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- Caroline Fuchs
Caroline Fuchs is the University Librarian, Dean of Libraries and Professor. She holds an MLS, an M.A. in English and an M.A. in history. She holds a certificate in Instructional Design from OLC. Dean Fuchs is a Senior Fellow at the Vincentian Center for Church and Society, a Center for Teaching and Learning Teaching and Technology Fellow, and a Writing across the Curriculum Fellow. A member of the St. John’s University Libraries’ Web and Emerging Technologies committee, she helps develop library mobile apps and web related activities. She teaches Research Methods and Graphic Novels in Libraries in the DLIS online graduate program, as well as a Discover New York undergraduate course on exploring New York history through graphic novels. Active in the library community, she served as Director-at-Large on the Board of Directors for ACRL (2016-2020). She served on the Board of Directors for the Catholic Research Resource Alliance (CRRA) as the Vice-Chair/Chair Elect, and is currently a member of the CRRA Program Committee for Atla. Dean Fuchs also served on the planning committee for the ACRL 2023 Conference; as co-chair of the ALA Core Competencies Development Committee; and, as a member of the ALA Core Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Prof. Fuchs’ is interested in exploring the practical application of educational technology for teaching and learning, literacy in the digital age, and the use of graphic novels to teach social justice issues. Particularly, how the use of graphic novels can be used to foster the discussion of “big picture issues” such as social justice/injustice, race, poverty, immigrant identity, war, etc. She is also interested in studying role of the academic librarian as a research partner and fully-integrated member of the teaching and learning communities on campus, the practical application of educational technology, and the ways in which social media and online interactive software alter the way in which we teach and learn. Most recently, she has begun to explore the challenges of leadership in disruptive times, as well as the role librarians play in mitigating epistemic exclusion.
LIS 239: Research Methods in Library and Information Science (Graduate)
LIS 273: Graphic Novels and Libraries (Graduate)
LIS 901: Special Topics: Independent Research (Graduate)
DNY 1000C: Exploring New York through Comics (Undergraduate)
Angel, C., & Fuchs, C. (Eds.). (2018). Organization, Representation and Description through the Digital Age : Information in Libraries, Archives and Museums (Current Topics in Library and Information Practice). Berlin: De Gruyter Saur.
L. Chow, C. Fuchs, J. Kucsma, C. Wajda, & S. Sajonas, (Eds.). (2013). The Global Librarian.. New York: METRO and ACRL/NY.
Fuchs, C. & and Medved, P. (2019). Creative Invention: The Art of Research and Scholarship, in Purdue Information Literacy Handbooks Series on Information Literacy and Writing Studies, Teaching Information Literacy and Writing Studies. Volume 2, Upper level and graduate courses. West Layfayette, IN.
Fuchs, C., & Phillips, C. R. (2022). Working Together to Get it Right: Creating a Just-in-Time Professional Development Course for Faculty during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education, 6(1).
Ball, H. F., & Fuchs, C. (2020). Dissertation Deep Dive: Taking the Plunge to Support Graduate Students. Urban Library Journal, 25 (2).
Dent, V., Takeuchi, K., Turner, B., Ball, H., Fuchs, C., Jusino, A., & Karnik, S. (2018). Wayfinding Serendipity: The BKFNDr Mobile App. Code4Lib Journal, (42).
Turner, B., Fuchs, C., & Todman, A. (2015). Static vs. Dynamic Tutorials: Applying Usability Principles to Evaluate Online Point-of-Need Instruction. Information Technology and Libraries, 34(4), 30-54.
Fuchs, C. (2013, July). How to Reinvent Librarians: 5 Top Tips from Around the World. The Guardian: The Global Public Leaders Series. UK. (Invited guest contributor)
Ball, H. F., and Fuchs, C. (December 2022). Mapping K-16 connections for student success: Information literacy across the educational continuum. ACRL/NY. Virtual. Fuchs, C. and Ball, H. F. (November 2021). We need to talk: Framing Conversations among K-16 librarians for student success. Long Island School Library Systems' 8th Annual Regional Institute. Invited keynote speakers. Virtual. Fuchs, C., Phillips, C., and Zhang, Y. (July 2021). Engaging the online learner: Development of an asynchronous course for faculty on remote pedagogy fundamentals. 2021 Conference on Engaged Learning at Elon University, NC. Fuchs, C. and Ball, H.F. (July 2021). Making connections for student success: Commonalities and intersectionalities among the Common Core State Standards, the American Association of School Librarian Standards, and the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Educations. PILLARS Symposium: Preparation, Information Literacy, Libraries, Academic Resources and the 21st Century Skills for Transitioning from Secondary School to College. Virtual. Fuchs, C. (June 2019). Collaborative engagement with information literacy concepts: Creating a shared learner-workspace to explore and evaluate research resources. Teaching Narratives Symposium: Engaging Digital Learners. St. John’s University, Queens, NY Takeuchi, K., Turner, B., Ball, H., Fuchs, C., Jusino, A., Karnik, S., Dent, V. (May 2019) Showing the way: Developing a wayfinding app using beacon technology at an academic library. CIT 2019 