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Commencement 2021 update
As the conclusion of the spring semester approaches, I write to share with you the planning process for this year’s Commencement Ceremonies. Since the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, University personnel have explored and examined a wide...
St. John’s Faculty Present their Research Insights in Healthcare Informatics and Digital Design at the ACM New York Chapter Webinar Series
The first webinar in this series, presented by Syed Ahmad Chan Bukhari , Ph.D, St, John’s University; and Juby George-Vaze RN, CCM, MBA, CEO & Chief Innovation Officer, Globex Health; was held on March 24th and discussed how you can predict health...
In Memoriam: Jack Clemente
It is with deeply felt sorrow that we advise you of the passing of a member of the family of one of our colleagues: Jack Clemente Father of Jacqueline Clemente-Papadopoulos Director, Business Transformation and Customer Success Office of Information...
In Memoriam: Miguel Justino Rodriguez
It is with deeply felt sorrow that we advise you of the passing of a member of the family of one of our colleagues: Miguel Justino Rodriguez Father of Jaime E. Rodriguez, Ph.D., Associate Professor Division of Health and Human Services The Lesley H...
A Message from the President
One of the most alarming and disturbing outgrowths of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been a surge of hate crimes, bias incidents, acts of racism, and bullying directed against the Asian community throughout the United States. Especially during the...
The Hospitality Management student chapters of NYU, Penn State and St. John's University will co-host the inaugural HSMAI Greater NY Virtual Global Intercollegiate Spring Conference April 5-8, 2021
The Hospitality Management student chapters of NYU, Penn State and St. John's University will co-host the inaugural HSMAI Greater NY Virtual Global Intercollegiate Spring Conference April 5-8, 2021. This inaugural Virtual Global Conferenc e includes...
In Memoriam: Nicholas Dennis Burke
It is with deeply felt sorrow that we advise you of the passing of a member of the family of one of our colleagues: Nicholas Dennis Burke Husband of Dr. Martha L. Mackey Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Administration and Public Health...
In Memoriam: Paul Agnello
It is with deeply felt sorrow that we advise you of the passing of a member of the family of one of our retired colleagues: Paul Agnello Husband of Fina Agnello Retired Services Thursday, March 18, and Friday, March 19, from 3 to 7 p.m. Frederick...
Recap of the March 2021 Board of Trustees Meeting
In the spirit of information-sharing and with a commitment to fostering openness among the St. John’s University community, we are pleased to share some of the topics, highlights, and action items discussed at the most recent meeting of the Board of...
Planning for the Fall 2021 Semester
As we mark the first anniversary since the rapid expansion of COVID-19 forced St. John’s University and the entire higher education community to transition to remote activities, we pause to reflect upon all that the experiences of the last 12 months...