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- Constitution Day Celebration
St. John’s University commemorates the signing of the US Constitution, which occurred on September 17, 1787. This annual commemoration continues to be an important part of the history of the United States. It recognizes the creation of our union 237 years ago, and it gives us the opportunity to reflect on the ongoing efforts to make our union “more perfect.”
2024 Event Information
“Eroding Fourth Amendment Protections at Sports Stadiums”
Webex Discussion: “Eroding Fourth Amendment Protections at Sports Stadiums”
Presenters: Roberto Cosentino, Esq., Assistant Professor, Division of Legal Studies; James A.Croft, Esq., Associate Professor, Legal Studies; Robert Romano, Esq., Associate Professor, Legal Studies; Regina Stuart, Esq., Assistant Professor, Legal Studies; and Sharon Yamen, Esq., Assistant Professor, Legal Studies
Date: Tuesday, September 17
Time: 12:30–1:30 p.m.
Place: held virtually via Webex
Contact: James A. Croft, Esq., Associate Professor, Legal Studies, at croftj@stjohns.edu
Discussion: “First Amendment Constraints on Holding Journalists Accountable for Publishing False Information”
Presenters: Robert Cosentino, Esq., Assistant Professor, Legal Studies; James A. Croft, Esq., Associate Professor, Legal Studies; William Murphy, Esq., Associate Professor, Legal Studies; Mary Noe, Esq., Professor, Legal Studies; Sejal Singh, Esq., Associate Professor, Legal Studies; Regina Stuart, Esq., Assistant Professor, Legal Studies; and Sharon Yamen, Esq., Assistant Professor, Legal Studies.
Date: Monday, September 18
Time: 1:50–3:15 p.m.
Place: St. Augustine Hall, Multipurpose Room 2-145, Second Floor
Contact: Prof. James A. Croft, Esq., at croftj@stjohns.edu
10 Facts for Constitution Day: (PDF)
Event: Recent Supreme Court Decisions: Shifting the Constitutional Balance
Presenters: Profs. Mary Noe, Esq., Sejal Singh, Esq., William L. Murphy, Esq., Regina K. Stuart, Esq., Sharon Yamen, Esq. and James Croft, Esq.
Date: Monday, September 19, 2022
Time: 1:50-3:15 p.m.
Place: St. Augustine Hall, Multi-Purpose Room 2-145, 2nd Floor
Contact: Professor James A. Croft at croftj@stjohns.edu
Staten Island Campus will conference virtually