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- Call for Symposium Session Proposals
Teaching Narratives Symposium: Engaging Digital Learners
St. John's University
June 13, 2019
Deadline for proposal submission: May 1, 2019
To submit a proposal, click here.
Sponsored by the Office of Online Learning and Services, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and the University Libraries at St. John’s University, the symposium is a full-day event for faculty to share their stories that highlight teaching practices which promote ways to successfully engage digital learners. For the purposes of this symposium, digital learners are those students that we teach in a technology-mediated environment. Not sure if this means you? Some great idea starters and definitions can be found at the Hybrid Pedagogy Journal.
The Teaching Narratives Symposium Planning Committee seeks proposals for each of the concurrent session types defined below. Concurrent break-out sessions provide participants the opportunity to explore some of the inventive pedagogical work being done by their St. John’s colleagues. Sessions are 60 minutes in length, which includes 10 to 15 minutes for Q&A.
Interactive Sessions are workshops that focus on sharing, modeling, and discussing innovative practices in teaching and learning, while allowing for interaction with and among session participants. These sessions include both the “how to” and the “why it works” in either the online or the face-to-face classroom.
Information Sessions are designed to inform participants of innovative design, implementation, and results of practical experiential research focused on teaching and learning at St. John’s University.
Panel Sessions involve two to four faculty members who offer their approach to the same topic, issue, challenge, or solution, but from different perspectives and/or disciplines. With one presenter as moderator, panel sessions allow for discussion among the panelists and facilitate open dialogue with audience participants. The moderator asks a clear set of predetermined questions, which should be included in the proposal submission.
All proposal submissions must include a clear plan for engaging the symposium audience, as well as specified goals and objectives for the session.
Coauthored submissions, as well as proposals that include students as copresenters, are welcome.
Submission Process
Individuals interested in submitting a session proposal are required to provide participants' contact information, a session title, a brief abstract (200 words or less), plan for engagement, and learning objectives for the session. Proposals must be submitted by April 12, 2019. To submit a proposal, click here.
Proposals will be blind peer reviewed by members of the Teaching Narratives Symposium Planning Committee: Vibhuti Arya, Elizabeth Ciabocchi, Tess Dussling, Caroline Fuchs, Aleksandr Gevorkyan, Tara King, Raeann Kyriakou, Belenna Lauto, Cynthia Phillips, Michael Rizzo, and Sharon See.
Applicants will be notified about acceptance by May 3, 2019.
Questions about the submission process should be directed to Laura Andrews at [email protected]; 718-990-3926.