Male student sitting in class holding a pen

Adolescent Education and Teaching Students with Disabilities (7-12), Master of Science in Education

The program is designed to foster the ability of teachers to develop the skills, attitudes, and abilities needed to identify and remediate major learning and behavior disorders, ranging from mild to profound, regardless of etiology.

Degree Type
Area of Interest
Associated Colleges or Schools
Program Location
  • Queens Campus
Required Credit Hours


Please view the School of Education Graduate Admission Application Requirements for detailed admission information. 


 *SJU Comprehensive Exam must be passed during the final semester of classes.

EDU 3215: Research & Practice of Teaching Writing/English Language Arts in General & Inclusive Education, 5-12
EDU 7000: Sociological & Psychological Foundations of Learning
EDU 7106: Understanding the Socio-emotional, Cultural and Cognitive Aspect of Middle School/Adolescent Learners in General and Inclusive Settings
EDU 7267: Technology for Literacy Based Applications in Content Area Learning in Regular and Special Education Settings
EDU 7290: Human Relations in Inclusive Setting

EDU 7297 Introduction to Research Methods
EDU 7295: Teaching and Learning: Adolescent (20 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 7291: Innovative Strategies in Secondary Setting: Social Studies (20 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 7292: Innovative Strategies in Secondary Setting: Science (20 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 7293: Innovative Strategies in Secondary Setting: Math (20 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 7294: Innovative Strategies in Secondary Setting: Foreign Language (20 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 7296: Innovative Strategies in Secondary Setting: English (20 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 7117: Adolescent Education Associate Teaching (Student Teaching)
Must be taken in your second to last semester. New York State Required Examinations must be passed prior to enrollment in Student Teaching: EAS, CST-Multi Subject. edTPA is done during this semester.

EDU 9704: Research in Collaborative Partnerships and Strategic Instruction for General, Special and Inclusive Educational Settings: Adolescent (10 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 9706: Curriculum Adaptation and Modification Planning for Exceptional Students: Adolescent (10 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 9711: Education and Accommodating Needs for Individuals with Exceptionalities, K-12 (15 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 9719: Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavior Supports, K-12 (15 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 9726: Curriculum and Instruction Design for Individuals with Exceptionalities: Math, Science, and Social Studies- Adolescent (15 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 9742: Formal and Informal Educational Assessment of Individuals with Exceptionalities- Adolescent (prerequisite: EDU 9711) (20 Hrs. Fieldwork)
EDU 9744: Curriculum and Instructional design for teaching Literacy to Individuals with Exceptionalities- Adolescent (20 Hrs. Field work)
EDU 9705: Practicum in Special Education-(150 Hrs.) – Adolescent
Must be taken in your final Semester. Must have completed all Special Education Coursework and CST- Students with Disabilities. New York State Required Examinations must be passed prior to enrollment in Student Teaching.

EDU 7106: Understanding socio-emotional, cultural and cognitive aspects of middle school/adolescent learners in general and Inclusive settings
EDU 7107:  Methods and strategies of teaching middle school/adolescent learners in general and Inclusive settings
Students satisfying the 30 credits in a content area with a minimum grade of C, passing the CST content subject area will be eligible for certification, grades 7-9, in their content area

Career Outcomes

The completion of the program qualifies students for New York State initial certification as a teacher of students with disabilities provided students have successfully completed all New York State mandated external tests, training modules, workshops, and teaching experiences. Students are required to complete 48 credits in total.

Gainful Employment Disclosures
This certificate program is approved as a Gainful Employment Program through the US Department of Education and is, therefore, eligible for Federal Student Aid. View Disclosure to learn about this program outcomes.

Top Outcomes for this particular program

The program is designed to foster the ability of teachers to develop the skills, attitudes, and abilities needed to identify and remediate major learning and behavior disorders, ranging from mild to profound, regardless of etiology.  Attention is also paid to diagnosis, intervention, program planning and program evaluation. 

