A. Cortright, Michael J. Naughton | |
Meghan J. Clark, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theology Vision of Catholic Social Thought: the Virtue of Solidarity and the Praxis of Human Rights The Vision of Catholic Social Thought traces the emergence of solidarity and human rights as critical theological and philosophical pillars of the anthropology and ethics foundational to the development of Catholic social teaching. Meghan J. Clark argues that the integration of human rights and the virtue of solidarity at the root of the Catholic social tradition are the unique contributions Catholic thought makes to contemporary debates in ethics, political, and philosophical theory. "Clark's, The Vision of Catholic Social Thought, picks up where David Hollenbach's, Claims in Conflict, a classic in Catholic rights theory, leaves off. Focusing on the encyclicals from John XXIII to the present, Clark argues convincingly for the necessary interdependence of the concept of human rights and that of solidarity. This is a must-read for those wanting to stay abreast of recent developments in Catholic social teaching. " —Todd D.Whitmore | |
Frank J. CoppaSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History | |
Encyclopedia of Modern Dictators: From Napoleon to Present 2006 Dictators are not new phenomena, but within the past two centuries have dramatically proliferated in not only Europe, which witnessed the rise and fall of fascist and communist ones, but the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America, where military as well as ideological dictators have emerged. This one volume encyclopedia provides entries on most, if not all, of the dictators that have emerged worldwide since the time of Napoleon. Cataloged in an A-Z format, these entries vary in length, providing the basic facts on the formation and development of dictatorships as well as references to further information. The volume will prove invaluable to high school and college students as well as librarians wanting to know more about these figures—many of whom are not included in the older, if larger, biographical studies. | |
The Papacy, the Jews, and the Holocaust 2008 This volume explores the history and development of anti-Judaism within the Church, the response of the papacy, the hierarchy and the Catholic laity towards the Jews over the centuries as well as during the Fascist period (l922-45), and the relationship between anti-Judaism and anti- Semitism. Special attention is given to Pius XI (1922-39) who commissioned an encyclical Humani Generis Unitas against racism and anti-Semitism, and Pius XII (1939-58), who decided not to issue this encyclical. | |
| Politics and the Papacy in the Modern World 2008 This volume focuses on the papacy’s response to the modern world exploring its political and diplomatic roles during the past two centuries. It examines the Vatican’s impact on the major ideologies and developments including liberalism, capitalism, nationalism, conservatism, socialism, communism and anti-Semitism among others. Unlike other studies of the papacy it does not examine the papacy as a self contained unit but in terms of the broader framework of national and international developments. |
The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII
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| Barbara Cozza, Ph.D.School of Education, Administrative & Instructional Leadership Coeditor: Patrick Blessinger, Ed.D. University Partnerships for Pre-service and Teacher Development This volume examines the diverse ways in which universities and colleges around the world are partnering and collaborating with other institutions to fulfill their missions and visions. University partnerships not only include collaborations between universities but also include university-school (basic education) collaborative partnerships to improve local school systems. The increasing pressures to remove access and participation barriers, and to mitigate practices that restrict the free flow of education across borders, have created a growing global space for educational services of all types. As a result, traditional institutional boundaries have expanded to better respond to the increasing pressures placed on them by the growing demand for higher education services. This edited volume will specifically explore university partnerships for preservice and teacher development. |
| Coeditor School of Education, Administrative & Instructional Leadership University Partnerships for Community and School System Development 2015
Nina CrimmCoauthor: Laurence H. Winer Politics, Taxes, and the Pulpit: Provocative First Amendment Conflicts |
Michael Dempsey, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theology and Religious Studies
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Christopher Denny, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theology & Religious Studies Coeditor: Christopher McMahon (St. Vincent’s College, PA) Finding Salvation in Christ: Essays on Christology and Soteriology in Honor of William P. Loewe Finding Salvation in Christ brings together some of the most important figures in contemporary theology to honor the work of William Loewe, systematic theologian and specialist in the theology of Bernard Lonergan, SJ. For over three decades Loewe's writings have sought to make classic christological and soteriological doctrines comprehensible to a Catholic Church that is working to integrate individual subjectivity, communal living, and historical consciousness in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. Essays included in this volume assess Loewe's reinterpretation of patristic and medieval Christology from Irenaeus to Anselm of Canterbury, and explain the significance of the theology of Lonergan and Loewe for the fields of soteriology, economics, family life, and interreligious theology. | |
Coauthors: Jeremy Bonner and Mary Beth Fraser Connolly The early 1960s were a heady time for Catholic laypeople. Pope Pius XII's assurance "You do not belong to the Church. You are the Church" emboldened the laity to challenge Church authority in ways previously considered unthinkable. Empowering the People of God offers a fresh look at the Catholic laity and its relationship with the hierarchy in the period immediately preceding the Second Vatican Council and in the turbulent era that followed. This collection of essays explores a diverse assortment of manifestations of Catholic action, ranging from genteel reform to radical activism, and an equally wide variety of locales, apostolates, and movements. "Empowering the People of God gives a nuanced, complicated, insightful portrait of Catholic Action as a spectrum rather than a monolith. The volume is timely, not just for historians of American Catholicism, but also for those seeking to understand the deeper back story to the contesting definitions of authority in the Church in the present moment." - Amy L. Koehlinger, Florida State University "I think a broad audience will enjoy this book about the practice of Catholic Action in America. It deals with Pope Pius XI's call for the laity to engage in 'Catholic Action' by assisting the clergy in carrying out the Vatican's definition of the Church's worldly mission, including its commitment to social justice. Millions of the faithful responded to this call, dutifully in the 1930s and 1940s and zealously after midcentury. The introduction to the book deftly contextualizes both periods of Catholic Action, and the essays explore the diversity of the activists' reactions to this opportunity. Briefly put, the activists before midcentury conformed to the pope's charge without challenging the Vatican's authority to define their options. But after 1950, in the new age of cultural individualism in American society and its institutions, the activists opted for the maximum feasible participation of the laity in the definition and implementation of the mission of the Church, a phenomenon that yielded today's tripartite struggle, laity and clerical, among conservatives, liberals, and moderates for ascendancy in America's largest and perhaps its most quintessentially urban branch of Christianity.” - Zane Miller, University of Cincinnati "Empowering the People of God" is a major contribution to the 'lived history' of Vatican II for American Catholics. Catholics changed, and the changes made a difference for the country as well as for the Church. These thoroughly researched essays demonstrate that lay empowerment was taking place before the Council. The Council persuaded lay leaders that 'the shaping of the Church's future was in their hands.' How they handled those rising expectations is then the theme of six well-chosen case studies. Anyone who wants to understand American Catholics must consider the history provided by this excellent book." - David O'Brien, College of the Holy Cross | |
Coeditors: Patrick Hayes and Nicholas Rademacher A Realist’s Church: Essays in Honor of Joseph A. Komonchak A collection of essays by a number of his former students honors one of the towering figures of Vatican ll scholarship, Joseph A. Komonchak. The book honors his achievements, but more importantly it gathers well-known researchers to advance current scholarship on the transformations of the Roman Catholic Church in the 20th century. Contributors include scholars internationally recognized for their work on 20th-century Roman Catholic history, systematic theology, and the theology of the Second Vatican Council. | |
Judith DeSena, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sociology and Anthropology | |
Gender in an Urban World | |
Gentrification and Inequality in Brooklyn: The New Kids on the Block This book is a sociological analysis of the process of gentrification in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The study focuses on the ways in which working class residents and new gentrifiers are socially segregated forming parallel cultures within the neighborhood. The investigation arrives at urban theory, which argues that through local dynamics, social inequality is reproduced.
