150 Reasons to Love St. John’s: Spring Edition

St. John's in the Spring

Spring is a season associated with renewal, rebirth, and regrowth. As the world slowly finds its way back to normal (or something closer to normal), we find relief and joy in the reminders all around that brighter days are ahead. At St. John’s, those signs of a spring awakening are everywhere.

Great Lawn in the Spring

Reason 1. 

The Great Lawn on St. John’s Queens, NY, campus fills with students once the weather gets warmer. Whether curled up with a book, stretched out on a blanket, or going all out in a game of ultimate Frisbee, the Lawn has been a destination for Johnnies for decades.

Reason 2.

Spring Fling 2019

The Great Lawn is also the site of Spring Fling, a carnival complete with rides, games of chance, food, and performers that takes place just before final exams. 

Reason 3.

Mighty oak trees mark the perimeter of the Great Lawn, while river birch and cherry trees dot the rest of campus. Each spring, their blossoms burst open, usually around the same time colorful tulips emerge from the ground.

Skyline of Manhattan from St. John's Campus

The Views

...the views from our Queens and Staten Island campuses are worth millions.

Red-Tailed Hawk in the snow

The Hawk

Our pair of red-tailed hawks live on campus and each spring lay up to four eggs, that typically hatch a month later.

Waffles with Ice Cream

The Food

We have a truckload of them when the Wafels and Dinges Belgian waffle truck arrives on campus.

Reason 7.

Spring is a great time to visit St. John's!

Reason 8.

Fresh faces appear on campus during Accepted Student Day, an annual spring tradition that welcomes the next great class of Johnnies to campus. 

Reason 9.

Each year, the world celebrates Earth Day, and St. John’s commitment to sustainability can be seen in every corner of campus—from the Student Community Garden, to the food compost system, to a new solar-paneled Health Sciences Center.

Reason 10.

Each April, Research Month highlights the University’s brightest minds as they inspire others and get inspired themselves during poster presentations.