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- Lenten Reflections 2020: Day 27

Name: Jerline Hewitt
Title: Custodian
Department/College: Campus Facilities and Services
Scripture of the Day: IS 65: 17-21; JN 4:43-54
“Thus, says the Lord: there shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what He created and no longer shall the sound of weeping be heard.” (IS 65v19)
As I read the scriptures for today, I reflect upon God’s grace and mercy toward me and all of the blessings that God has bestowed upon me. I learned at an early age that “sharing is caring,” and it is always a blessing when you can be a blessing to others. I grew up with very little but knew how to give back. It became a part of my everyday life.
Gratitude and giving are two common words that I closely embrace in my daily life.
I make a conscious effort to give generously, even if it requires making a sacrifice, because as St. Vincent de Paul states, “You are never too rich to receive or too poor to give.” I am very grateful for my family, friends, neighbors, the elderly, and my St. John’s community.
A few months ago, I was in a store when a little girl coming home from school came up to the cashier’s register wanting to buy a chocolate bar. She did not have enough money and she looked so disappointed. Luckily, I was able to pay for her chocolate and she was very grateful. This was a simple act of kindness which I knew was appreciated by the little girl. I believe in giving back to those in need and exemplifying Vincentian values in my daily work. I will praise the Lord, for God is good, and give thanks to God’s holy name, for his mercy endures forever.