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Coauthor: Timothy Shortell The World in Brooklyn: Gentrification, Immigration, and Ethnic Politics 2012 This is a collection of contemporary research studies on Brooklyn, New York. “This book is a collection of demographic, ethnographic, and comparative studies, which focus on urban dynamics in Brooklyn. The chapters investigate issues of social class, urban development, immigration, race, ethnicity and politics within the context of Brooklyn. As a whole, this book considers both theoretical and practical urban issues. In most cases, the scholarly perspective is on everyday life. With this in mind, there are also social justice concerns. Issues of social segregation and attendant homogenization are brought to light. Moreover, social class and race advantages or disadvantages, as part of urban processes, are underscored through critiques of local policy decisions throughout the chapters. A common thread is the assertion by contributors that planning the future of Brooklyn needs to include multi-ethnic, racial, and economic groups, those very residents who make up Brooklyn.” (Amazon.com) | |
William DiFazioSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sociology and Anthropology Ordinary Poverty: A Little Food and Cold Storage2006 In this trenchant and groundbreaking work, DiFazio presents the results of welfare reform—from ending entitlements to diminished welfare benefits—through the eyes and voices of those who were most directly affected by it. Ordinary Poverty concludes with a program to guarantee universal rights to a living wage as a crucial way to end poverty. Ultimately, DiFazio articulates the form a true poor people's movement would take—one that would link the interests of all social movements with the interests of ending poverty. | |
Raymond DiGiuseppe, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Psychology with Raymond Chip Tafrate not been considered a clinical phenomenon in psychology. This manual represents the development of the Anger Disorder Scale to assess dysfunctional aspects of anger in clinical populations. Research on more than 1,100 normal individuals and more than 500 patients or prison inmates is described to establish the reliability and validity of the test. | |
Understanding Anger Disorders | |
A Primer on Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, 3rd Edition | |
Anger Regulation and Expression Scale | |
John DiMarco, Ph.D.College of Professional Studies, Mass Communications, Journalism, Television and Film | |
Career Power Skills 2013 Career Power Skills is a pragmatic approach to helping students and professionals create industry-focused resumes, cover letters, print portfolios, and online web portfolios. It is the how-to guide for career readiness and self-branding. | |
Digital Design for Print and Web: An introduction to Theory, Principles and Techniques 2011 By combining basic theory with hands-on technique, Digital Design for Print and Web takes the unique approach of uniting two subjects traditionally approached separately into one complete volume. As a result, you will gain a clearer understanding of the entire creative process, from project management to working with graphics to designing for print and, ultimately, the Web. | |
Glayol Ekbatani, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literatures |
Robert Fanuzzi, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English | |
David G. Farley, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Institute for Core Studies/First-Year Writing | |
Robert Finkel, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Physics | |
Concise Notes for Physics, 4th Edition 2008 Concise Notes presents basic theory and typical problems for introductory University Physics. Standard textbooks are too voluminous and dense for self-study; Concise Notes distills the information to manageable essentials. The fourth edition adheres to educational findings that show problem-solving is best facilitated with basic and transparent exercises rather than complex problems. | |
Physics Lectures | |
Concise Introduction to Statistical Mechanics This book is the antithesis of encyclopedic texts written to appease specialists. Here readers find an introduction to statistical mechanics that is sufficiently simple and free from prior requirements that it may be understood quickly and comfortably. Readers use statistical mechanics in the opening pages. The book also gives unique, intuitive developments of probability distributions, entropy, information, and chemical potentials not found elsewhere.
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Jefferson M. FishSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Psychology with Uwe P. Gielen and Juris G. Draguns, Ed.S. The editors have brought together leading psychologists, psychiatrists, anthropologists and others to consider the interaction of psychosocial, biological and cultural variables as they influence the assessment of health and illness and the course of therapy. The volume includes broadly conceived theoretical and survey chapters; detailed descriptions of specific healing traditions in Asia, the Americas, Africa and the Arab world; and chapters focusing on multicultural concerns within societies, specific populations (such as refugees) and the integration of traditional and modern forms of counseling and healing. Taken together, the chapters offer a broad overview of Western and non-Western traditions as they span the divides among psychosocial, medical and religious approaches. | |
Drugs and Society: U.S. Public Policy | |
Dawn P. Flanagan, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Psychology with Alan S. Kaufman | |
Contemporary Intellectual Assessment: Theories, Tests, and Issues, 2nd Edition | |
The Achievement Test Desk Reference: A Guide to Learning Disability Identification, 2nd Edition | |
with Samuel Ortiz and Vincent Alfonso
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Coauthor: Alan S. Kaufman
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Coauthor: Vincent C. Alfonso
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Coauthor, Patti L. Harrison Contemporary Intellectual Assessment: Theories, Tests and Issues -(3rd edition) 2012 In one volume, this authoritative reference presents a current, comprehensive overview of intellectual and cognitive assessment, with a focus on practical applications. Leaders in the field describe major theories of intelligence and provide the knowledge needed to use the latest measures of cognitive abilities with individuals of all ages, from toddlers to adults. Evidence-based approaches to test interpretation, and their relevance for intervention, are described. The book addresses critical issues in assessing particular populations-including culturally and linguistically diverse students, gifted students, and those with learning difficulties-and disabilities in today's educational settings. | |
Anne Galvin, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Anthroplogy | |
Granville Ganter, Ph.D. (Ed.)St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English | |
| Roseanne Gatto, Ph.D. |
Marie-Lise Gazarian-Gautier, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literatures | |
Entre Rascacielos, Volume 16 April, 2009 This journal serves as a forum for young authors who write in Spanish and who, through the publication, come to be known both on a national and international level for their artistic talent. Students, alumni and members of the St. John’s Chapter as well as the Hispanic community at large are invited to participate. The journal appears twice a year, during Hispanic Heritage Month and Poetry Month. | |
Entre Rascacielos, Volume 17 December 2009 “A literary journal is always an open space for freedom, an exercise in imagination, sensitivity, love. … Now in its 17th issue, I hope that Entre Rascacielos will continue to give words new meanings.” —Antonio Garrido, former Director of the Instituto Cervantes in New York. | |
Coeditor: Mónica Sánchez Entre Rascacielos, Volume 18 | |
Coeditor: Mónica Christopher Entre Rascacielos, Volume19 | |
Entre Rascacielos: A Decade of Poetry at St. John’s University (2001-2011) | |
Donna Geffner, Ph.D. and Deborah Ross-Swain, Eds.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Speech, Communication Science and Theatre Auditory Processing Disorders: Assessment, Management and Treatment2008 This edited book contains chapters written by national and international experts in the area of auditory processing. It presents current thinking about the descriptive, assessment, management and treatment including federal law guidelines, resources and Web sites. | |
Anne Ellen Geller, Ph.D., Michelle Eodice, Frankie Condon, Meg Carroll and Elizabeth H. BoquetSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English — Harvey Kail. | |
Marie I. George, Ph.D,St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Philosophy Christianity and Extraterrestrials? A Catholic Perspective | |
Stewardship of Creation | |
Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, Ph.D.Tobin College of Business, Economics & Finance Innovative Fiscal Policy and Economic Development in Transition Economies This book explores the problems of fiscal policy as an instrument of economic and social development in the modern environment, primarily focusing on the transition economies of Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia. Evaluating the transformational experience in these countries, this work meets a need for a critical analysis in the aftermath of the 1990s market liberalization reforms, of current trends and to outline the roadmap for future development. | |
