Kathryn Shaughnessy

Associate University Librarian for Teaching, Research and Scholarship Associate ProfessorOpen Educational Resources Librarian
M.L.S. St. John’s University 2006M.A. Philosophy Fordham University 1992B.A. Philosophy Loyola College 1989

Kathryn Shaughnessy is an Associate Professor in the University Libraries, serving as the Scholarly Communications and Affordable Learning Librarian. As of June 1, 2021, she also assumed the role of Associate University Librarian for Teaching, Research and Scholarship. As the Scholarly Communications Librarian, she is responsible for the University's Institutional Repository (aka St. John's Scholar), including the publication of Open Access Journals and Electronic Theses and Dissertations. As the Affordable Learning Librarian her work focusses on Open Access, Open Educational Resources, the ethical dimensions of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) access and ICT-literacy in education/library environments. Her current professional activities include working with educators and curators in the Open Ecology of Information, and facilitating the adoption/adaption/creation of Open Scholarship resources across the university. As co-PI of a National Archives/National Historical Publications and Records Commission grant-funded project "Family, Immigration, and History: Grade 10 Citizen Archivists in the Digital Age," Prof. Shaughnessy worked with NYC public school teachers to develop open curricula involving digital historical records. As a Senior Vincentian Center Fellow, Prof. Shaughnessy worked with Vincentian Center for Church and Society and the Catholic Library Association to promote Social Justice and Integral Human Development literacy in academic and civil sectors. Her research focuses on the role of ICTs in Global Development, Migration, and Education.  Her service to professional library organizations include serving on the regional chapter Executive Board of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Greater New York Metropolitan Area Chapter (ACRL/NY, 2009-2024). She also serves on the national Executive Board of the Catholic Library Association (2015-present), currently as Immediate-Past-President (2023-2025).

Prof. Shaughnessy's  research interests focus on information ethics and increased access to information/education through technology, including:  Information Ethics, ICT literacy, Scholarly Communication, Open Pedagogy, Accessible Design, Social Justice in the Information Professions, and Gender dimensions of poverty/development research.

LIS 221 Planning and Delivering Information Literacy Programming, Graduate

LIS 222 Materials and Services to Diverse Populations, Graduate

LIS 231 College and University Libraries, Graduate


Shaughnessy, K. G. and Maio, N. (2011). “St. John’s LEADership: A case study in collaboration” in Libraries and student affairs in collaboration. Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke and Melissa Wong, eds. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

“Blended Librarian Case Study: Kathryn Shaughnessy” in Bell, S. J., & Shank, J. D. (2007). Academic librarianship by design : A blended librarian's guide to the tools and techniques. Chicago: American Library Association.

Shaughnessy, K., Manna, L., & Odin, J. (2019).  "Free & Global: Family Research Resources for a Global City" Presentation at Long Island Library Conference, Melville, NY, May 09, 2019.


Shaughnessy, K. & Carey, E. (2019)."DPLA and Community Archivists: Connecting Family History, Local Immigration and World History" Presentation at Digital Public Library of America, DPLAfest, Chicago, April 18, 2019.


McManamon, S., K. Ronzino, J., Spear, S.  Shaughnessy, & Carey, E. (2019)."Teaching Changing Loyalties and Histories: The Queens Immigration Project"  Panel presentation at American Historical Association Annual Conference, Chicago, January 5, 2019.


Shaughnessy, K. (2018). "Queens Immigration History Project: Changing the Narrative through Community Partnerships"  Presentation at American College and Research Libraries - NYC Chapter Annual Symposium,  New York City, December 7, 2018. 


Shaughnessy, K. & Carey, E. (2018). "The World's History: The Queens Immigration Project", Presentation at  National Council for Social Studies Annual Conference, Chicago, December 1, 2018.


Shaughnessy, K. (2018). "Open Curriculum Partnerships: World History through Immigration History and Family History" Presentation at  OpenCon NYC 2018. New York City, October 26, 2018.


Shaughnessy, K. (2018). "Free and Open Resources: Catholic Social Teaching in Action"  Presentation at Catholic Library Association and Catholic Research Resources Alliance joint affiliate meeting  American Library Association, New Orleans, June 23, 2018.


Shaughnessy, K. (2018). "NHPRC: Family History, World History and the Queens Immigration Project" Presentation at  New York State Council for the Social Studies & New York State Social Studies Supervisory Assn Conference,  Albany, March 8, 2018.

Philosophy; Social Justice