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- The Virtual Crèche Pilgrimage
The University of Notre Dame’s McGrath Institute for Church Life has partnered with the Marian Library at the University of Dayton, OH, for the past several years to bring its community in direct contact with the beauty and wonder of the crèche—that is, a depiction of the Nativity scene—as it manifests in different communities of faith around the world. For the second year in a row, due to its previous success, the McGrath Institute for Church Life is offering this interactive, campus-wide exhibit and “pilgrimage” in a virtual format.
In union and solidarity with communities of faith nationwide, we will soon begin preparing for the birth of Christ. This year, in its second partnership with the McGrath Institute for Church Life, St. John’s University’s Campus Ministry will offer its own reflection as part of this virtual pilgrimage! Join the Notre Dame and St. John’s communities in this journey of global discovery and receive an image and description of a crèche from a different part of the world, along with a brief prayer that you can offer for yourself and your loved ones daily.
Daily emails will begin on the first Sunday of Advent, November 27, and will carry through January 9.
Visit https://bit.ly/CrecheWithChrist22 by November 20 to sign up for the emails. For questions or concerns, please email Dana Livingston ’22C, '22G, Residence Campus Minister for Retreats and Leadership, at [email protected].