How Did I Survive? by Artavazd M. Minasyan 2015 How Did I Survive? is a book of memoirs of Professor Artavazd M. Minasyan. It is a tale of one man’s life and his survival despite all odds. It is a story that inspires life and hope. It is a story in which good ultimately prevails over evil. It is also a tale of a country that has lived through decades of controversies, destruction and injustice. Covering the period of approximately eighty years from the early 1910s to the early1990s the narrative coincides with the author’s life journey, touching upon every significant event of the time and the author’s personal involvement in each case. These situations are not told in simple chronological enumeration, but are enriched with complex nuances. They are analyzed through the prism of time and the author’s adherence to dialectical critique. Hence one man’s life becomes the reflection of the life of the entire country. | |
Coeditor: Otaviano Canuto Financial Deepening and Post-Crisis Development in Emerging Markets: Current Perils and Future Dawns 2016 “This book provides an insightful, timely, and fresh perspective on the present and future growth trajectory of emerging markets. The introduction and the case studies vividly show the need to recalibrate our expectations and understanding: while emerging economies’ prospects were clearly overhyped in the wake of the crisis, the bleak forecasts that dominate today’s headlines are similarly exaggerated.” (Joshua Aizenman, Dockson Chair in Economics and International Relations, University of Southern California, USA) "This collection of theoretical and empirical studies is an essential reference to the new economics of emerging markets in the twenty first century. With its global perspective, the book is a must read for academic economists, policymakers, students, and economic analysts on evolving macroeconomic methodology, empirical analysis, and the challenges of policymaking in the aftermath of the global economic crisis." (Pierre Richard Agénor, Hallsworth Professor of International Macroeconomics and Development Economics, University of Manchester, UK) | |
Arthur Gianelli, Ph.D., Kevin Kennedy, Ph.D., and Glenn Statile, Ph.D., (Eds.)St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Philosophy The Journey of Metaphysics | |
Thomas Giordano, J.D.College of Professional Studies, Administration and Economics | |
The Complete Small Claims Handbook for New York State 2011 This updated book is a substantive and procedural law guide for laymen and lawyers in New York State, with specific reference to New York City’s Civil Court small claims actions, but is generally applicable to all New York small claims. Readers of this book will learn about the legal rights and obligations of consumers, business persons and others; be better able to assess chances for success if involved in a dispute; and be better prepared to resolve a dispute by settlement or legal proceeding. | |
Beverly Greene, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Psychology What Therapists Don't Talk About and Why: Understanding Taboos That Hurt Us and Our Clients | |
A Minyan of Women: Family dynamics, Jewish Identity and Psychotherapy Practice
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Psychologists' Desk Reference, 3rd Edition
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Psychological Health of Women of Color: Intersections, Challenges, and Opportunities 2013 This is an anthology that examines core issues of women of color's emotional health and well being. The book analyzes the life stages of women of color, childhood, adolescence and old age. It serves to address the challenges women of color face in the forms of physical health, violence, substance abuse, psychopharmacology, and legal/forensic issues as well as to highlight diverse identity intersections and opportunities for women of color, e.g. multiracial women, female immigrants of color, women of color with disabilities, leaders, mentors, athletes, and other underrepresented populations. | |
Paul Gyllenhammer, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Philosophy Coeditor: Kevin Hermberg Phenomenology and Virtue Ethics
David Haddorff, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theology and Religious Studies | |
Dipak Haldar, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Biological Sciences | |
Richard P. Harmond and Thomas J. CurranSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History | |
Environmentalism and the Government 2005 Environmentalism and the Government, 1844-1989, traces the advancing control of local and state agencies and more especially federal authorities over the American environment. What is striking about the theme of this volume was the expansion of federal control over the environment, and the incremental and at times ad hoc, yet steady nature of this development, at least before the 1960s. In retrospect one thing seems eminently clear, those Americans concerned about safeguarding the environment saw no viable alternative to entrusting the responsibility to Uncle Sam. | |
Nicholas M. Healy, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theology and Religious Studies Thomas Aquinas: Theologian of the Christian Life | |
Lucy T. Heckman, M.B.A.University Library, Queens Campus Damascus Part of a series of books about the top 100 thoroughbred champions of the 20th century, Damascus is the story of the 1967 United States Horse of the Year who won the Preakness, Belmont Stakes, American Derby, Brooklyn Handicap, Woodward Stakes and Travers Stakes among his 21 victories.
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How to Find Business Information: A Guide for Businesspeople, Investors, and Researchers An introductory handbook for the business researcher. Covers how to find business information in areas of: economics, finance, management, insurance, real estate, accounting, taxation, and marketing. Features annotations of major business sources (in digital and print format)
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The ALA Guide to Information Sources in Insurance, Risk Management and Actuarial Science This book is a guide to insurance, risk management and actuarial science resources including books, monographs, series, trade associations, databases, legal services, and journals.
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| Suzanne M. Henderson, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Assistant Dean The Torch: Motherwitt, Guideposts and Stories of Purposeful Womanhood At some point it became tragically clear to the author that these days our girls are missing some valuable lessons on how to be a proper woman with self-respect. She was compelled to give young women some real stories, from real women, of real life situations as blueprints for overcoming challenges that helped them become “purposeful women.” But this book is a different conversation. The goal of this book is for young women to see themselves in the stories of the authors-to draw in and connect with young women who may feel like they are the only ones who have endured their plights. In brief, simple words, “you are not alone.” |
Fred Herron, D. Min.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theology and Religious Studies | |
| John D. Hogan, Ph.D.St John’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Psychology Developmental Psychology in Historical Perspective |
Rachel Hollander, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English Narrative Hospitality in Late Victorian Fiction: Novel Ethics
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Michael Hostetler, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Rhetoric, Communication and Theatre Advanced Public Speaking: A Leader's Guide |
Peter IllichSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chemistry | |
Michael Indergaard, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sociology and Anthropology |
Chaman L. Jain, Ph.D.The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Economics and Finance | |
Rafael A. Javier, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Psychology | |
Handbook of Adoption: Implications for Researchers, Practitioners and Families 2007 This book is the first of its kind and attempts to address the major psychological, sociological, cultural and legal issues affecting members of the adoption triad (biological and adoptive parents and the adopted child/ individual) in all aspects of the adoption experience. It is a comprehensive volume that can be used as a handbook, a class text or a reference book for professionals. Importantly, this book manages to bring together under one title many renowned experts in the adoption field to create a unique compendium of serious, comprehensive and yet clear discussions about theoretical issues, research findings and practical considerations for those interested in knowing more about this important phenomenon. | |
The Bilingual Mind: Thinking, feeling and speaking in two languages 2008 This book focuses on a systematic exploration of bilingualism and its effect on the cognitive, emotional and social development of the bilingual individual. In this context, the book includes, among other things, a discussion on how the bilingual remembers and on how the ways the bilingual’s languages are organized could allow for different access of information across the bilingual languages. In this context, we then focus on the inherent problem with translation and interpretation. | |
Neil David Jespersen, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chemistry How To Prepare For the AP Chemistry Advanced Placement Test
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AP Chemistry A review book of the material covered in Advanced Placement
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Chemistry: Matter and its Changes, 5th Edition A mid-level textbook in General Chemistry.
