We continue to monitor the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus. As an update to the information posted on the internet and on MySJU last week, we would like to share with you the following information.
St. John’s is actively monitoring this situation and taking guidance from the New York City Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The CDC has issued an advisory recommending that people avoid all nonessential travel to China. Students, faculty, and staff who have recently traveled to Wuhan, China, and other affected areas should monitor their health for at least 14 days for symptoms of Novel Coronavirus. Please note: due to the international response to this outbreak, those who travel to affected areas may experience difficulty returning to the United States, as well as be subject to ongoing health monitoring and quarantine upon their return.
In the United States, the risk of contracting the Novel Coronavirus is very low, according to the CDC. Most patients with Coronavirus have been linked to those who live in or visited Wuhan, China.
Symptoms of Novel Coronavirus include:
- Fever
- Runny nose
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Headache
These symptoms can last a few days. For those with a weakened immune system, there is a chance the virus could cause much more serious respiratory tract illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis.
Coronavirus symptoms and flu symptoms can be very similar—and this is flu season. Information about seasonal flu can be found at St. John’s Influenza page. Please download and post one of the influenza prevention poster.
It is always good practice to follow self-care habits to stay well: wash your hands; use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when you cannot use soap and water; cover your cough in your elbow; keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth; and do not share food or drinks. If you get sick, stay home and rest.
To reiterate, at this time, the Novel Coronavirus is linked to those who live in or visited Wuhan, China. Any student who has symptoms as described above and has recently traveled to Wuhan, China, or who has been in contact with someone known to be infected with the Novel Coronavirus (or is being tested), should call Student Health Services at 718-990-6360 (select option 4 from the menu) for consultation and guidance.
- Students:
- o If you have symptoms described above and believe you were exposed to the Novel Coronavirus do not go to class or work until you have been evaluated by a health care provider.
- Faculty, Staff, and Administrators:
- o If you have symptoms described above and believe you were exposed to the Novel Coronavirus, you should be evaluated by a health-care provider before returning to work.
St. John’s has posted information about the Novel Coronavirus on MySJU and created the page www.stjohns.edu/coronavirus to help keep the University community updated. Furthermore, new information about the Novel Coronavirus is being updated daily, sometimes hourly. For the latest information, please visit the CDC Novel Coronavirus page.
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