Policy 701 - Complaint Resolution

Section: Employee Relations
Policy Number: 701
Responsible Office: HR/HR Services
Effective Date: 4/1/01
Revised: 1/26/12; 8/8/17; 9/12/18


All regular full-time and part-time administrators and staff.


The University encourages employees and supervisors to resolve employment-related concerns and complaints informally using the procedures outlined in this policy. Employees shall be protected from retaliation as a result of seeking resolution of complaints according to this policy. In cases of complaints of discrimination, discrimination-related harassment or sexual harassment, employees should use the complaint procedures provided in the University’s Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment and Related Complaint Procedures (policy #704). If an employee has an issue relating to his or her verbal or written warning or performance plan, the employee should discuss the problem with his or her supervisor. If the issue is not resolved, the employee should seek guidance from HR Services. Should the employee continue to feel that corrective action has been unduly applied, he or she may pursue resolution through the University’s Complaint Resolution mechanism, below.


The following procedures are available to assist employees who wish to address and resolve workrelated complaints. Although they are generally intended to be progressive in nature, employees may, at any time, address their concerns with any of the persons or offices listed below:

1. The employee should first attempt to resolve the complaint informally with his or her supervisor.

2. If the supervisor does not resolve the complaint or, in the employee’s opinion, the supervisor is not the appropriate person to handle the complaint (such as if the complaint is against the supervisor), the employee can request a meeting with the supervisor’s manager to address the issue(s).

3. If the employee feels that the supervisor’s manager has not resolved the complaint, he or she can contact HR Services and request a meeting. Depending on the nature of the complaint, HR Services may refer the complaint to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance.

4. If the employee still feels his or her complaint has not been resolved, he or she may request a review and final determination by the Director of Equal Opportunity, Compliance and Title IX, or by the Associate Vice President for Human Resources.

St. John's University, New York
Human Resources Policy Manual