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Study Guide to Accompany - Chemistry: Matter and its Changes | |
Modern Instrumental Analysis | |
AP Chemistry | |
Coauthors: James E. Brady, Alison G. Hyslop CHEMISTRY: The Molecular Nature of Matter | |
AP CHEMISTRY, 6th Edition | |
Abriana Jette, M.F.A.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English 50 Whispers: Poems By Extraordinary Women A collection of extraordinary female poets, including new translations from Sappho and Lady Kasa. “Even though each poem in this anthology is a voice from the past, each one has something important to say about the essence of being a woman today. Listen to these poets as they whisper their most private thoughts and feelings in your ear and marvel at how the bond of sisterhood transcends the passage of time.” –Abriana Jette | |
Michele Jones, Ph.D.St. John’s College, Languages and Literatures | |
French Grammar by Charts: A Comprehensive Review |
Adeena KarasickSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English | |
David Kaspar, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Philosophy | |
Amy King, Ph.D., (Ed.)St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English | |
Wives and Daughters 2005 Amy M. King is the author of the introduction and notes to this Barnes & Noble Classics edition of Elizabeth Gaskell’s 19th-century novel Wives and Daughters. This is an affordable edition for the student and general reader that pulls together a constellation of influences—biographical, historical and literary—to enrich each reader’s understanding. Tremendously popular in her lifetime, Elizabeth Gaskell has often been overshadowed by her contemporaries, the Brontes and George Eliot. | |
Jeffrey C. Kinkley, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History | |
Corruption and Realism in Late Socialist China: The Return of the Political Novel
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Border Town First published in 1934, Border Town brings to life the story of Cuicui, a young country girl coming of age during a time of national turmoil. A moving testament to the human spirit, Border Town is a beautifully written novel, considered Shen Congwen’s masterpiece for its brilliant portrayal of Chinese rural life before the Communist revolution.
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Thomas M. Kitts, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English/Speech Ray Davies: Not Like Everybody Else Ray Davies: Not Like Everybody Else is a critical biography of Ray Davies, with a focus on his music and his times. The book studies Davies’s work from the Kink’s first singles through his 2006 solo album, from his rock musicals in the early 1970s to his one man stage show in the 1990s and from his films to his autobiography. Based on interviews with his closest associates, as well as studies of the recordings themselves, this book creates the most thorough picture of Davies’ work to date. | |
| Literature and Work |
John Fogerty: An American Son John Fogerty:An American Son is the first critical biography to explore John Fogerty’s life and music. This book investigates Fogerty’s Americanism, his determined individualism, and unyielding musical vision which led to conflicts with his band, isolation from his family, constant legal battles, and some of the greatest songs of the 20th century. | |
Carmen Fernández Klohe, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literatures Rosa Chacel y las artes plásticas |
Rev. Robert E. Lauder, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Philosophy | |
Love & Hope: Pope Benedict's Spirituality of Communion
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Azzedine Layachi, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Government and Politics | |
Coauthors: Thomas Krabacher, Ezekiel Kalipeni Global Studies: Africa 2011 This book is designed for students, scholars and practitioners. It is also a supplementary textbook with a comprehensive presentation of Africa; it includes selected world press articles on the continent's sub-regions and countries as well as essays, maps and statistics for the regions and countries. The essays, drawn from multidisciplinary perspectives, examine the social, political and economic characteristics of all the countries of Africa. | |
Global Studies: The Middle East | |
Paula Kay Lazrus, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Institute of Core Studies All the King's Horses: Essays on the Impact of Looting and the Illicit Antiquities Trade on Our Knowledge of the Past False collecting of histories and objects without context create opportunities for the corruption of the corpus of materials from which scholars develop their research. All the King's Horses is a groundbreaking volume that explores issues related to the looting of artifacts worldwide. Topics range from Ancient Coins and Biblical Artifacts to shipwreck looting in Australia.
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Francis A. Lees, Ph.D.The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Economics and Finance 2006 An Analysis of Russia’s economic, business and financial policies influencing the role and status of this country as a location for foreign business and portfolio investors. | |
A. Andrea Licari, D.P.S.College of Professional Studies, Administration and Economics | |
| Brian C. Lockey, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English Early Modern Catholics, Royalists, and Cosmopolitans: English Transnationalism and the Christian Commonwealth Early Modern Catholics, Royalists and Cosmopolitans considers how the marginalized perspective of 16th - century English Catholic exiles and 17th -century English royalist exiles helped to generate a form of cosmopolitanism that was rooted in contemporary religious and national identities but also transcended those identities. Author Brian C. Lockey argues that English discourses of nationhood were in conversation with two opposing ‘cosmopolitan’ perspectives, one that sought to cultivate and sustain the emerging English nationalism and imperialism and another that challenged English nationhood from the perspective of those Englishmen who viewed the kingdom as one province within the larger transnational Christian commonwealth. Lockey illustrates how the latter cosmopolitan perspective, produced within two communities of exiled English subjects, separated in time by half a century, influenced fiction writers such as Sir Philip Sydney, Edmund Spenser, Anthony Munday, Sir John Harington, John Milton, and Aphra Behn. Ultimately, he shows that early modern cosmopolitans critiqued the emerging discourse of English nationhood from a traditional religious and political perspective, even as their writings eventually gave rise to later secular Enlightenment forms of Cosmopolitanism.
Richard A. LockshinSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Biological Sciences When Cells Die II | |
The Joy of Science: An Examination of How Scientists Ask and Answer Questions Using the Story of Evolution as a Paradigm | |
Methods in Enzymology, Volume 442 and 446 | |
John Lowney, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English | |
Kathleen Lubey, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English |
Gregory Maertz, Ph.D., (Ed.)St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English | |
Sharon Marshall, M.A.Institute for Core Studies, First-Year Writing Water Child | |
Marian Maskulak, Ph.D., S.T.D.St John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theology and Religious Studies 2016 The book is a volume in the Classics of Western Spirituality Series. Selections have been taken from Edith Stein's corpus of writings that pertain to the spiritual life, including 77 pages of her work that had not yet been translated into English. The selections are arranged thematically. A general introduction focuses on Edith Stein's own spiritual journey and a brief introduction also begins each thematic chapter. | |
The Structure and Agency of Women's Education | |
Judith McVarish, Ph.D.The School of Education, Department of Early Childhood, Childhood and Adolescent Education Where’s the Wonder in Elementary Math?: Encouraging Reasoning in the Classroom | |
Steve Mentz, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English Rogues and Early Modern English Culture | |
Romance for Sale in Early Modern England: The Rise of Prose Fiction
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At the Bottom of Shakespeare’s Ocean 2010 We need a poetic history of the ocean, and Shakespeare can help us find one. There is more real salt in the plays than we might expect. Shakespeare's dramatic ocean spans the God-sea of the ancient world and the immense blue vistas that early modern mariners navigated. Throughout his career, from the opening shipwrecks of The Comedy of Errors through The Tempest, Shakespeare's plays figure the ocean as shocking physical reality and mind-twisting symbol of change and instability. To fathom Shakespeare's ocean -- to go down to its bottom - this book's chapters focus on different things that humans do with, in, and near the sea: fathoming, keeping watch, swimming, beachcombing, fishing, and drowning. Uncovering the depths of Shakespeare's maritime world, this book draws out the centrality of the sea in our literary culture. | |
Oceanic New York A collection of essays, poems and artwork that considers New York City’s relationship with the ocean. The book emerges from a symposium on the St. John’s University Queens campus in October, 2013 and features the work of three St. John’s faculty members-Steve Mentz (English), Granville Ganter (English), and Elizabeth Albert (Discover New York)-and three recent graduates of the English M.A. program: Dean Kritikos, Bailey Robertson and Matt Zazzarino. |
| Shipwreck Modernity: Ecologies of Globalization 1550-1719 Shipwreck Modernity engages early modern representations of maritime disaster in order to describe the global experience of ecological crisis during the early modern period. In the wet chaos of catastrophe, sailors sought temporary security as their worlds were turned upside down. Similarly, writers, poets, and other thinkers searched for stability amid the cultural shifts that resulted from global expansion. The ancient master plot of shipwreck provided a literary language for their dislocation and uncertainty.
