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- Lenten Reflections 2020: Day 1

Name: Nia Gumbs
Title: Student, Class of 2020
Department/College: The Peter J. Tobin College of Business
Scripture of the Day: JL 2: 12-18; 2 COR 5: 20-6:2; MT 6: 1-6; 16-18
My sophomore year was probably unlike the experience of most students. In a few short months, I dealt with the stress of my dad being diagnosed with a terminal illness while my mother was out of work and dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Irma and Maria—she had no electricity and minimal communication with me for close to three months.
Here I was, a full-time student on campus, trying to help out in any capacity possible. I would try to fly to Georgia where my father was seeking treatments as often as possible. Most of the time, I would see him on weekends, leaving on Friday evening and returning to New York early Monday morning so I did not miss any classes.
I never shared what was happening with anyone because I did not want sympathy. My mindset was often “someone in the world has it worse than I do.” I knew the sacrifices my mom and I made were done out of love for my father, and we did it with humility. I did everything I could up until the day he passed away.
The readings today remind us to be grateful and do righteous deeds out of the goodness of our hearts and not seek rewards; our Father will repay us when he sees fit.
This is how I practice living out my faith. As students, we often get caught up focusing on the challenges and tribulations of life. The stress of exams can cause us much frustration and angst. I challenge everyone to focus on all that life has to offer and the many ways we experience blessings and unexpected graces.
Read more reflections from Come Back to Me: Lenten Reflections from St. John’s University.