three students talking with one another

Childhood / Special Education (1-6), Bachelor of Science in Education / Master of Science in Education

Today teachers must be prepared to work with students with diverse needs and abilities.

Today teachers must be prepared to work with students with diverse needs and abilities. The inclusion movement mandates placing special education students in general education classrooms, regardless of their disability. This mandate changes special education from a pull-out to a pull-in program. According to Dr. Sally Smith, Director of the Lab School in Washington, DC, inclusion will make it necessary for the general education and special education teachers to co-teach. They will plan lessons and teach together and share responsibilities for assessing a student’s mastery of skills and socialization.

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Degree Type
Area of Interest
Associated Colleges or Schools
Program Location
  • Queens Campus
Required Credit Hours

Program Benefits:

  • Ability to complete two degrees in five years
  • Ability to take 12-15 graduate credits at the undergraduate tuition rate
  • Initial certification in two areas
    (Childhood Education and Special Education)

The BSED/MSED program prepares students for the challenges of inclusion because they will have two field and two student teaching experiences and be involved in numerous visits to special education facilities throughout their training.

Having knowledge of and experience with children with a variety of exceptionalities, graduates of this program will be ready to serve in inclusionary settings as teachers, resource persons and program organizers in the 21st century.


Please see the admission requirements for this dual degree program.


EDU 101 Introduction to Education (1-12)
(Credit: 1 semester hour)

EDU 1000/EDU 1000H Foundations of Education (1-12)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1001 Learning and Development-Childhood (1-6)
Fieldwork required
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1003 Organizational Strategies & Classroom Environment (1-6)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1041 First & Second Language Acquisition and Literacy Development (1-6)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1042 Literacy Development for Content Area Reading & Assessment (1-6)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1055 The Art of Writing for Educators (1-12)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1006 Methods of Teaching Mathematics (1-6)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1007 Methods of Teaching Science (1-6)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1010 Planning, Teaching, & Assessing Social Studies (1-6)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1011 Human Relations in Inclusive & Multiculturalism (1-12)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1016 Art/Music in Inclusive Settings (1-6)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1027 Education Theory to Practice/Childhood (1-6)
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 1021 Student Teaching and Seminar/Childhood Education (grades 1-6)
(Credit: 12 semester hours)

EDU 7266 Technology for Teaching Literacy*
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 9711 Education of Individuals with Exceptionalities*
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

*Nine graduate credits taken during four years of undergraduate program.

Total = 54-55 combined credits
Academic Concentrations: 24 Credits
Liberal Arts-Core Curriculum: 57 Credits

EDU 3200 Language Acquisition and Literacy Development
Fieldwork required.
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 9700 Collaborative Partnerships, Strategic Instruction and Material Adaptations in
Inclusive Settings: Childhood
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 9702 Practicum in Special Education: Childhood
A minimum of 100 field hours is required.
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 9707 Planning and Managing Teaching and Learning Environments*
Fieldwork required
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 9712 Educational Assessment of Individuals with Exceptionalities
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 9716 Curriculum and Instructional Design for Teaching Literacy to Individuals with Exceptionalities: Childhood
Fieldwork required
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 9718 Curriculum and Instructional Design for Individuals with Exceptionalities: Math, Science and Social Studies
Fieldwork required
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 9719 Principals of Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavioral Supports
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

EDU 9720 Applications of Behavior Management Techniques
Fieldwork required
(Credit: 3 semester hours)

Content: (24-30 credits)
In consultation with an advisor, students are required to select one content area from the following: English, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Language, Psychology, Sociology, Science (Biology or Physics) or Social Studies.

Department Contacts

Bernadette A. Zacharuk

Academic Advisor

Sullivan Hall Queens 133


Federal Regulations require all higher education institutions offering an academic program designed to meet the educational requirements for a professional license or certification or advertised as such, to provide potential students with information about whether completion of that program would meet the educational requirements for licensure/certification in the state of the student’s location upon enrollment.

This program prepares students for licensure/certification in New York State. Students who plan to work in a state other than NY, must visit our Professional Licensure Disclosure Information page where we have indicated if this program meets or does not meet the educational requirements for specific states.

Interested in Education, but not sure if Childhood / Special Education (1-6), Bachelor of Science in Education / Master of Science in Education is right for you?