John J. Metzler, M.A.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Government and Politics | |
Timothy A. Milford, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History | |
Stephen Paul Miller, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English | |
Being with a Bullet
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Fort Dad
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Coeditor: Daniel Morris | |
| Using Teacher Inquiry for Knowing and Supporting Parents with Mathematics This is an inquiry guide for teachers who wonder about parent-child interactions with mathematics and how best to support those interactions. Readers are invited to embark on a journey filled with surveying, observing, and interviewing classroom families. Lessons learned by inquiring teachers, author included, are shared along with responsive action steps. The goals for everyone reading and using this book is to build strong bridges between home and school, and ultimately support children’s learning of mathematics. |
| Eduardo Mitre, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literatures El Paraguas de Manhattan |
This book is a study about the works of the four most important poets that the modernist movement has produced in Bolivia: Ricardo Jaimes Freyre, Franz Tamayo, Gregorio Reynold and José Eduardo Guerra, all of them of continental repercussion. Followed by an anthology of their poems, the detailed study encompasses the analysis of the poetic of each author, the eroticism, as well as their experience of time and the vision of the Spanish conquest. |
Thomas F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity 2010 This book provides an important study of the theology of Thomas F. Torrance, who is generally considered to have been one of the most significant theologians writing in English during the 20th century, with a view toward showing how his theological method and all his major doctrinal views were shaped by his understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity. | |
Roxana by Daniel Defoe 2010 A critical edition of Daniel Defoe’s last novel, Roxana, or the Fortunate Mistress, this book offers students and professors a newly annotated text. The introduction takes advantage of new research and thinking on women, sexuality and prostitution in late Stuart England and combines that with long-neglected contemporary documents that provide enriched opportunities for intellectual and historical engagement. |
Jay Nathan, Ph.D.The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Management Kazakhstan's New Economy: Post-Soviet, Central Asian Industries in a Global Era | |
| Coauthor: Stephen J. Farenga Knowledge under Construction: The Importance of Play in Developing Children's Spatial and Geometric Thinking Knowledge under Construction is the first to examine young children's spatial and scientific thinking through their architectural constructions with Legos and blocks. The authors' coding system allows teachers and parents to observe and record children's cognitive behaviors related to spatial thinking. In challenging Piaget's thesis, the authors illuminate our conceptions of children's emergent knowledge of space and scientific inquiry, and provide new insight into alternative ways to measure cognitive abilities in children based through block play. "For preschool educators as well as interested developmental researchers, Knowledge under Construction offers a succinct, useful introduction to the topic, delineating various aspects of spatial, geometric, and architectural thinking and related theoretical perspectives that can be brought to bear on children's construction play. The book also contains helpful pedagogical features such as a set of topics and questions at the end of each chapter for discussion. Major contributions of the book are in situating this important developmental topic in natural settings (young children's spontaneous construction play) and in pointing to some promising directions regarding how this knowledge can shed light on preschool and elementary education, particularly in science and mathematics." |
Coeditor: Chia-Ling Lin International Education: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Issues and Systems This encyclopedia is the most current and exhaustive reference available on international education. It provides thorough, up-to-date coverage of key topics, concepts, and issues, as well as in-depth studies of approximately 180 national educational systems throughout the world. Articles examine education broadly and at all levels--from primary grades through higher education, formal to informal education, country studies to global organizations. "International Education has no current print competitors. It fills an important niche in comparative education reference collections. Highly recommended. Lower-division undergraduates through researchers/faculty." –Choice | |
Haunted Victory: The American Crusade to Destroy Saddam and Impose Democracy in Iraq 2012 Haunted Victory explores the dynamic trajectory of beliefs, actions, and their consequences in what will forever be debated as among the most controversial and costly operations in American history in terms of security, power, wealth, and honor. | |
From Mountain Man to Millionaire: `The Bold and Dashing Life' of Robert Campbell (revised and expanded edition) |
The Revolutionary Years: The Art of American Power during the Early Republic 2011 The Revolutionary Years reveals how the nation's leaders asserted power during the fourteen years from the Revolution’s first shots at Lexington in April 1775 to the adoption of the Constitution in 1789. | |
The Frontier War for American Independence Although the American Revolution is commonly associated with specific locations such as the heights above Boston or the frozen Delaware River, important events took place in the wooded, mountainous lands of the frontier. The vicious war on the frontier significantly altered the course of the Revolution and involved regular troops, volunteers and Indians who clashed in large-scale campaigns and bloody fights for land, home and family. Nester brings this long-obscured chapter of the War for Independence out from the shadows of Concord and Brandywine and reshapes how we understand American history. | |
Globalization: A Short History of the Modern World 2011 Today all humans are formally tied to all others through their country's membership in the United Nations and numerous other international organizations, along with the immediate benefits of global trade, telecommunications, travel and the internet. Yet globalization has a dark side - it destroys, as well as creates jobs, wealth and lives, while every human lives under the shadow of potential nuclear and ecological extinction. Globalization: A Short History of the Modern World explores that all powerful force for good and evil from Renaissance through today and beyond. | |
Globalization, War, and Peace in the Twenty-First Century | |
Globalization, Wealth and Power in the Twenty-first Century | |
The Epic Battles for Ticonderoga, 1758 | |
Jeffrey S. Nevid, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Psychology Coauthor: Spencer A. Rathus Psychology and the Challenges of Life, 9th Edition From adjusting to college life and deciding on a career to coping with negative emotions and relieving stress—Nevid and Rathus’s Psychology and the Challenges of Life, Ninth Edition reports on relevant psychological theory and current research, and shows you how to apply this information to your daily life. Now thoroughly updated, this Ninth Edition features references to the latest scientific findings, integrated coverage of human diversity, new and revised pedagogical features and more. |
Coauthors: Spencer A. Rathus and Beverly Greene | |
Essentials of Psychology: Concepts and Applications | |
Psychology: Concepts and Applications, 2nd Edition A mainstream textbook used in introductory psychology courses, it adopts a unique pedagogical framework based on the Four Es of Effective Learning: engaging interest; encoding important information; elaborating meaning; and evaluating progress. The author draws upon evidence from his research on pedagogical effectiveness in developing the book's pedagogical framework and introduces a new study tool, concept signaling. This edition also introduces the use of concept maps for the first time in introductory psychology. | |
Coauthors: Spencer A. Rathus and Beverly Greene | |
Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adjustment and Growth, 11th Edition
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Coauthor: Spencer Rathus 2012 | |
Coauthors: Spencer Rathus and Beverly Greene 2013 | |
Essentials of Psychology: Concepts and Application (4th Edition) The most recent edition of the author's introductory psychology text in a briefer version that focuses on the core concepts in psychology and helps guide students through their first exposure to the field of psychology.
