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- UG Research Assistant
Position Status: Open
Title of Project: Partnership for Education of Homeless Students and Youth Position
Level: Undergraduate
Year: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Type of Position: Paid
Pay: TBD
Hours per week: 2-3
Semesters Recruiting: Fall
Campus(es): Staten Island
The Vincentian Mission of St. John's and The School of Education calls us to respond to a worsening situation in the United States, the State of New York, New York City, and from our position in relation to the New York City Department of Education, as the number of students identified as homeless climbs consistently year after year. These projects will attempt to understand pre-service and in-service teacher self-efficacy and knowledge pertaining to McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. In addition, the projects will assist in a partnership with the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) Higher Education Committee.
Education major
Strong writing skills
Excellent and effective communicator
Reliable (reference available)
Enthusiasm for the Vincentian Mission and the poor
Job Responsibilities:
Student will help administer surveys and compile data; creation and maintenance of a database of state networks; e-mail and telephone communication with local and state departments of education and liaisons.
Interested in this Job?
If you are interested in this research opportunity, contact Steven Neier at 718-990-6336 or e-mail neiers@stjohns.edu.