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- Teach in Rome or Paris: Global Passport Program – Call for Proposals
Are you interested in teaching a Global Passport course in Rome, Italy, or Paris, France, in Fall 2023 or Spring 2024? The Global Passport Committee, which is part of the University Core Curriculum Council, seeks applications for University core curriculum courses to participate in Global Passport, from interested full- and part-time faculty by Wednesday, January 18.
Since first-year students cannot spend a full semester studying abroad, St. John’s University created the Global Passport program to offer them the opportunity to participate in faculty-led, experiential education activities at the Rome campus or Paris location. The program model is simple. First, faculty teach a core course (common or distributed) with a semester-long theme connecting the classroom global learning experience to what students will learn during their stay in either Italy or France. After the semester ends, professors and their students travel abroad for approximately seven days (fall courses travel in early January, spring courses in mid-May).
In the Global Passport model, the “typical” three-credit core courses are enhanced by an additional one-credit corequisite class assigned to the winter or summer immediately following the full semester. Faculty are compensated for teaching this class, which provides additional space to solidify learning abroad.
Faculty flight and housing expenses are covered, as is limited meal reimbursement. Professors are expected to fly to the host city with their students and, ideally, return with them as well (although arrangements may be possible for faculty wishing to stay longer). As Global Passport program leaders, while abroad, participating faculty are required to teach their class each day, share a few meals with students, lead excursions, and accompany students on local site visits.
For the 2023–24 academic year, the Global Passport Committee asks that faculty design their courses around the subthemes of “Global Cities” or “Social Justice in a Global Context,” with an eye toward meeting the “Diversity/Global Learning” concepts detailed in the Association of American Colleges & Universities’ “High-Impact Educational Practices”.
Course proposals should demonstrate relevant goals, semester-long disciplinary connections, and site visits that make travel to Rome or Paris an essential, embedded component of the overall class. Interested faculty members should submit the Global Passport Application with their chair’s approval. The proposal should be accompanied by a customized description of the proposed course, complete with information about relevant assignments or projects that connect to the city where they wish to teach.
Faculty members who have completed three successful semesters of Global Passport courses do not have to submit proposals; they can instead email their chair and the committee to inform them of their interest. Those faculty must include an acknowledgment that they will participate in required student learning assessment reporting. In addition, they must include in their email a one-paragraph description of how they will embed the global learning objectives or global learning outcomes within the New York-based semester course.
Please email completed proposal forms by Wednesday, January 18, to Zoe Petropoulou, Ph.D., Senior Director for Global Engagement, at [email protected].
Global Passport Proposal Application