Staten Island Campus to Celebrate Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

November 4, 2013

St. John’s Staten Island campus will celebrate its Annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Day on Monday, November 4, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. on the Great Lawn. All members of the campus community and our neighbors are cordially invited.

Top law enforcement officials will be present, including Hon. Daniel M. Donovan, Richmond County district attorney; James O’Keefe, Ph.D. ’79SVC, deputy commissioner of training for the New York City Police Department; and Assistant Chief Edward Delatorre, NYPD borough commander for Staten Island, as well as many of the men and women in uniform who protect and serve the people of Staten Island.

Officers from specialized units (Emergency Service, Canine Bomb and Drug Detection, Mounted, Recruitment, Cadet Corps, Police Academy, Highway Patrol, Counterterrorism, and Domestic Violence) will be on hand to discuss their work and demonstrate specialized equipment like the “jaws of life.”

Visitors will also have a chance to meet Bronskey, the Staten Island DA’s therapy dog. The beloved canine provides comfort to young victims and witnesses of crimes as they work with prosecutors and investigators.

All are welcome. For more information, contact Angelo L. Pisani, associate professor of criminal justice and legal studies, at [email protected] or 718-390-4125.

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