The Division of Legal Studies houses undergraduate programs in the study of law. The Division offers:
- A bachelor’s degree in legal studies, see here.
- An associate’s degree in legal studies, see here.
- And, a minor in legal studies, see here.
In addition to teaching various areas of substantive law and procedure, each of these programs teaches close legal reading, legal research, legal writing and legal analysis, skills that are equally useful for graduates who gain entry-level legal work after college and for graduates who go on to law school.
Each of these programs is an American Bar Association-approved paralegal education program. And, upon the completion of each of these programs, students are awarded a paralegal certificate. Legal assistants and paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, except as permitted by law.
In addition to these undergraduate programs, the Division also provides qualified students the opportunity to participate in the following combined degree and graduate pathway programs:
- BS/JD program (with St John’s University School of Law), see here.
- BS/MA Government & Politics, see here.
- BS/MA Sociology, see here.
- Graduate pathway programs, see here.
Each of our faculty are licensed attorneys with substantial practice experience. And, each of our full-time faculty have substantial teaching experience and have a history of scholarly output. More information about our faculty can be found here.
Our Division full-time faculty are also heavily involved in pre-law advisement. See the CCPS pre-law advisement page, here.
James A. Croft, Esq.
Department Chair
Director of the Legal Studies Program
St. Augustine Hall (Queens Campus)
Room 2-010