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Vincentian Chair of Social Justice 2023–24
“Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor”
Thursday, February 8, at Noon
Each year, the Vincentian Chair of Social Justice selects a justice theme with the help of the wider St. John’s community. This theme is then explored with the assistance of national and international scholars.
For 2023–24, the chair has selected the theme of “Ecology and the Marginalized” with the title “Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor”—a statement from the Encyclical Letter, Laudato si', of Pope Francis (LS 49).
This theme will be explored in a series of six presentations, with one from each of six continents (i.e., Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America). Using Zoom, we will bring together young people/students from each of the continents who will present on the results of climate abuse in their area and its harmful effects on the poor. These international students will be placed in dialogue with a group of students from St. John’s who are interested in matters of ecology and its effects on the marginalized. Each group of students will be led by a mentor from their respective university.
For the February 8 session, St. John’s students will be in dialogue with students from Tangaza University College in Kenya. Visit www.stjohns.edu/VCSJ to register and for more information.