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School Building Leadership/School District Leadership, Advanced Certificate

The Dual Advanced Certificate Program for School Building Leader (SBL) and School District Leader (SDL) is a nationally accredited program that provides students with an intellectual environment that enables them to refine existing knowledge and develop new knowledge, practices, and skills in the areas of administration, assessment, and curriculum.

The Dual Advanced Certificate Program for School Building Leader (SBL) and School District Leader (SDL) is a nationally accredited program that provides students with an intellectual environment that enables them to refine existing knowledge and develop new knowledge, practices, and skills in the areas of administration, assessment, and curriculum. Graduates of this innovative program earn New York State certification to become school building leaders and school district leaders in central offices. All courses are designed to train professional educators to assume various administrative, supervisory, and leadership roles in schools, districts, and other educational organizations.

Admission requirements include a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university, a master’s degree (minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher) from an accredited institution, and a minimum of three years of successful teaching experience, pupil personnel service, and/or school building leadership. Programs require candidates to possess a permanent or professional certificate in classroom teaching service or pupil personnel service.

The program consists of 35 hours of required graduate course work. This includes a three-credit internship in school building leadership and a three-credit internship in school district leadership. Students must also complete two one-credit intensive review and exam preparation courses. Students may apply 30 credits to the 60-credit doctoral degree.

Candidates typically enroll part-time (two courses per semester) for the majority of their program. Courses are offered on the Queens campus (weekday evenings) and Long Island Graduate Center location (weekend format). Courses are also offered online.

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Degree Type
Adv Cert
Area of Interest
Associated Colleges or Schools
Program Location
  • Queens Campus
  • Online
Required Credit Hours


  • EDU 5103 Educational Governance and Policy Issues
  • EDU 5301 Leadership Values, Decision-Making and Multicultural Org.
  • EDU 5471 Leadership in Instructional Supervision
  • EDU 5571 Administrative Leadership & Planned Change
  • EDU 5650 School Based Data Analysis
  • EDU 5743 Educational Planning: An Integration of Professional Capital Agendas
  • EDU 5761 School-Based Business Administration for Admin & Supv.
  • EDU 5791 Legal Aspects of the  Administration of Schools
  • EDU 5811 Administration & Supervision of Services for Diverse Students
  • EDU 5950 Internship Seminar in SBL
  • EDU 5951 Internship Seminar in SDL
  • EDU 5499 General Review and Exam Preparation: SBL
  • EDU 5599 General Review and Exam Preparation: SDL

Program Benefits

The Dual Advanced Certificate Program provides a means for candidates to adapt administrative theory to practice; utilize and interpret educational technology; address the learning needs of diverse learners; implement data-based decision making; and understand and conduct research. Online courses offer students flexibility and convenience. All courses are designed to train professional educators to assume various administrative, supervisory, and leadership roles in schools, districts, and other educational organizations.


The Department of Administrative and Instructional Leadership has partnerships with educational agencies in the metropolitan area, including Nassau County BOCES, Eastern Suffolk BOCES, Stony Brook University, and the New York City schools. Collaborative ventures with educational institutions in Korea and Italy have also been established.

What makes our program unique? Why come here?

The Dual Advanced Certificate Program at St. John’s University has an outstanding reputation for quality and completion. Faculty advisors work closely with candidates to identify current needs pertinent to the field of education and relevant to their own work contexts. The partnerships listed above provide a unique opportunity to examine issues in education with data that reflect the current challenges in the local area, region, or state. Students are expected not only to consider and improve their own professional practices, but also to lead in facilitating the growth and development of other educators focusing on administration and policy.

According to the New York City Department of Education (DOE), “St. John’s graduates were rated highest in retention, the percentage of teachers still employed in the NYC DOE three years after hire; were second-best in tenure approval; had the lowest receiving ‘unsatisfactory’ ratings their first year; and 91 percent of its teacher graduates were rated ‘highly effective’ or ‘effective’ as reflected in student growth scores on fourth- through eighth-grade math and English tests.”

As of 2014, U.S. News and World Report ranked St. John’s graduate program in education the fifthhighest out of 166 graduate online programs evaluated across the nation.

What’s in it for me?

The Dual Advanced Certificate Program is an advanced certificate degree in education beyond the master’s degree. Completion of this degree allows our graduates to be very competitive for high-level educational job opportunities related to school and district leadership roles, curriculum studies, and technology.


The Career Center at the University provides assistance to candidates in identifying opportunities for advancement.


Please view the School of Education Graduate Admission Application Requirements for detailed admission information.

Online Learning

Earn Your Degree Online
Pursue your St. John’s degree entirely on your computer. Our fully accredited Online Learning programs allow you to take courses electronically. Log in at your convenience to enter our virtual classrooms, learn from our accomplished faculty, and engage with classmates.

Our online courses offer the same high academic quality that students experience on campus. Professors deliver lectures and post assignments via Blackboard, our electronic course management system. Students use it to attend virtual classes, share documents, take exams, and exchange ideas with faculty and classmates.

A Fully Academic Experience
You also enjoy the outstanding services available to all St. John’s students, for example:

  • Eligibility for scholarships and financial aid
  • Tuition and fees identical to those for on-campus courses
  • Access to library collections, career services, mentoring, and other academic resources.

Contact us for more information about online learning at St. John’s.

Career Possibilities

The Dual Advanced Certificate Program is designed to develop educational leaders who are prepared to assume professional leadership positions in school buildings, social agencies, corporations, and foundations; central office administration; educational technology; and differentiated instruction. Students become certified in New York State SBL/SDL as principals and/or district administrators.

Program Contact

Stephen Kotok

Associate Professor

Sullivan Hall Queens 511


Interested in Education, but not sure if School Building Leadership/School District Leadership, Advanced Certificate is right for you?