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Mary Noe, J.D.College of Professional Studies, Legal Studies |
James O’Keefe, Ph.D.College of Professional Studies, Criminal Justice and Legal Studies | |
Allan Ornstein, Ed.D.The School of Education, Administrative and Instructional Leadership with Thomas J. Lasley, II | |
with Daniel Levine The School of Education, Administrative and Instructional Leadership | |
with Richard Sinatra The School of Education, Department of Human Services and Counseling | |
Derek Owens, D.A.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English Resisting Writings and the Boundaries of Composition | |
Composition and Sustainability: Teaching for a Threatened Generation | |
Memory's Wake |
Rev. Robert Pagliari, C.Ss.R., Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Communication Sciences and Theater with Maril Crabtree | |
Michael Perino, J.D., LL.M.School of Law | |
Herbert Pierson, Ed.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literature | |
New Century English for Postgraduate Students: Reading B - Student's Book and Teacher's Book |
Alejandro Quintana, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, History | |
Pancho Villa: A Biography 2012 |
Alice Ramos, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Philosophy | |
Douglas B. Rasmussen, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Philosophy | |
Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-Perfectionist Politics 2006 How can we establish a political/legal order that in principle does not require the human flourishing of any person or group to be given structured preference over that of any other? Addressing this question as the central problem of political philosophy, Norms of Liberty offers a new conceptual foundation for political liberalism that takes protecting liberty, understood in terms of individual negative rights, as the primary aim of the political/legal order. | |
Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty 2009 A collection of interpretive and critical essays by philosophers and political scientists which explore central themes in liberalism and its ethical and metaphysical grounding as developed in Rasmussen and Den Uyl’s Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-Perfectionist Politics (2005). Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl contains an omnibus reply essay by Rasmussen and Den Uyl, “Norms of Liberty: Challenges and Prospects.” | |
Reality, Reason, and Rights: Essays in Honor of Tibor R. Machan 2011 This is a collection of essays by various well-respected philosophers dealing with issues raised by the writings of Tibor R. Machan. | |
Normas de Liberdade: uma base perfecccionista uma politi não-perfeccionista | |
Nicole R. Rice, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English Lay Piety and Religious Discipline in Middle English Literature | |
Tara Roeder, Ph.D. |
| The 1930s: The Reality and the Promise (Chapter entitled- “Experimental Philanthropies and the Negro Theatre”) The Federal Theatre Project (FTP) under the umbrella of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) was born in 1934 as a way to provide relief to artists who were out of work during the Great Depression. The FTP was divided into eight major categories: 1) classes, 2) theatre of entertainment, 3) children’s theatre, 4) dance drama, 5) American drama series, 6) the living newspaper, 7) radio drama, and 8) the Negro theatre. By 1935, the Negro Theatre Project was the largest employer of black workers in the unit of the WPA. While this relief was immediate and short-lived, (1934-1939) the outcomes of this program were long-lasting. The Federal Theatre Project introduced the notion of mutual reciprocity, art as a national treasure, and equal opportunity. Sociocultural changes occurred as a result of the project. Some of these changes were intended whereas others were not. This chapter examines the sociocultural development and change as a result of the FTP with regard to the black population. Art/theatre helped both blacks during the time period and set the tone for future movements.
Susan Rosenberg, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Art and Design Trisha Brown: Choreography as Visual Art 2016 Trisha Brown reshaped the landscape of modern dance with her game-changing and boundary-defying choreography and visual art. Art historian Susan Rosenberg draws on Brown’s archives, as well as interviews with Brown and her colleagues, to track Brown’s deliberate evolutionary trajectory through the first half of her decades-long career. Brown has created over 100 dances, six operas, one ballet, and a significant body of graphic works. This book discusses the formation of Brown’s systemic artistic principles, and provides close readings of the works that Brown created for nontraditional and art world settings in relation to the first body of works she created for the proscenium stage. Highlighting the cognitive-kinesthetic complexity that defines the making, performing and watching of these dances, Rosenberg uncovers the importance of composer John Cage’s ideas and methods to understand Brown’s contributions. One of the most important and influential artists of our time, Brown was the first woman choreographer to receive the coveted MacArthur Foundation Fellowship “Genius Award.” Book reviewers’ comments: “After years of deep research into the life and career of Trisha Brown, Susan Rosenberg has illuminated not only the major works of this most imaginative of postmodern choreographers, but the ideas that shaped them and the artistic climate to which they so greatly contributed. An amazing achievement.” (Deborah Jowitt, author of Time and the Dancing Image) “This is a thrilling, essential book and it confirms Trisha Brown’s status as the major artist who transcends disciplinary boundaries and also illuminates a creative process that is unmatched in its rigor and beauty.” (Sam Miller, Director, Institute for Curatorial Practice in Performance, Wesleyan University) “In this overarching, finely detailed book, Susan Rosenberg situates Trisha Brown’s evanescent choreography among the painters and sculptors who were her muses and colleagues. An insightful and enlightening translator, Rosenberg connects the mercurial body to the incisive mind, so that we can read Brown’s work, and see her thought.” (Nancy Dalva, Merce Cunningham Trust Scholar in Residence) “This important book makes the essential point that Trisha Brown situated her choreography in relation to visual art not simply because of the community of artists around her, or her affinity for drawing―but, as Rosenberg convincingly argues, because Brown’s interests in the preservation and transmission of movement drew strength and inspiration from a proximity to the histories and institutions of art.” (Peter Eleey, Museum of Modern Art) Award bestowed upon the book: College Art Association Meiss/Mellon Author's Book Award, summer 2015 | |
Ino Rossi, Ed.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sociology and Anthropology Frontiers of Globalization Research: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches | |
Jean-Pierre Ruiz, S.T.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Theology & Religious Studies | |
Marybeth Ruscicawith Carolyn H. Fitzpatrick, Vincent D. Fitzpatrick | |
Fiorentina Russo, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Language and Literatures | |
Nerina Rustomji, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History | |
Judith Anne Ryder, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sociology & Anthropology Girls and Violence: Tracing the Roots of Criminal Behavior Ryder explores the relationship between disrupted emotional bonds and violent delinquency. She draws on intimate interviews to show how teenage girls navigate experiences of abuse, emotional loss, and parental abandonment, revealing how their violent acts become a means of connecting with others however maladaptive and misplaced those connections may be. Her work suggests viable strategies for early intervention to keep at-risk young women out of the criminal justice system. "A path-breaking, nuanced qualitative study on girls and violence." "Ryder has made a major contribution to the field by articulating a developmental trajectory that could explain what transforms little girls into impulsive and violent young women." "Beautifully articulated.... A truly inspirational and informative text." - Contemporary Sociology |
Annalisa Saccà, Ph.D., Gaetano Cipolla, (trans.)St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literatures | |
| Annalisa Saccà, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literatures Poesie di Eduardo Mitre, Prefazione e traduzione di Annalisa Saccà “Saccà’s translation at times surpasses the original verses, arriving at a rhythmic dimension that succeeds in bringing things to life.” -Pino Sassano, writer and member of the Slowbook initiative (book workshops by writers around Italy) with Andrea Camilleri, President |
Enzo Nasso: saggi critici | |
Rosemary C. Salomone, J.D.School of Law | |
Richard T. Scarpaci, Ed.D.The School of Education, Early Childhood, Childhood and Adolescent Education | |
