How has a degree from The School of Education impacted your career path?
A degree from The School of Education was the catalyst I needed to jump-start my career. The professors and the courses really are what set St. John’s apart from other education departments. The courses and the conversations really prepare you for what awaits you in the field. St. John’s has high standards and frequently solicits feedback because they want to continue growing and supporting students in the ever-changing landscape of education.
The networking I was afforded through the Human Services and Counseling Department was second to none. They helped me find internship placements and provided me with leads for potential job opportunities. Our alumni network isn’t just active, it’s strong, and I frequently find myself speaking to graduates for a variety of things ranging from professional to personal.
Were there any professors in The School of Education who influenced your life?
Every professor at St. John’s has helped shape me into the man and the educator I am today. My adviser, James S. Bethea, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Counselor Education, took a vested and genuine interest in my life and in my career as a school counselor. He continues to be a resource and a mentor to me. Heather C. Robertson, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Counselor Education, and Gina Cicco, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Counselor Education, continue to support me in my work, and we often stay in touch in terms of how we can help one another help the profession.
I would be remiss if I did not mention Andrew Ferdinandi ’73Ed, ’76G, ’91Ed.D., who has left a lasting impression on me. I first met Dr. Ferdinandi when I was waiting to be interviewed. He was kind, caring, and funny. He instantly put me at ease as I anxiously awaited my interview.
I later had him for two classes, where I learned a great deal from him and his wisdom. He saw in me things I did not yet see in myself, and he pushed me to be better and opened doors for me I would not have found on my own.
With him by my side, I worked as an Educational Consultant in the Child Advocacy Clinic. I partnered with budding lawyers to support students in foster care. We have since remained close and I consider him a friend. He graced me with his presence at my wedding and we speak frequently to this day. My goal in life is to give to others the way he gave to me.
What are your most cherished memories from your days as a student in The School of Education?
As I look back on my time there, I can honestly say every memory is a cherished one. I immersed myself in campus life. I had a graduate assistantship where I worked with student athletes. While they probably didn’t notice me, I noticed them, and admired their commitment to academics and athletics while they proudly represented St. John’s University.
The connections I made with all my professors is also a memory I cherish because without them, I would not be where I am today. I wasn’t just a student to them. I was Andrew Nasser, and that was never lost on me. They were invested in my success and in my journey and I cannot thank them enough for all they’ve done for me.
What wisdom would you like to share with the next generation of alumni?
I would recommend staying in touch with the professors and peers whom you met while at St. John’s. I would also say to give back to St. John’s in every possible way. Take on student-teachers or counseling interns. Volunteer to speak at a class or just be a resource for those who could benefit from your warmth, kindness, and expertise. Never forget where you once were; you were trying to get your foot in the door, and somebody took a chance on you. Be that chance for as many people as you can. I promise, you won’t regret doing so!