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- Tara J. Roeder
Tara Roeder is an Associate Professor and Director of the First Year Writing Program in the Department of Core Studies. Her research interests include multi-modal undergraduate composition, feminism and women’s writing, trauma and psychoanalytic theory, and critical animal theory/intersectional anti-speciesism. She also publishes poetry and fiction.
Courses Taught: FYW 1000C: Composing Across Genre
Critical Expressivism: Theory and Practice in the Composition Classroom. (Edited with Roseanne Gatto.) Parlor Press and the WAC Clearinghouse, 2015.
Chapters in Edited Collections:
“Incorporating Anti-speciesism in Social Justice Pedagogy." "Tell Me What to Do": Modeling and Models of Social Justice.” Ed. Neal Lester. MLA, 2024.
"Beyond Diet: Veganism as Liberation.” The V Word: Veg(etari)an Arguments in Culture, History, and Practice. Eds. Cristina Hanganu-Bresch and Kristin Kondrlik. Palgrave-Macmillan, 2020.
"Re-claiming Composition: A 21st Century Interdisciplinary Imperative." Co-authored with Derek Owens. Writing Changes. Ed. Pegeen Reichert Powell. MLA, 2020.
“On Composition and Design.” Interchapter in Exquisite Corpse: Art-based Writing Practices in the Academy. Eds. Natalie Virgintino and Kate Hanzalik. Parlor Press, 2019.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
"My Words Would Have Murdered: Sandor Ferenczi, Women's Memoir, and Reparative Reading." PsyArt. Spring 2018.
"You Have to Confess: Rape and the Politics of Storytelling." The Journal of Feminist Scholarship. Fall 2015.
“Surprise of Surprises: Virginia Woolf, Mary McCarthy, and the Politics of Female Pleasure.” MP: An On-line Feminist Journal. Summer 2013.
“Albertine Has Left: A Meditation on Mourning.” PsyArt. July 2012.
“That From a Long Way Off Look Like Flies: Lists, Writing Handbooks, and
Heterotopias.” Writing on the Edge. Spring 2012.
“The Longing in the Face of the Lost: Self and Other in the Postmodern Female Sublime.” More Than Thought. Spring 2011.
“American Spaces: New Urbanism's Fascist Rhetoric." Consortium: A Journal of Crossdisciplinary Inquiry. 2011.
Poetry Chapbooks:
The Golden Age of Diners. rinky dink press, 2020.
all the tiny babies of my dreams. Ghost City Press, 2020.
panic dance. dancing girl press, 2019.
Every Bird Is A Miracle. (with Arman Safa) DIAGRAM Press, 2019.
(all the things you're not). dancing girl press, 2016.
maritime. Bitterzoet Press, 2016.
“the afterdark” (LaPiccioletta Barca 2020)
"38th Street” (Right Hand Pointing: One Sentence Poems 2019)
“Friday the 13th” (fields 2019)
“excavation redux” (Driftwood Press 2019)
“Invitation to Join the Audubon Society” (Bateau 2018)
“Picking Up The Pieces” and “Compare and Contrast is Not a Valid Genre” (Pretty Owl Poetry 2018)
“the minor gods of the pantheon are tired of being overlooked” (series of 8 poems) (Clockwise Cat 2017)
“ocean poem”; “grass poem”; “sky poem” (Gnarled Oak 2017)
“A Love Without Edges” (Red Flag Poetry 2017)
“In The Absence of Daughter” (HEArt Magazine 2017)
“thaw” (A-Minor Magazine 2017)
“salamander dreams” and “porch creak” (Ink In Thirds 2016)
“Blood and blood and blood” (Poetry WTF?! 2016)
“A Writer’s Reference, Eighth Edition: A Found Poem” (UnLost 2016)
“(all the things we found there)” (The Bombay Gin 2016)
“eucharist” (HOOT 2016)
“four colors” (Sein und Werden 2016)
“mumbling latin” (Crab Fat Literary Magazine 2016)
“lies for a competitive sister” (HOOT 2016)
“i miss your lies” (Epigraph Magazine 2016)
“all the things you're not” (E Ratio 2015)
“cool radishes of light burst” (THRUSH 2015)
“all the tiny babies of my dreams” (Haggard and Halloo 2015)
“bit versus the blues” (Blood Lotus 2013)
Flash Fiction:
“Crabbe and Goyle As Usual” (Queen Mob’s Teahouse 2020)
“The Local Grizzly Pack” (The Offbeat 2019)
“The Eccleston Sisters Hold a Séance” (A-Minor-Magazine 2019)
“Punching Mr. Tedesco” (Permafrost Magazine 2018)
“Los Angeles Is Burning” (A3 Review 2018)
“The Story of Her Life” (Literary Orphans 2017)
“Never Trust Your Instinct” (3:AM Magazine 2016)
“Bower” (Leopardskin And Limes 2016)
“A Peculiar Grammar” (Five 2 One Magazine 2016)
“Concerned Citizens Who Saw Something And Said Something” (The Higgs Weldon 2016)
“The Female Ornithologists’ Club” (Bateau 2016)
“My Underwater Boyfriend and the Gymnast I Love” (Café Irreal 2016)
“Splinters” (The After Happy Hour Review 2016)
“Saints and Lovers” (Gambling the Aisle 2016)
“Series In Which The Future Reveals Itself In Backwards Spurts” (Otoliths 2016)
“Tango Tuesdays” (Toasted Cheese 2016)
“The Botanists” (Crack The Spine 2016)
“Sleeping Beauty” (Moonsick Magazine 2016)
“Nine Things About Bunting” (Hobart 2016)
“Newhart” (DOGZPLOT 2016)
“The Letter I Never Sent” (Rum Punch Press 2016)
“People Who Have Wronged Me” (Two Serious Ladies 2016)
“One of Our More Serious Poets” (Cheap Pop 2016)
“My Former Lover Mr. Daly” (Cease, Cows 2016)
“Stories You Could Write” (Monkeybicycle 2015)
“Baby Come Back” (Microfiction Monday Magazine 2015)
“In Its Absence Presence Becomes Emptiness” (Postcard Shorts 2015)
“pieces of evidence” (The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts 2015)
“The Big Hotel” (blink/ink 2015)
“The Levensons” (2020 Hammond House Anthology; winner of the 2020 Hammond House International Short Story Literary Prize, 2nd Place)
“Penelope Parker Barnett” (805 Lit+Art 2017)
“Lydia Wakes” (Thrice Fiction 2016)
“A Year Of Oysters” (The Legendary 2016)
“The Bible Thief” (Eunoia Review 2016)
“Enacting Pedagogy: 7 Micro-Performances.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Pittsburgh, March 14, 2019.
