Throughout November, St. John’ University will host a series of events in honor of “Hunger Awareness Month.” The Office of Campus Ministry, Academic Service-Learning, and the Provost’s Office will sponsor the following events to help raise awareness throughout the St. John’s University community.
- Pig Out for Poverty
Month-long event where students will carry “piglet banks” around campus. Members of the campus community will make donations to these banks at an time or to a large pig bank located outside of the Campus Ministry Offices. Funds will purchase live pigs for rural Guatemalan families working to build livelihoods through micro-financing. - Thursday, November 14
Hunger Banquet
At this “banquet,” the place where you sit and the meal you receive are determined by the luck of the draw. Just as in real life, some seem “born” into relative prosperity and others into poverty. - Wednesday, November 20
Joel Berg, Executive Director, New York City Coalition Against Hunger
Listen and ask questions as Berg, author of “All You Can Eat: How Hungry is America?,” explains how students, faculty, and staff can join the effort to help eradicate hunger in our city. - Wednesday, November 20
Sleep-Out for the Homeless
In an effort to better understand the experience of being homeless—and to learn how all of us can help improve the lives of those who sleep outside every night, St. John’s University students will sleep outside on the Great Lawn for a night.
For more information on any of the “Hunger Awareness Month” events, please contact The Office of Media Relations by calling (718) 990-2451 or e-mail inquiries to [email protected].
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