| Mary Beth Schaefer, Ed.D.The School of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Coeditor: Kathleen F. Malu Research on Teaching and Learning with the Literacies of Young Adolescents This book brings together studies that elucidate the complexities, challenges, and rewards associated with teaching and learning with the literacies of young adolescents. The editors highlight the urgency of engaging middle grade students in academic learning. The perspectives in this volume help researchers and educators examine the current state of new and evolving literacies and construct a cutting edge agenda for middle-level literacy education. |
Leon G. Schiffman, Ph.D.The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, with Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Marketing Consumer Behavior | |
Susan Schmidt Horning, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History Chasing Sound: Technology, Culture, and the Art of Studio Recording from Edison to the LP
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| Aaris Sherin, M.F.A.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Fine Arts SustainAble: A Handbook of Materials and Applications for Graphic Designers and Their Clients |
| Design Elements, Color Fundamentals: A Graphic Style Manual for Understanding 2013 Color Fundamentals is the second book in the Design Elements series that focuses on a single core element of design. This book takes an in-depth look at using color in design applications and applying principles that will allow designers to effectively communicate with color, integrate color with type and image, affect meaning, and create order. The basics tenants of color theory are broken down into clear and actionable directives and the text highlights how known pairings and selection methods can be used in real world projects. "In this dynamic reference manual, Sherin succinctly addresses all aspects of communication through color, providing many helpful tips and pointing out the accepted standards. Along the way, she demystifies color theory, unpacks the emotive qualities of color, and even discusses when and where a designer might break the rules. The guide is loaded with hundreds of examples of color used effectively in all sorts of design contexts, including package design, logos, advertising, web design, and information architecture. VERDICT: Students and beginning designers will learn the most from this book, but anyone who communicates visually will find it informative." — Library Journal |
| Sustainable Thinking: Ethical Approaches to Design and Design Management Sustainable Thinking explores how values and sustainability can reshape the way design management is practiced and applied. The book discusses how designers can combine innovative, creative thinking with analytical problem-solving skills to produce outputs that are business ready and ethically driven. Examples from a wide range of practitioners who work within the field of sustainable design are examined through case studies, and engaging activities suggest ways for students and practitioners to explore introducing sustainable thinking into their work. |
The Graphic Design Reference+Specification Book Coauthors: Poppy Evans and Irina Lee The Graphic Design Reference & Specification Book should always be next to a designer’s computer. Completely practical with only the most needed information, this valuable book provides designers with all the details that can make or break a design, such as how much space to leave in the gutter when designing barrel folds, how to lay out a template for a box, and the ratios of each part, as well as metric conversion charts, standard envelope sizes in USA, Europe, Canada and Asia, and much more. | |
Stephen Sicari, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English Modernist Humanism and the Men of 1914: Joyce, Lewis, Pound, and Eliot2011 An original approach to modernism in which skepticism and pessimism are usurped by humanist values and virtues. Modernist Humanism and the Men of 1914 is a defense of literary modernism that recognizes for the first time that the deepest goal of high modernism is to establish a renewed humanism for the 20th century. Recent critiques have tended to diminish modernism's literary standing by emphasizing the reactionary politics of the period and connecting the literature to those developments as complicit or at least parallel. In his incisive readings of four pillars of high modernism (James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot) Stephen Sicari returns the focus instead to the rich and complex imaginative texts themselves for a fuller reading that rescues these works from the narrow political contexts of postmodern criticism. | |
Richard C. Sinatra, Ph.D.The School of Education, Human Services and Counseling and Childhood, Early Childhood, and Adolescent Education | |
Reflective Literacy Practices in an Age of Standards: Engaging K-8 Learners | |
Laura J. Snyder, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Philosophy Reforming Philosophy: A Victorian Debate on Science and Society | |
The Philosophical Breakfast Club: Four Remarkable Friends Who Transformed Science and Changed the World | |
Richard Stalter, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Biological Sciences | |
| Kristin M. Szylvian, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History/Library and Information Science The Mutual Housing Experiment: New Communities for the Urban Middle Class A mutual housing experiment tested the practicality of a cooperative housing plan created for World War II defense workers during the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. At least 32 residential communities are still owned by their residents on a mutual basis and provide both affordable and socially engaged housing for wage-earners. Winfield, NJ, has been owned and democratically run by its residents for more than a half century. |
Robert R. Tomes, Ph.D., (Ed.)with Irwin Unger, Ed. | |
New York City: A Brief History 2010 This brief history of New York City was written for use in St. John’s University’s Discover New York core course. The new edition has added expanded coverage on timely topics such as the evolution of economic issues and added more material on the key personalities of Fiorello LaGuardia, Robert Moses and John Lindsay. | |
American Issues: A Primary Source Reader in United States History, Volume 1 | |
American Issues: A Primary Source Reader in United States History, Volume 2 | |
William J. Torgerson, M.F.A.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Institute for Core Studies/ First-Year Writing Love on the Big Screen2011 Meet Zuke, a college freshman whose understanding of love has been shaped by late eighties romantic comedies. Love on the Big Screen is a novel of friendship, the dangers of romanticized love, the complexities of faith and real life, and what happens to one young man as he finds out that life is nothing like the movies he loves. | |
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Jennifer Travis, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English |
Julia A. Upton, RSM, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theology |
Ales Vancura, Ph.D. (Ed.)St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Biological Sciences | |
| Ivana Vancurova, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Biological Sciences Transcriptional Regulation: Methods and Protocols2012 This book provides a collection of classic and cutting-edge protocols for in vivo and in vitro study of transcription and transcriptional regulation and covers (i) methods for assaying RNA abundance and stability, (ii) analysis of promoter elements, (iii) analysis of DNA-protein interactions, (iv) assays of chromatin structure, and (v) chromatin modifications. The protocols are a valuable tool for graduate students and post docs as well as more senior biochemists and molecular biologists working in different areas of transcriptional regulation. The protocols can also be useful in a clinical laboratory, where physician-scientists are looking for new methodologies potentially suitable for human clinical testing. |
Cytokine Bioassays: Methods and Protocols 2014 Cytokine Bioassays: Methods and Protocols provides a comprehensive collection of classic and cutting-edge methodologies that are used to analyze and quantify cytokines and their biological activities in complex biological and clinical samples. Chapters are divided into three main categories; the first category details the immunodetection of released cytokines in tissue culture supernatants, plasma, serum, and whole blood samples by immunoassays. The second part focuses on the analysis of biologically active cytokines by bioassays using neutralizing antibodies, chemotaxis assay, cytokine-induced phagocytosis assay, proteasome activity assay, and analysis of cytokine-induced immunoglobulin class switching. The third part presents analysis of intracellular cytokines by flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence confocal microscopy, and western blotting. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. | |
Lara Vapnek, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, English Breadwinners: Working Women & Economic Independence, 1865-1920
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Athanasios Vasilopoulos, Ph.D.The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Computer Information Systems/ Decision Sciences Business Statistics - A Logical Approach | |
with F. Victor Lu Quantitative Methods for Business with Computer Applications | |
