How a Fashion Club Transformed One Student's College Journey

St. John's Student

Discover the transformative power of campus involvement on your college journey. In this blog post, we hear from Madison Coombs, who rose from Public Relations Chair to President of Red House—a vibrant student organization celebrating over 16 years at St. John's University.

What is Red House?

Red House is a fashion club at the University that aims to bring together creative minds. Whether you want to design clothes, model, test your photography skills, or pursue any other field within the fashion industry, Red House provides a platform for you. We aim to help everyone achieve their dreams and provide the necessary resources.

Although St. John’s University is not known for its fashion program, we want to change that by creating a fashion resource that can benefit everyone.

What inspired you to be a member of a club?

When I first heard about Red House, I thought I needed to know more about fashion. I was always interested in it but never thought I would join a club with style as a focus. My friend, who is now the President, Sofia Grossi, encouraged me to try out for one of their fashion shows, and I am so glad that I did.  

What is one of your favorite memories you made while being a part of Red House? 

Fashion Runway at St. John's University

My favorite memories are made at our fashion shows. These shows have been a significant event during the spring semester for the past two years. Designers provide clothing, and we have various model workshops, auditions, etc. It is always a unique and unforgettable time, and I look forward to it every year. 

Participating in this event is an excellent way to make new friends and create new memories. As an E-Board member this year, we are already discussing plans for the spring show. 

Have you learned any new skills or gained valuable knowledge as an E-Board member?

Being an E-Board member of Red House is a great learning experience. I was a member of the club for two years before I was allowed to be the PR Chair. Seeing all the behind-the-scenes work in planning meetings or at events is fun.

Additionally, I have recently been allowed to run our Instagram account, @RedHousenyc. I like playing around with different posts to see what students engage with the most while keeping the content updated and intriguing. I enjoy seeing the student body having fun during meetings and actively wanting to participate in what is happening. 

If you are considering running for an E-Board position, do it. It is a great opportunity and experience. You can also learn valuable leadership and communication skills that can be used outside of school.

Can you describe a successful event held by the club?   

St. John's group of student supporting eachother

Our Make-A-Mood board has been our most successful meeting this semester. We had a fantastic turnout, and the energy was incredible. We had a bunch of magazines, poster paper, and glue for everyone to make their mood boards.

We also had Anna Elaine A. Licari-Lagrassa, D.P.S. ’72CBA, ’73MBA, Professor, Division of Administration and Economics, The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies stop by to discuss the Bachelor of Science in Fashion Studies degree program at St. John’s. While there, she handed out free makeup to those in attendance—I think everyone enjoyed this part!

This meeting was successful because it encouraged everyone to tap into their creativity. Also, you can make it entirely your own—no mood board looks the same. This was one of our earlier meetings in the semester, and it was great to see everyone making friends and getting to know each other. 

How has your involvement in the club influenced your academic and career aspirations? 

My involvement with Red House has had a significant impact on both my academic and career aspirations. I first learned about Red House during my first year, and it inspired me to change my major from criminal justice to public relations because I realized my passion lies in a creative field. As a member of the E-Board, I am now beginning to identify precisely what I want to do after college, and being a part of Red House is the perfect opportunity to explore my interests further.

Why should other students consider joining a club in college?

St. john's students in the redhouse fashion club

I highly recommend that other students join a club during their time in college, as it can be incredibly beneficial to have a supportive campus community to lean on throughout your academic journey. Furthermore, joining a club can help you meet new people, express yourself, and engage in activities that align with your interests.



Final Thoughts

Redhouse Hanger Logo

 For timely updates on club events and fashion-related content, follow their Instagram @RedHouseNYC. For club announcements and communication purposes, join their Discord server! Most meetings are held during Common Hours throughout the week. 



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