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- SJYOUGIVE - 1,870 Minutes of Giving
We invite all members of the University community to support St. John’s annual giving day, SJYOUGIVE—1,870 Minutes of Giving, from noon on Tuesday, September 24, until 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25.
SJYOUGIVE—1,870 Minutes of Giving is a 31-hour campaign where St. John’s alumni, students, faculty, administrators, staff, and friends are encouraged to make a gift to the University to help students who are most in need. SJYOUGIVE takes place during Founder’s Week, a time when we are called to reflect upon and recommit ourselves to St. John’s Vincentian mission. Our goal is to inspire 1,000 members of our community to make a gift to St. John’s. Of course, your gift can support the area of the University that matters most to you.
Here are three simple steps you can take to be a part of SJYOUGIVE:
- Become an advocate and join the SJYOUCrew.
- Help spread the word about SJYOUGIVE and share with your network using #SJYOUGIVE.
- Make your gift at www.stjohns.edu/sjyougive on September 24-25 and challenge your fellow colleagues to give. Every gift makes a difference!
Thank you!