The program prepares graduates to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of human developmental processes, particularly related to the lifespan development
  • Understand a wide range of disabilities and how a student’s disability may impact high school services and post-school outcomes for adolescents
  • Identify students’ strengths and needs so as to individualize and modify instruction
  • Collaborate effectively with parents, educators, and related service providers
  • Create and implement educational programs for adolescents with disabilities using most current evidence-based practices and technology
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and competence in adapting curricula for students with disabilities in specific subject matters, such as, reading/language arts, math, social studies, and sciences.
  • Assess and evaluate the development and implementation of effective strategies for children with learning and behavior challenges in the classroom setting
  • Use, interpret, and analyze various forms of assessment (formal, informal, formative, summative) to gather detailed information, from multiple sources, about student learning
  • Use the basic principles and strategies of the science of applied behavior analysis with students who have disabilities
  • Understand research in the broader context of special and inclusive education
  • Create safe, nurturing, inclusive, and individualized learning environments for student with disabilities, being mindful of how life experiences, culture, ethnicity shape and strengthen students are learners
  • Interpret and apply standards from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC),  Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium (inTASC), and other relevant professional organizations

Top three features/qualities of our program:

Our full-time faculty is highly qualified with many years of experience working with individuals with disabilities, and their families, in diverse school and clinical settings, and is also actively engaged in research and professional service. Further, we have a strong supporting Adjunct faculty that brings unique practitioner inputs to our programs. To access information about our Faculty, please visit:

Our courses are offered across multiple campus sites (Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Long Island) with ample online course offerings.  Online courses allow students to learn at their own pace and participate in interactive and creative online learning opportunities

Programs that offer multiple opportunities for engagement in professional activities, academic service learning, and global education consistent with the University’s Catholic and Vincentian mission. Our school’s mission of “Preparing teachers, counselors, and administrators as transformational leaders who honor the dignity of all people” guides our programs and informs our practice each day.

Why is the experience unique at St. John’s ?

Our students complete 150 hours of supervised special education practicum in various settings including self-contained, inclusive, and mainstreamed classrooms. St. John’s program is unique in that it allows students to develop skills to teach exceptional students in schools, clinics, and early intervention settings. Students are exposed to instructors, current researchers, and leaders in the field of special education who have many years of experience and expertise working directly with children in diverse, multicultural, and high-needs urban and suburban school settings.

Our graduates are successful and highly proficient teachers trained to meet the highest professional standards in special education set by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), through rigorous course work based on evidence-based practices, applied observation and practicum experiences, and engagement in student activities, including academic service learning. We are excited to welcome you to join this cadre of effective teachers and global citizens effecting change in the lives of children and youth through education and service.

Our students participate in many online learning opportunities that allow for current and effective use of online resources for research and practice in special education and preparation for careers in an increasingly global and digital world

Our students engage in several professional and networking events throughout their program developing their competencies to effectively communicate and interact with stakeholders in collaborative and inclusive ways.  Please visit our CEC Student Chapter page at to learn more about the exciting opportunities for professional preparation and student engagement that we offer to our students as part of their overall experience in our Special Education program

Our Faculty

-Faculty with extensive experience as school and community-based professionals are actively engaged in school-based research and service activities

-Faculty regularly present at local, national, and international special education conferences

-Faculty have published in highly regarded peer-reviewed education and special education journals including Review of Educational Research, Learning Disability Quarterly, Learning Disability Research & Practice, Behavior Modification, Preventing School Failure, Beyond Behavior, Intervention in School and Clinic, International Review of Research in MR, American Journal of Mental Retardation, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, International Journal of Inclusive Education, and International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education

St. John's University Crest
  • Assistant Professor


Education Specialties

Program Contact

Ishita Khemka


Sullivan Hall Queens Room 412


Federal Regulations require all higher education institutions offering an academic program designed to meet the educational requirements for a professional license or certification or advertised as such, to provide potential students with information about whether completion of that program would meet the educational requirements for licensure/certification in the state of the student’s location upon enrollment.

This program prepares students for licensure/certification in New York State. Students who plan to work in a state other than NY, must visit our Professional Licensure Disclosure Information page where we have indicated if this program meets or does not meet the educational requirements for specific states.

Interested in Education, but not sure if Adolescent Education and Teaching Students with Disabilities (7-12), Master of Science in Education is right for you?