Christopher P. Vogt

Ph.D., Boston CollegeM.T.S., Harvard Divinity SchoolA.B., College of the Holy Cross

Christopher Vogt is Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, and a Senior Fellow of the Vincentian Center for Church and Society. His most sustained area of research and publication has dealt with the Christian Ars Moriendi tradition, attempting to articulate what dying well might look like from a contemporary Christian point of view and how Christians should endeavor to accompany the dying and face death themselves. He is the author of Patience, Compassion, Hope, and the Christian Art of Dying Well (Rowman and Littlefield, 2004). He also does research focusing on social ethics and moral formation, with particular attention to the role churches and church-affiliated institutions play in cultivating virtue and shaping the public engagement of moral issues. 
He is currently writing a book on Catholic higher education, which draws upon Pope Francis’s theology of encounter and the Catholic common good tradition as critical sources for Catholic mission.

Dr. Vogt currently serves as graduate program director for the Department of Theology & Religious Studies and as the academic liaison to the Catholic Scholars Program.

With Kate Ward (Co-editors), Bothering to Love: James F. Keenan’s Retrieval and Reinvention of Catholic 
EthicsMaryknoll,  NY: Orbis, 2024.  

“Catholic Social Teaching and Ecological Ethics,” in Green Discipleship – Revised Edition, ed. Tobias Winright (Cascade, Forthcoming in 2025). 

“Overcoming the Silence of Scandal: Creating Space for Theological Dialogue and Discernment on Sex and Gender,” in Bothering to Love: James F. Keenan’s Retrieval and Reinvention of Catholic Ethics, Christopher Vogt and Kate Ward, co-editors, (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2024), 25-36. 

“Death and Dying” in T&T Handbook of Christian Ethics, ed. Tobias Winright (London: T&T Clark, 2021): 319-328. 

Laudato Si’: Social Analysis and Political Engagement in the Tradition of Catholic Social Thought,” in Integral Ecology for a More Sustainable World: Dialogues with Laudato Si’, ed. Dennis O’Hara, Matthew Eaton, and Michael T. Ross (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020), 13-27. 

“Mercy, Solidarity, and Hope: Essential Personal and Political Virtues in Troubled Times,” Journal of Catholic Social Thought v. 14, no. 2 (Summer 2017): 205-228. 

“The Inevitability of Scandal: A Moral and Biblical Analysis of Firing Gay Teachers and Ministers to Avoid Scandal,” in The Bible and Catholic Theological Ethics, ed. Yiu Sing Lucas Chan, James F. Keenan, and Ronaldo Zacharias, eds. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2017): 262-72. 

“Business, Capabilities Theory and the Virtue of Justice,” in The Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management, ed. Alejo Sison (Dordrecht: Springer, 2017): 333-43.

“Virtue: Personal Formation and Social Transformation,” Theological Studies vol. 77, no. 1 (March, 2016): 181-196. 

“Business, Capabilities Theory, and the Virtue of Justice,” in Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management, ed. Alejo Jose Sisson (Springer Netherlands, 2015): 1-11. 

“Locating the Church in the World: Ethnography, Christian Ethics, and the Global Church,” Journal of Moral Theology vol. 2, no. 2 (2013): 157-71.

“Liturgy, Discipleship, and Economic Justice,” in The Almighty and the Dollar: Christian Perspectives on Economic Justice for All (Anselm Academic, 2012),

“Catholic Social Teaching and Creation,” in Green Discipleship, ed. Tobias Winright (Anselm Academic, 2011), 220–41. 

“The Use of Scripture in the Ars Moriendi Tradition.” In The Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics, ed. Joel B. Green (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2011), 78–9.

“Art of Dying, The (Ars Moriendi).” The Encyclopedia of Death and Human Experience, ed. Clifton D. Bryant and Dennis L. Peck (Los Angeles: Sage, 2009): 70–2.

“Fostering a Catholic Commitment to the Common Good: An Approach Rooted in Virtue Ethics,” Theological Studies 68:2 (June 2007): 394–417.

“Integrare la guerra giusta e le virtù per promuovere la pace: compassione, rispetto per le persone e misura della proporzionalità” (“Integrating Just War and the Virtues of Peacemaking: Compassion, Respect for Persons and the Measurement of Proportionality”) Rassegna di Teologia 47, no. 2 (2006): 195–218.

“Finding a Place at the Heart of the Church: On the Vocation of a Lay Theologian,” in New Wine, New Wineskins: A New Generation in Catholic Moral Theology, ed. William Mattison (Lanham, Md.: Sheed & Ward, 2005), 45–65. 

“Maximizing Human Potential: Capabilities Theory and the Professional Work Environment,” Journal of Business Ethics 58 (2005): 111–23. 

 “Recognizing the Addict as Neighbor: Christian Hospitality and the Establishment of Safe Injection Facilities in Canada,” Theoforum 35, no. 3 (2004): 317–42.

Patience, Compassion, Hope, and the Christian Art of Dying Well. Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. 


THE 2300      Introduction to Catholic Moral Theology

THE 2320      Catholic Social Teaching

THE 3300      Moral Theology of Healthcare

THE 3305      Moral Theology of the Marketplace


MGD 110       Catholic Social Thought & Integral Human Development

THE 170        Fundamental Moral Theology

THE 523        Catholic Social Teaching

THE 524        Theological Bioethics