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- “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Bruno Latour & The Need for a New Critical Science of ‘Science & Technology’ Symposium
The Institute for International Communication and The Department of Sociology & Anthropology of St. John’s University have joined forces to organize a day-long symposium on Friday, October 11th, 2019 titled “Who Will Watch the Watchers?”
Bruno Latour’s long and distinguished career of inquiry into the fields of science and technology has spawned decades of research into a new critical field: the structural and discourse analysis of the diverse fields of science and technology that are emerging into all walks of life without virtually any critique with respect to their respective modes of power and influence. As but one example, we don’t for a moment challenge the impact, from a power perspective, of the smartphone itself, we merely critique the algorithms that appear on apps.
The symposium interrogates approaches to studying freedom and equity within humanity through the lens of current areas of research, such as, science/technology laws and society; surveillance studies; contemporary communications technologies and equity/social control; global digitization, and information capitalism. Some of the approaches to the critiques of issues related to freedom and equity in the areas of study mentioned above are in part products or by-products of the work of Bruno Latour, the French philosopher, anthropologist, and sociologist.
Date: Friday, October 11th, 2019
Time: 8:00 AM
Location: St. Augustine Hall, 2nd floor, Communication & Collaboration Commons (CCC)
To RSVP, please click here.
To see the program and agenda, please click here.