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- Lenten Reflections 2020: Day 36
Name: Darren Russell ’14G
Title: Employment Specialist
Department/College: Human Resources
Scripture of the Day: DN 3: 14-20, 91-92, 95; JN 8: 31-42
After reading today’s scripture, it made me think of faith and what it means for a person having a strong, consistent faith in God. Many have it, many do not. Some believe in God, others do not. It often makes me wonder how so many people put their complete faith in God, while others may not believe so wholly, and are hesitant to put their trust in an unseen being.
God protected his servants, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, because their belief and faith in God was so strong, and it seems that for those whose faith is very strong, their prayers are heard. This is not to say that those whose beliefs are not as strong, their prayers are not answered as well.
As I read about Nebuchadnezzar attempting to dissuade God’s followers, it made me think, why are there people who always seem to want to test our faith? Is it because they are afraid of the uncertainty of situations? Are they in denial of their own faith? Are they afraid to trust or have faith?
Sometimes circumstances in our lives can have us question our faith, or have that faith become even stronger. In a situation for myself, my faith came into question through the loss of loved ones back to back, from health issues and then gun violence.
I found myself questioning why or how could God take loved ones back to back like that? Was it a punishment?
I had to dig deep, basically remembering a conversation I had with my grandmother, where she told me that the Lord would not put on us more than we can handle. With faith and time, the pain will pass, and you will realize that our loved ones are in a better place: a place called heaven.
I always remember that conversation, and it helped me get through the loss of many more loved ones. Faith in God, knowing that God will not desert you, whether you believe in God strongly or not. It is that faith that bonds us all together and lets us know we are not alone.
Throughout each day, I will do my best to keep faith both in my heart and within my life. I will use experiences to learn and grow in many ways, keeping faith alive throughout each experience.