Roberta Villalón, Ph.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sociology and Anthropology Violence Against Latina Immigrants: Citizenship, Inequality and Community | |
Vincentian Center for Church and Society A Concise Guide to Catholic Church Management | |
Christopher P. Vogt, Ph.D.St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theology and Religious Studies Patience, Compassion, Hope, and the Christian Art of Dying Well2005 Patience, Compassion, Hope and the Christian Art of Dying Well combines a strong pastoral sensibility with the best of contemporary scholarship in Christian ethics to answer the pressing questions of how Christians should respond to suffering and death. The book provides an analysis of the ars moriendi (art of dying) tradition of a few centuries ago and then builds upon and reshapes that tradition for readers today. Carefully analyzing Luke’s passion narrative, Vogt uses Jesus as the primary model for patience in the face of death. By mining the rich tradition of virtue ethics, Vogt uses the virtues of patience, compassion and hope as a framework for specifying the shape of a good death and for naming the practices Christians should develop to live well and to die well. |
| Charles Wankel, Ph.D.The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Management Coauthor: Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch Collaborations among faculty and students around the world will be increasingly supported by semantic social networks capable of providing crucial functions. Students can be engaged in the design and development of semantic web applications in such areas as structuring and representing knowledge. The increasing availability of interactive educational tools and collaborative community resources, such as wikis, can be the foundation for deploying semantically marked up and social connected educational spaces where students construct their own learning pathways in explorations of knowledge and creating new content integration. This volume shares visions and partial realizations of the impact of the semantic web and associated Web 3.0 features on higher education. It provides accounts of cutting-edge pedagogic applications of the semantic web with its extremely extensive use of interconnecting information technologies. |
Coauthor: Larry Pate Emerging Research Directions in Social Entrepreneurship | |
Coauthor: Larry Pate Social Entrepreneurship as a Catalyst for Social Change 2013 Social Entrepreneurship as a Catalyst for Social Change contains twenty chapters on the impact of social entrepreneurial ventures within a variety of cultural and national contexts. From Brazil to Croatia, from Thailand to Greenland, this book is rare in that it provides a rich landscape in which to imagine additional efforts to bring about positive social change. The case studies cover a broad range of topics with one common theme-how can we learn from what others are doing in the emerging field of social entrepreneurship? The various cases will inspire budding entrepreneurs to new heights of awareness to support the alleviation of poverty in many contexts. Part Two, Lessons from the Field: How Social Entrepreneurial Companies are Succeeding, discusses the similarities and differences that social entrepreneurial ventures and other businesses must face to be successful. Other topics covered include Entrepreneur Bootcamp for Veterans, microfinance, social entrepreneurship education, and development of a culture of social entrepreneurship. Part Three, Going from Local to Global, explores the challenges of a social enterprise as it transitions from a national venture to an international one. The relationship between social entrepreneurship and local business development in places such as Sicily is discussed through case studies. A stage theory of social venture internationalization is put forth. Research connecting social media and social entrepreneurship is used to illustrate the importance of social networks in creating positive social change. Part Four, Challenges in Social Entrepreneurship, explores the challenges that social entrepreneurial ventures face. Ethics of intellectual property rights in social enterprises is a focal topic in this section. Social franchising as an approach to social entrepreneurship is illustrated. | |
Coeditor: Laura A. Wankel Misbehavior Online in Higher Education As interaction in higher education among faculty, staff, students, and others becomes ever more digital, the welter of new online communication technologies have provided many unintentional opportunities for indiscipline and misconduct. As a result of this unfortunate increase is misbehavior, administrators and instructors in higher education are increasingly being called upon to remedy and forestall such actions. Misbehavior Online in Higher Education is rich in contemporary case studies, analytical reports, and up-to-date research providing detailed overviews of various misbehavior, including cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cyberslacking, and privacy invasion, hacking, cheating, teasing, and enhanced prejudicial attitudes. The development of approaches to addressing these problems is discussed and examples are provided. The book also anticipates emerging problematic behavior and the development of new policies, programs, facilities, and technologies to tackle the concerning behaviors. | |
Transforming Virtual World Learning
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Educating Educators with Social Media 2011 Social media are increasingly popular platforms for collaboration and quick information sharing. This volume is a collection of reports on how these technologies are being used to educate educators with social media in creative and effective ways. The use of wikis, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, text messaging, Flickr, Delicious,YouTube, Yahoo Pipes, Diigo, Second Life, Moodle and other Web 2.0 technologies are shown in vivid examples and insightful critiques. The use of social media in developing countries for new approaches to teaching as support for individual and peer-based learning for such endeavors as collaborative screen play writing projects and social annotation are covered. | |
Higher Education Administration with Social Media: Including Applications in Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, Alumni Relations, and Career Centers
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Teaching Arts and Science with the New Social Media 2011 This book covers a wide range of approaches to applying social media in teaching arts and science courses including: collaborative social media in writing courses the use of Wikis as a platform for co-creation of digital content and powerful data sharing; the expansive vistas enabled by these new technologies, the use of content posting in public social media forums as an enabler of critical reflection and the use of social media to augment face-to-face meetings. Also addressed are: the opportunities and downsides of this immersive technology, design recommendations for instructors and a welter of applications and implications for teaching practices, such as the use of Twitter as a sandbox where students share ideas before arriving in class or as back-channels to classes. | |
Streaming Media Delivery in Higher Education: Methods and Outcomes
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Effectively Integrating Ethical Dimensions into Business Education 2011 A volume in Research in Management Education and Development Series Editors: Charles Wankel, St. John's University Over the last decade, we have been witnessing a dramatic contrast between the CEO as a superhero and CEO as an antihero. The new challenge in business education is to develop responsible global leaders. Relatively little is known, however, about how management educators can prepare future leaders to cope effectively with the challenge of leading with integrity in a multicultural space. This volume is authored by a spectrum of international experts with a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives. It suggests directions that business educators might take to reorient higher education to transcend merely equipping people and organizations to greedily proceed, with dire effects on the preponderance of people, nations, our planet and the future. The book is a collection of ideas and concrete solutions with regards to how morality should be taught in a global economy. | |
Coeditor: Shaun Malleck The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Management | |
Coeditor: Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Management | |
Ettie Ward, J.D.School of Law Courting the Yankees: Legal Essays on the Bronx Bombers | |
Gregory A. Wilson, Ph.D.College of Professional Studies, Division of English and Speech The Problem in the Middle: Liminal Space and the Court Masque | |
| Ann C. Wintergerst, Ed.D.St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literatures Crossing Cultures in the Language Classroom (2nd Edition) Crossing Cultures in the Language Classroom attempts to balance theory and practice for |
Coauthor: Joe McVeigh Tips for Teaching Culture: Practical Approaches to Intercultural Communication | |
Coauthor: Andrea DeCapua, Ed.D. Crossing Cultures in the Language Classroom |
| Andreas ZachariouThe School of Education, Human Services and Counseling |