Policy 127 - Exit Interviews

Section: Employment
Policy Number: 127
Responsible Office: HR/HR Services
Effective Date: 1/1/01
Revised: 2/23/12


HR Services provides the opportunity for an exit interview in person or by phone to all full-time administrators and staff who voluntarily terminate employment from the University. Participation in an exit interview is strongly encouraged. The purpose of conducting exit interviews is to obtain feedback from exiting employees regarding their experiences while working at the University.

Employees receive an Exit Interview Questionnaire electronically, which they complete prior to the interview and bring with them to review with HR Services during the exit meeting. The employee’s supervisor receives an email from HR Services indicating the date and time of the employee’s scheduled exit interview appointment. This email communication also outlines the required steps for which the supervisor is accountable prior to the employee’s departure. (See policy #125, Separation from Employment, for supervisor’s responsibilities).

Responses to the Exit Interview Questionnaire are maintained confidentially on an individual basis. Responses are tracked on an aggregate department-level basis for the purpose of assessing trends to help strengthen employee retention.


St. John's University, New York
Human Resources Policy Manual