VCSJ Chair Discusses Questions of Poverty in a Rapidly Shifting Political Landscape

Sabina Alkire, D.Phil, speaks at St. John's University
March 25, 2025

This is a critical moment to think about what we can do for impoverished people throughout the world, where the traditional structures and institutions that support them are faced with rapid change. 

That was the message of Sabina Alkire, D.Phil, holder of the 2024–25 Vincentian Chair of Social Justice, during the third of four lectures held throughout the academic year. Dr. Alkire developed the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), which seeks to measure poverty and its impact quantifiably. She is a Professor of Poverty and Human Development and directs the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative at the University of Oxford.

Her lecture, “Policy and Poverty: Why is the MPI Necessary?” was held on March 11 in the D’Angelo Center.

“Whether we work abroad, or whether we work in the United States, I hope that this discussion about multidimensional poverty might give some ideas of how data and metrics can be used to count the cost, or to find shortcuts or high-impact pathways of action,” she said. “Because in these times we are learning to do more with less.” 

Dr. Alkire added, “Rather than blaming others for conditions of poverty, it is hopeful that we can find our own mistakes, but also find new ways of collaborating and breaking down barriers and going forward.”

We need to strengthen the conviction that we have solidarity with each other and for people at different levels of poverty, Dr. Alkire told her audience, but also of political instruments or institutional or financial influence. “Poverty metrics are a communication device that you really need, especially in times when the people who might actually be acting alongside the poor will be changing, so they need information.”

A multidimensional poverty measure assesses whether a person and their household experience a critical mass of deprivations simultaneously, Dr. Alkire said.

“Why do we think about policy?” she asked. “I think it’s obvious, given our motivation because we are in a university and very proud of papers at conferences, but beyond that, people who work on poverty need to do something different—which is to make sure that our academic work is linked to action.”

Prior to the lecture, a luncheon was held in the D’Angelo Center where students and faculty members were encouraged to do a deeper dive into multidimensional poverty with Dr. Alkire.

Jocelyn Bryant, an Anthropology major, said, “It was just nice to talk with somebody with so much expertise and who is so composed. She’s also very realistic, and her responses, especially about the United Nations, are honest, which I appreciate.”

Global Development and Sustainability major Emma Maceachan observed, “It’s refreshing to hear Dr. Alkire speak about solutions to these issues, because in our majors, we’re always examining the problem. It can be overwhelming to find actual, concrete solutions to these issues that are working. I think that is really important.”

William Bouley, also an Anthropology major, asked Dr. Alkire how artificial intelligence (AI) might be incorporated into the MPI. “It was interesting to hear that AI has to be trained to work with the MPI, and refreshing to know it can’t be shoehorned in right away.”

“Dr. Alkire’s latest lecture focused on how the MPI enables governments to deal in a practical manner with the issues of poverty in their own contexts,” noted Rev. Patrick J. Griffin, C.M. ’13HON, Executive Director, Vincentian Center for Church and Society.

“She explained how, in measuring the various forms of poverty, need could be measured, action taken, and success gauged. Good policymaking at higher levels of government can respond effectively to real distress. Her illustrative examples gave hope that focused countries could begin to overcome the diverse burdens suffered by their marginalized populations.”

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