More Than 1,200 Employees Enjoyed Free Ice Cream and Popcorn in a Gesture of Employee Appreciation

October 11, 2018

Employees were in for a real treat in October, as a series of appreciation events were held across the Queens, Staten Island, and Manhattan campuses. Courtesy of the Office of Human Resources and sponsored by Municipal Credit Union, the events were a way to thank employees for their hard work and commitment to students.

In Queens on October 11, the ice cream truck made several stops on campus. Employees in Staten Island were treated to ice cream on October 16; in Manhattan, a popcorn party was held in the lobby of Astor Place on October 22. An estimated 1,225 ice cream cones and dozens of bags of popcorn were served during these events. If you missed the SCOOP, make sure to see us next time we POP over to say “Thanks!”

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