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- Social @St. John's University
- Social Media Request Form
Please fill out all fields below and we will do our best to accommodate your requests and include your posts into our rotation. We reserve the right to post your content on the platform we feel is most appropriate for the messaging and audience. Be advised that we have a regularly scheduled rotation of content that showcases St. John’s to our followers and fans. For the latest, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and LinkedIn.
File Specs
- Facebook Timeline: Dimensions: 1200 X 630 | Image Scale 1.91:1
- Facebook Event Image: Dimensions: 1920 X 1080 | Image Scale: 16:9
- Twitter: Dimensions: 1024 x 512 | Image scale: 2:1 5MB in JPG or PNG
- Instagram: Dimensions: 1080 X 1080 | Aspect ratio: Between 1:91:1 and 4:5
- Instagram Stories: Dimensions: 1080 x 1920 | Aspect ratio is 9:16.
- Facebook: Dimensions: 1280 x 720 | MP4 file, No larger than 1.75 GB, 45 min max
- Twitter: MP4 file, No larger than 15MB | Max 2min 20secs
- Instagram: MP4 file | 30MB max | 60 secs or less