Symbolic White Coat Ceremonies Welcome Health Sciences Students into Career Fields

October 22, 2024

Students from four programs in St. John’s University’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences received their white coats earlier this month in ceremonies that marked their transition from exclusively classroom-based students to industry-focused professionals. 

The White Coat Convocations, held during the first two weeks of October, honored students in the Clinical Laboratory SciencesPharmacyPhysician Assistant, and Radiologic Sciences degree programs. During the events, faculty members placed a white coat on each candidate’s shoulders symbolizing their welcome into the health-care field. 

More than 200 students from the Classes of 2025 to 2028 were celebrated. 

“The white coat is a powerful symbol of responsibility that pharmacists have as health-care providers,” said Anne Y. F. Lin ’84P, ’86Pharm.D., FNAP, Dean, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, during the ceremony for Pharmacy students. “These student-pharmacists are on their journey to become compassionate, ethical professionals who will provide quality patient care to a diverse population.”

The White Coat Convocations are a rite of passage for students in the health-care fields, one  they look forward to throughout their years at St. John’s. 

For Sophia Daher, a member of the class of 2026 and a participant in the Physician Assistant ceremony, receiving her white coat signified the start of a professional journey for which she has been preparing for years. Sophia is president of the University’s Students of the PA Program organization. 

“Being here today is an incredible achievement for my classmates and me,” Sophia said. “Receiving our white coats is a way for all of us to move forward, get more experience in fields that we love, network with health-care leaders, and receive more opportunities.” 

Deirdre Duffy, a senior in the Clinical Laboratory Sciences degree program, embraced the event’s symbolism. “I am glad we got a white coat,” Deirdre said. “I have met with students in clinical lab programs at other universities and they do not receive a white coat. They say how lucky we are; it is a source of pride for us all.” 

Following tradition, students from all programs presented with white coats recited an oath of commitment—a declaration that they will direct their professional lives with integrity, justice, and utmost responsibility. Students received advice as they look forward to their careers. 

“Take risks, ask questions, and challenge the status quo,” said Diella Mrnaci, Senior Director of Radiology at White Plains (NY) Hospital, during the Radiologic Sciences ceremony. “Do the impossible. Continue to be creative thinkers.”

“Do not settle for normalcy because someone tells you, ‘This is how we’ve always done it,’” Ms. Mrnaci continued. “Understand that you have an opportunity to change how we provide health care today.” 

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