Conference. Purchase, NY. Ball, H.F., and Fuchs, C. (May 2019). Dissertation deep dive: Taking the plunge to support graduate students. LACUNY Institute. New York, NY. Fuchs, C., Ball, H., Jusino, A., Karnik, S., Takeuchi, K., Turner, B., & Dent, V. (April 2019). Tap search discover: The university libraries go mobile. ACRL 2019 Conference. Cleveland, OH. Fuchs, C., King, T., et al. (January 2019). Using VoiceThread discussions in your courses. St. John’s University Spring Faculty Technology Exploration. Invited panelist. Turner, B., Ball, H., Fuchs, C., Jusino, A., Karnik, S., Takeuchi, K., & Dent, V. (January 2019). Tap search discover: The university libraries go mobile. St. John’s University Center for Teaching Spring Technology Exploration. Fuchs, C., Ball, H., Turner, B., Jusino, A., Karnik, S., Takeuchi, K., & Dent, V. (October 2018). St. John’s University Libraries go mobile. St. John’s University Fall Faculty Tech Forum. Fuchs, C. & King, T. (May 2018). Unintended consequences: Fashioning intrinsic motivation from collaborate course design. St. John’s University Teaching Narratives Symposium: Sharing our Stories. Queens, NY. Fuchs, C. (January 2019). Unbundling big package database subscriptions. ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS) Discussion Group Forum, at ALA 2019 Midwinter Conference. Seattle, WA. Fuchs, C. & Ball, H.F. (June 2018). Fetch, heel, sit, stay: Old dog/new dog mentoring perspectives. The Teaching Professor Conference. Atlanta, GA. Fuchs, C. & Medved, P. (November 2016). Creative invention: The Art of research writing, presented at the Creative Connectivity: Thinking, Writing and Translation of Information to Understanding 6th Biennial International Critical Thinking and Writing Conference. Hamden, CT. Fuchs, C. & King, T. (October 2017). Unintended consequences: Fashioning intrinsic motivation from collaborative course design, presented at The Teaching with Technology Conference. Baltimore, MD. Fuchs, C. (May 2016). Teaching New York history with graphic Novels, presented at the Long Island Libraries Pop Culture Conference (LIPopCon), Oakdale, NY. Fuchs, C. (2015). Reading beyond the panels: Social justice and graphic novels, presented at the Long Island Libraries Pop Culture Conference (LIPopCon). Oakdale, NY. Fuchs, C., Handis, M., Miles, L., & Shaughnessy, K. (April 2015). On campus, online, off hours: Librarian strategies that sustain graduate Student Scholarship and Discourse, at the ACRL 2015 National Conference. Portland, OR. Fuchs, C. & Dorning, J. (June 2014). Labor Solidarity in a ‘Right-to-Work’ State, panel organizer and moderator at the ALA Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Fuchs, C. (2013). Black and white? : Imaging racism, prejudice and the civil rights movement of the 1960s, presented at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Comics and Graphic Novels. Denver, CO. Fuchs, C. & Dorning, J. (June 2013). Preserving labor’s history: Librarians and archivists on the rrontlines, panel organizer and moderator at the ALA Annual 2013. Chicago, IL. Fuchs, C. & Dorning, J. (June 2012). Keep the fight going: Libraries fight back!, panel organizer and moderator at ALA Annual 2012, Anaheim, CA. Fuchs, C. (November 2012). Teaching New York history through comics and graphic novels, presentation as part of the session track Engaging with New York City history: Pedagogical techniques for freshmen courses, at the Researching New York History Conference. Albany, NY. Fuchs, C. (June 2012). When reading is seeing: Using graphic narratives as catalysts for discourse on social issues, presented at Rocky Mountain Conference on Comics and Graphic Novels. Denver, CO. Fuchs, C. & Shaughnessy, K. (April 2012). Librarians as resource: Supporting Catholic social justice teaching, invited panelist for the Catholic Library Association 2012 Convention. Boston, MA. Fuchs, C. & Shaughnessy, K. (April 2011). Librarian leaders: Engaging students in Catholic social justice teaching, presented at the Catholic Library Association 2011 Convention. New Orleans, LA. Fuchs, C. (2011). Using Xtranormal movies in Libraries, presented at the METRO Library 2.0. New York, NY. Fuchs, C. (2011). Reading beyond the panels: Using graphic narratives to inform a discussion group, presented at the New England Comic Arts in the Classroom (NECAC) Conference. Providence, RI. Fuchs, C. (2011). QR Codes in Libraries, presented at the METRO Library 2.0. New York, NY. Fuchs, C. & Shaughnessy, K. (2010). Research partner: Beyond liaison librarianship, presented at the ACRL 2011 Conference A Declaration of Interdependence. Philadelphia, PA. Fuchs, C. (2009) Transforming responsibility into opportunity: Lessons learned by a legislative advocate, poster presented at Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL/NY) Symposium “Emerging Leadership in Academic Libraries. New York, NY. Fuchs, C. (2009). Where’s the party? New York celebrates the opening of the Erie Canal, panel presentation at the Researching New York Conference as part of the panel History and Memory: Interpretation and Commemoration. Albany, NY. Fuchs, C. (2009). Twitter in academic libraries???, presented at the Long Island College and Academic Library Directors (LICALD) Fall Meeting Program. Old Westbury, NY. Fuchs, C. (2009). Reasons to celebrate: New York and the opening of the Erie Canal, 1825, presented at the 30th Conference on New York State History. Plattsburgh, NY. |
English; Language and Literature; Library and Information Science