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- Instructions for RED End-of-Cycle Performance Reviews
At St. John’s University, our accomplishments result from our commitment to our strategic priorities: to ensure student success, recruit and retain the best employees, enhance our teaching and learning environment, and expand global and community partnerships. One of the ways we manage employee success is with a comprehensive and cyclical performance management process called Recognize Excellence and Development (RED).
A new RED performance cycle begins every June, and ends the following May. Today’s communication serves as a reminder that the 2018–19 performance cycle ended on May 31, 2019, and includes the steps you need to take to close out the year. Participation from both employees and supervisors is vital to achieve a smooth year-end review process; timely and effective communication is key.
First, employees should reflect on the successes and challenges they faced throughout the year, and use the RED form as a self-assessment tool to record their accomplishments. Next, supervisors should review the employee self-assessments and finalize each RED form by adding the required ratings and feedback to each section. The completed forms should then be forwarded to the department’s Vice President/Dean for approval.
NOTE: The Office of Human Resources must maintain a hard copy of each signed performance review for every eligible employee.
The performance review process gives managers an opportunity to formally acknowledge their employees’ performance and discuss future development. Open and honest dialogue throughout this process promotes continued performance improvement.
Visit the Human Resources Services webpage to find links to the year-end assessment form, an explanation of the rating scale with examples, a training PowerPoint with web entry directions for supervisors, and further instructions to guide you through the year-long performance management cycle.
1. Employees complete self-assessments on RED forms. | 6/10/19 through 6/13/19 | Employees |
2. Supervisors complete RED forms for each direct report. | 6/17/19 through 7/11/19 | Supervisors |
3. Supervisors discuss proposed ratings with department heads for review and approval. | 6/17/19 through 7/11/19 | Supervisors |
4. Conduct RED meetings and communicate rating. | 7/1/19 through 7/25/19 | Supervisors |
5. VPs, deans, managers, and supervisors enter ratings into UIS. | Before 7/31/2019 | VPs, deans, managers, and supervisors |
6. VPs, deans, managers, and supervisors submit signed original RED forms to Human Resources. | No later than 7/31/19 | VPs, deans, managers, and supervisors |
Our Human Resources Services team is available to assist you throughout the RED preparation process. You may contact your HR Services representative directly:
Karen Crowley 718-990-1502
Nancy Santos 718-990-2445
Cynthia Fico Simpson 718-990-6333
Thank you for your commitment to providing meaningful feedback to your employees through RED.