
As tax season quickly approaches, St. John’s University is prepared to do our share in making the filing process easier. For the past few years, students or parents were able to claim tax credits against their federal income taxes for expenses they paid for post secondary education for themselves and their dependent children. The 1098-T form is to aid you in the purpose of filing for certain educational tax credits.

Important IRS Change

Beginning with the tax year 2018, the IRS now requires all Colleges and Universities to report Box 1- Payments Received for Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses. Prior to 2018 St. John’s University reported only Box 2 – Amounts Billed.

The University cannot determine whether you are eligible to claim this tax credit or how to claim it. Please consult your tax advisor or IRS Publication 970 from the IRS website at irs.gov  to determine the amount and type of tax credit, if any, that you may be eligible to claim.

The 2024 1098-T Form is scheduled to be mailed and available online on your UIS-Experience account by January 31, 2025.

Reprint your prior 1098-T's and supplemental information from your UIS-Experience account now.

The University suggests that if you attended any semester in 2024, that you print out the 2023 form as well to provide your tax preparer with the the 2024 form. Remember-IRS requires reporting by calendar year (January-December) and not academic year. Spring or Winter Intersession is generally BILLED in November and December of the prior year, so if you attended Spring or Winter Intersession 2024, billing and/or payment activity may be located on the 2023 form!

Follow the below instructions to view and print your current and/or prior year's 1098-T forms with a detail of the boxes populated on the forms

  • Connect.stjohns.edu
  • UIS-Experience
  • Click on "Student Account"
  • Click on "Tax Notification"
  • Enter the year you wish to view

All students should save their own tuition and financial aid records for tax purposes. These include cancelled checks, credit card statements, bank statements of ACH transactions, class schedules, and student account summaries.

Please ensure your mailing address is your permanent address and that it is correct. Please log onto UIS and click on "Personal Information" to view and edit your address online.

Payments received via regular mail during the Christmas holiday break while the University is closed will not be credited to the student's account until January and will therefore be reported on the following year 1098-T. Electronic payments made through the Student Account Center will be credited to the account the day the payment was made.

In order to properly prepare and submit the 1098-T to both the student and the IRS, your correct Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is required.

  • To add a missing SSN, log in to UIS-Experience
  • Click My Information
  • Click Enter SS Number

To correct a current SSN or ITIN on file, please download and complete the Form W-9S and return to the Office of Student Financial Services in person with proof of your SSN or ITIN.

Download the W-9S Form

Educational Tax Benefits

To promote access to and the affordability of college education, the IRS created a Web site highlighting various tax credits, deductions and savings plans designed to help parents and students pay for college. Please review this beneficial tax information. The University cannot make the determination if someone can claim these credits or not. Other information concerning educational tax credits can be found on the IRS website www.irs.gov, including IRS Publication 970.

If you have questions concerning the 1098-T form, please contact Peggy Pugh at 718-990-2406, or e-mail your questions to studentfinancialserv@stjohns.edu.


Additional Information

I attended St. John’s University but did NOT receive a 1098-T form.

St. John’s University is not required to furnish a Form 1098-T in the following instances:

  • for a nonresident alien student unless requested by the student
  • payments for courses for which no academic credit is earned (ex. Professional/Continuing Ed classes).
  • Students for which Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses (QTRE) are entirely waived or paid entirely by grants and/or scholarships

The SSN or ITIN number reported is incorrect, what should I do?

To correct the current SSN or ITIN on file, please download and complete the Form W-9S  and return to the Office of Student Financial Services in person with proof of your SSN or ITIN.