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- Lenten Reflections 2020: Day 30

Name: André McKenzie, Ed.D.
Title: Vice Provost, Academic Support Services and Faculty Development, and Adjunct Associate Professor, The Institute for Core Studies
Scripture of the Day: EX 32: 7-14; JN 5: 31-47
Today’s scripture speaks to issues of faith, fidelity, mercy, and most importantly, forgiveness. The goodness of God is quickly forgotten by Moses’ people, who in a blind loss of faith, decide to make for themselves a molten calf they deem worthy of their devotion and worship.
How many of us throughout our lives have mistakenly looked away from God as our primary source of strength and inspiration, and whether realizing it or not, have unknowingly placed our faith in worldly beings, objects, or material possessions?
Without a conscious and intentional focus to use God’s word as a spiritual road map for our daily living, our fidelity to God’s love and teachings is at times easily distracted and replaced by the glitter and “bling” emanating from false idols—human or otherwise—which are ever so present in today’s society.
Today’s reading also prompts me to reflect on God’s grace and mercy. Though clearly angry with the Israelites for their failure to trust the way God has pointed out to them, God grants them mercy and relents in administering the punishment God had threatened to inflict upon them. I have sought mercy and forgiveness throughout my life, just as I have given it (sometimes not easily) to those who have sought the same from me.
This Lenten season. I will make a renewed commitment to faith, fidelity, mercy, and forgiveness—a period in time reflective of a much longer journey of continued spiritual growth and awareness.