“After the Multimodal Turn.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Pittsburgh, March 15, 2019.
“Composition and Design: A Transdisciplinary Approach.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kansas City, March 15, 2018.
“Interdisciplinarity and Improvisation: The Future of Composing in Multimedia and Multigenre Environments.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kansas City, March 16, 2018.
“Composition, Interdisciplinarity, and the Limitations of the Traditional English Department in the 21st Century: Cautionary Tales and New Collaborations.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland, March 17, 2017.
“No Longer ‘Experimental’: Collage as Normative Practice, from First-Year Writing to Dissertation.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Houston, Texas. April 8, 2016.
“Active Support for Radical Pedagogies: The Postpedagogical Movement, Project-Based, Multigenre, and Multimodal Approaches.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Houston, Texas. April 6, 2016.
“The Sexual Politics of Mary McCarthy.” NEMLA Conference, Hartford, Connecticut. March 19, 2016.
"We Are All Post-Experimental Now: The Multimodal, Multimedia, Multigenre, Multivoiced Evolution of Writing Studies." Conference on College Composition and Communication, Tampa, Florida. March 20, 2015.
“Critical Expressivism: Moving Beyond the ‘Expressivist/Academic’ Debate.” NCTE Conference, Washington D.C. November 22, 2014.
“Creating a Freshman Writing Journal: A Collaboration Between a First Year Writing Program and a Writing Center.” IWCA Conference, Orlando, Florida. October 30, 2014.
"‘When This Pain Is Spoken’: New Responses to Trauma in the Writing Classroom.” NEMLA, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. April 5, 2014.
“Re-Thinking Expressivism.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Indianapolis, Indiana. March, 2014.
“New Pedagogies for Research Writing in the 21st Century: Embodied, Digital, and Multimodal.” Writing Research Across Borders Conference, Nanterre, France. February 22, 2014.
“The World Inside Our Classrooms: What a Diverse Student Body Can Teach Its Faculty About Global Learning.” AACU Conference on Global Learning. Providence, Rhode Island. October 5, 2013.
“Cut/Paste/Merge/Stir/Sythesize/Tangle/Weave: Writing in an Age of Recombinant Texts.” 8th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. March 5, 2013.
“Fostering Writing Communities: The Possibilities and Problematics of Emerging Technologies in the Composition Classroom/Writing Center.” SUNY Conference on Writing, Buffalo, New York. March 26, 2013.
“The Public Hopes of Composition.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Las Vegas, Nevada. March 14, 2013.
“Writing and Trauma in the College Composition Classroom.” Trauma and Learning in Post-Secondary Education Conference, Massachusetts Bay Community College. April 27, 2012.
“Students(‘) Writing in the World.” SUNY Conference on Writing, The Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, New York. March 30, 2012.
“We Are Not Gatekeepers: Complicating Our Relationship to Student Texts.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, Missouri. March 21, 2012.
“Rupturing the Linear Path: Learning to Read for Critical Self-Construction in Student Texts.” 6th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing: Knowledge and Networks, The Universityof Connecticut, Storrs, CT. March 25, 2011
“You’ve Been Served: Re-Conceptualizing Service Learning.” Conference on
College Composition and Communication, Louisville, Kentucky. March 20, 2010.
“Re-Negotiating Academic Research: Innovative Approaches to the Traditional
Research Paper.” Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Louisville, Kentucky. March 17, 2010.
“Sharing, Collaborating, Archiving: The Politics of 'Owning' Writing." “Who
Owns Writing? Revisited” Conference. Hofstra University, Long Island,NY.
October 18, 2008.
“Audience, Assessment, and Public/Private Tension in a Visible Writing
Program.” SUNY Conference on Writing. StonyBrook, New York. April 26,
“Working With Students to Subvert a Syllabus.” Conference on College
Composition and Communication. New Orleans,Louisiana. April 5, 2008.
“Silence and the Politics of Sexuality in the Writing Classroom.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans, Louisiana. April 2
“Is This Going to be One of Those Feminine Classes?: A Dialogue on Feminist
Pedagogy in the Writing Classroom.” CUNY Feminist Pedagogy Conference.
New York, New York. October 12, 2007.
“Because I Said So: Power/lessness and The Politics of Silence.” Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning Conference. Estes Park, Colorado. June 2007.
“Writing Classrooms/Writing Centers: Mapping Genealogies and Sustaining Cross-Pollination.” New England Writing Center Association Conference. Storrs, Connecticut. March 30, 2007.
“Undermining Utopia: Resisting New Urbanist Seduction.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Francisco, California. March 19, 2005.
Courses Taught: FYW 1000C: Composing Across Genre