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- Lenten Reflections 2020: Day 4

Name: Ching-Wen Rosa Yen ’03GEd, ’12G
Title: Director of Multicultural Affairs; Adjunct Faculty
Department/College: Office of Multicultural Affairs/Institute of Core Study
Scripture of the Day: IS 58: 9B-14; LK 5: 27-32
“Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners.”
As I read the scripture for today, I reflect on several questions:
- “Have I always been humble enough to trust God wholeheartedly and willing to lean on and surrender to Him fully?”
- “Am I always willing and ready to respond to God’s invitation?
I am struck by these words from the readings, “bestow your bread on the hungry and satisfy the afflicted,” as it urges me to renew my commitment to answer the above questions by serving the poor and those in need.
In the Lenten season this year, we are challenged to reconcile with God, to discover Christ’s face in people that we encounter, and to reflect on how we will let God guide us every day.
Read more reflections from Come Back to Me: Lenten Reflections from St. John’s University.